The Pure Truth Restored

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Mar. 2013 – May 2013  | Spring Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 28

A Pre-Posthumous Letter To My Offspring (or: Some Modern Proverbs To Live By)

    To be read someday, prior to or after my passing, by any child, grandchild, or related offspring of mine...

    So often wrong things are said of others, even while they are still alive, and long after they are dead, that I thought it best to try and "set the record straight" for posterity.

    You who are reading this, if you are counted among my children, or their offspring, or are in any way peripherally interested, should know a few things, and have answers to some questions, I will one day not be here to answer.

    Hopefully I can do my part in sharing the following insights with you before that inevitable day.

    There are things about your grandparents, great-grandparents and other related forebears I would have liked to be able to share with you, but cannot.

    Mainly this is because the day arrives much sooner than expected when they are no longer here and available to answer questions, give their input, or otherwise enlighten their children, grandchildren and other offspring.

    Particularly, as in most cases, when they are taken before those whose lifelong interest in their heritage reach the age of reason, or think to ask and learn, is this circumstance more regrettable.

Lost Legacy

    I see, in my own children, the same selfish preoccupation with life that I had when young, little realizing the day would arrive when they would like to know more intimate details, memories, and stories that could not thereafter be shared, or that such things would be greatly missed in their later years.

    Those who already have children of their own may, perhaps, through their curious eyes, come to see their own parents with a new perspective, if not respect.

    Many will simply neglect to think along these lines, without realizing how they might finally come to miss and regret the time wasted, when such insights might have been gained.

    Their personal legacy, although tied to the past, is thereby cut loose from its moorings, to drift derelict in a languid sea of doldrum regrets and frustrated remonstrances over lost opportunities.

    Once gone, such things can never be restored during your lifetime, or that of your offspring, who may one day come to regret and experience the pangs of this loss.

    Others, so certain of their mistaken assumptions, rudimentary and sketchy, or entirely fictitious surmisings of things that never were, or were entirely different than presumed, will never truly know or understand what they fail to consider, or even remember.

    Yet times will come when the voices of their forebears will be poignantly missed, deeply desired yet, forever silenced, are absent and unavailable to them.

    Unless, of course, one has the foresight to put their thoughts into writing and thereby preserve them for posterity.

    That is the effort I hereby make, in some small but hopefully significant way, to pass along to my heirs the most precious gift I can bestow as a legacy: hard won understanding, wisdom and perspective, personal experiences and other related insights.

Where Your Heart Tends

    Of course, the following thoughts were not written down, or recorded as you grew and learned to become the person you are today.

    That I deeply regret, for much of your own personal history and legacy has thereby been lost to your faulty, exaggerated or even invented memories (as is true of all of us, humanly; being more fallible and less perfect than we like to believe).

    We are each shaped and molded by our utterly unique personal experiences into what we have become, and only have a deciding voice in the direction and import of our lives as we take personal responsibility over our every decision and its inevitable consequences.

    Who is to say if the road not taken, as Robert Frost wrote, is your best direction, or whether you should stay on the path well trod by those before you?

    Hidden dangers might lurk therein, for which you are ill-prepared.

    Else you might be surprised to discover a hidden, unsullied, pristine paradise awaits your arrival.

    Results will vary, there being no guarantees as to outcome or experience, other than one immutable fact:

    What you do in view of whatever you experience, depends entirely on the character you bring to the effort, and the intention and direction of your heart.

Blessings Overcome Curses

    Will you blossom in the searing heat of daylight? Or will you wilt and wither under the cold grasp of the darkest night, or vice versa?

    Much depends on how well, nobly and courageously you will have met every past challenge, as on the import of your mindset, determined by your positively or negatively influenced attitude.

    Little actions lead to large habits, difficult to change once formed.

    Whether good or not depends mostly upon how well you learn to rein, bridle and direct yourself along the walk of life, or who you carry along and allow to grasp your reins, how purposeful your intentions are, and how noble your aspirations.

    To withstand the test of time and circumstance, to result in anything worthwhile and lasting, you must exhibit and live according to the dictates of mercy over judgment, and of compassion even in the face of cruelty, oppression, or careless disregard and neglect.

    Not assuming such things where they are not overtly intended, guilefully practiced or heedlessly permitted.

    Being truthful to yourself and to others will always trump deceit and deception in the end.

    Never neglecting to look for ways to help, serve and provide for the those incapable of meeting their own needs.

    Blessing rather than cursing should be the watchword of your tongue, in which it should be oft practiced.

    This should be true, despite the example of those near you, who are less careful in what they say or do.

    Should they slip, forgiveness makes allowances for all those times their restraint and inner strength won but went unnoticed by you, whose ears cannot hear the inner thoughts of their hearts, or their prayers and intentions.....

    Many will be the time when you will require this gift of forgiveness, and perhaps long for it from those whose opinions matter most to you, but will scarcely find its hiding place, though making a diligent search therefore.

    Be content to remember those times when you were so blessed, and forgive others even the lack of forgiveness, the failure of compassion, and the oversight of blind selfishness.

Compassion Toward Those Struggling Against Sin

    Learn to share, in whatever small or large way you are capable, your own wisdom and hard-won knowledge with those who matter most to you, or who are to come after you, for only in your posterity will your existence truly live on and bless in any significant way those not yet alive.

    Avoid all corrupt, vile, evil, selfish, violent, or otherwise carnal forms of communication, gossip, news, entertainment, musical lyrics, reading matter, associations, or friendships; which can only lead inevitably to heartbreak, disaster, catastrophe, or ultimate destruction for all who indulge, and immerse themselves, or wallow therein, like a hog contented with its soiled sty.

    Communicate often with those who share a sense of compassion, appreciation of forgiveness, and desire to help and serve in ways beyond our human reasoning or understanding, in following the guidance, direction and command of a power higher than any carnal man's or woman's; present, past or future.

    Preserve history in advance, by making an effort to record the present and past of your personal experience, as truthfully, faithfully and factually as possible, even if this might present your own life as something less than perfect, good or well-intentioned.

    How often have you thought ill of others for those things, thoughts or actions of which you have yourself either previously or thereafter been guilty?

    Let your compassion toward the foibles and faults of others match that of your forgiveness toward your own mistakes, sins and omissions, so long as they are sorrowful, willing to, and make an effort to change, even if they fail or fall repeatedly in the effort.

    No babe in arms ever learned to walk without many unsuccessful first attempts.

    Above all, look to that higher power in humble obedience -- through worshipful awe, respect and admiration -- for guidance, direction and assistance in steering the feeble vessel of your life past the many inevitable dangerous shoals and hidden reefs, to safe and bounteous harbors.

    For in His strength, compassion, providence and forgiveness alone lies the assurance and preservation of your blessings.

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