The Pure Truth Restored

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Jan.-Apr. 2010  | Spring Issue  | Vol. 6, No. 18

A Heroic Quest

An Audio Message From the Publisher:

This is Hank Scott, for The Pure Truth Restored...

    Unsung heroes who sacrifice their all, giving their lives in the quest for military or political advantage, religious or scientific discovery or dominance, even emergency or rescue service to their fellow man, woman, child or animal, though commonplace are still a fairly rare breed.

    In this age of man-made terrors, violence, mistake and contrivance the world honors its heroes with many accolades and awards.

    Just as often, however, warmongers are given "humanitarian" and "peace" prizes -- confusion and deception are labeled "genius" or "brilliance" -- governmental thieves and liars are praised, given monetary support and voted into high offices of trust with many perks, much power and undeserved honors.

    Rarest of all is the true hero whose noble quest is pilloried, condemned and attacked by an ignorant, unheeding, self-righteous, arrogant and vindictive populace.

    Foolishness and stupidity, on the other hand, are often praised, or at least tolerated by those they actually harm; the majority who are without any trace of true wisdom or understanding.

"Work" For the Jobless

    Recently I saw a man whose choice of work was indeed a foolish one, yet their place in the world of commerce is not questioned, while the reliance on government "welfare" for such people to be able to exist upon the hard work and efforts of others, is largely unnoticed and unrecognized.

    This man does his work, when there is any work to be had; but mostly he just sits or stands idly, waiting in hopeful but mostly vain anticipation.

    In this present-day world of sneakers, tennis shoes, suede or patent leather shoes, the job of a shoeshine "boy" (man or woman) is about as necessary as a hangnail.

    Despite this, there are still barber shops where such a man sits in a corner, occasionally making feeble attempts to solicit business, which only rarely rewards him -- or possibly even her -- with work or satisfaction, for a job that is mostly non-existent.

    Doubtless such a mendicant or beggar must subsist upon the "generosity" of government, such as welfare predicated upon limited income, despite the fruitless endeavor of a mostly needless and antiquated job.

    The disincentive of losing such indolence payouts -- should income rise above a set poverty level -- is a powerful monetary narcotic in this world of "social security" and "welfare" addicts.

    Although highly inapt, encouraged idleness such as this is actually praised and condoned, by a world were "having a job" is regarded as the thing to do, regardless of the lack of necessity, redundancy or idle waste of time the "work" represents.

Unrewarded Work

    There is another vocation that, conversely, is rarely rewarded -- that anyone daring to engage in is constantly condemned, accused or attacked, despite the crying and urgent need for their lifesaving efforts.

    Unlike the mostly idle shoeshine person, the tasks for this job are hard, prolonged and constant, yet are as necessary as they are thankless and unrewarded, in a world where idle "jobs" are praised but such jobless hard work is called "irresponsible" and "vagrancy".

    Such is the quest for real truth, wisdom and understanding -- the very essence of true salvation -- in a world hell-bent on destruction and slavery, now misconstrued as "freedom" (which is anything but, in reality).

    The work of researching, writing, publishing and distributing freely such efforts are considered foolhardy tasks, and anyone dedicating their life to this largely thankless work is soon villified, rejected and accused of wrongdoing.

    In a carnal age such as this, such effort is not only disrespected, highly condemned and pilloried, it is often abused and mainly disparaged.

    Yet whoever bravely dedicates their life to such a task, and perseveres to the end, will receive a far greater reward than all the bitterness, pain, and anguish they must face during this lifetime.

    With what could you compare the glory of the first resurrection from the dead?

    Whoever qualifies for it will shine like the stars of heaven, live forever, and serve a vital role in the only truly perpetual government of peace and true freedom that will then exist on earth.

    To have a hand, and play a part, in this life-preserving, blessed and glorious near-future reality is reward enough, regardless what must be endured to reach that worthy goal.

    This is a reward you also can gain, if you are willing to share a small regular offering, by sacrificing a tiny portion of your income, comfort or possessions in support of anyone engaged in this splendid and magnificent, extremely rare task of personal sacrifice.

    That is the work of a true, but mostly unrecognized, heroic quest which you can join whenever and however you like, and by doing so you too can receive a true prophet's reward -- if you so choose.

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