The Pure Truth Restored

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Dec-Feb 1984 A.R. (2014-15) | Expanded Winter Issue | Vol. 10, No. 38

A Voice In The Wilderness...

    Who or what is the actual fulfillment of the prophesied prophet similar to EliYahv, or the Baptist, preparing the Way before the Messiah’s return to rule over the entire earth?

    How will you know when you have heard it, and if so, what should your response to that message be?

    And what is this wilderness, anyway?

    It is something more than family, friends, community or national-political, even religious affiliations.

The Wilderness In Which We Now Live

    Each child born into this world enters a wilderness of sorts, where they must learn to survive, thrive or perish in the attempt.

    What child’s parents willingly abandon it to feed and fend for itself?

    If they are unable to provide for the needs of their own children, parents will at least strive to find someone able and willing to do so, who will not abuse, neglect or mistreat their children.

    That isn’t always possible, in a world where predators come in all shapes and sizes, some of whom strut about wearing “official” uniforms, displaying badges, brandishing deadly weapons, or sitting on benches and judging others as unworthy of protecting their basic rights to life, happiness, property, or liberty.

Ancient And Recent Prophecies

    There are two clues in the Savior’s prophecy of things to come, in these days and this time, which alone cut through all the confusion, religious fraud, deception, lies and heresy posing as “truth” of every flavor, denomination, and popular (or not) teaching.

    It is something you will see lacking in all but the sole true, and only, modern fulfillment of the end-time prophecies of scripture.

    What did the Savior say, that so many have missed, misunderstood or mistakenly cast aside as “unimportant” in the daily affairs of humanity, even in relation to their supposed “true” religious faith?

    When the disciples asked Yahvsave (the Savior’s true name) about the prophecies concerning a return of the prophet EliYahv in the end-time, to “prepare the way” (“Isaiah” 40:3; “Malachi” 3:1, 4:5; “Matthew” 3:3; Luke 1:76) before the Savior’s second coming, He replied:

    “To be sure EliYahv will come and restore all things. But I tell you Eliyahv has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands” (“Matthew” 17:11).

    As the parallel account says:

    “To be sure, EliYahv does come first, and restores all things. Why then is it written that the Son of Man must suffer much and be rejected? But I tell you, EliYahv has come, and they have done to him everything they wished, just as it is written about him” (Mark 9:12-13).

    The disciples understood that the “EliYav” who had already come was the Savior’s cousin Yahvhanan the Baptist (the name “John” is an English corruption, similar to the German Johann, pronounced Yohann, of this name; “Matthew” 17:18).

    The highlight of this man’s ministry was that of a man living an austere life, who was eventually thrown into prison for political expediency, by the corrupt, sinful ruling religious and secular authorities of his time, and eventually executed for daring to call upon them to repent of their sins.

    The fact that this man was beheaded is, like the French Revolutionary period in more recent times, a prophecy of the time when the beast’s temporary kingdom over all the earth in the near future will result in those who refuse to accept his corrupt and evil dominion being beheaded (or guillotined), once again (Revelation 13:7; 20:4).

Prior To The Two Witnesses

    So what are the two things that reveal who, what and where the work of a modern fulfillment of this prophecy is to be found in this day and age?

    The man who represents and prepares the way before the true Savior’s return to earth, like the Baptist, is not EliYahv himself; at least not at first.

    There were actually two prophets who were “translated” -- or removed from the earth -- so that they did not see death; one was Enoch from before the great worldwide flood of Noah’s age, and the other was EliYahv from after the flood (Genesis 5:24; II Kings 2:11; Hebrews 11:5).

    Likewise, there will be two witnesses (the very same prophets, returning to earth in this age) who will oppose the beast and false prophet with miraculous curses, just as Moses and his brother Aaron stood before and opposed Egypt’s pharaoh at the time of the exodus.

    This will serve the same purpose, that of rescuing the faithful elect from the clutches of the hateful, abusive, murderous, falsely accusing adversary and his children of this world’s nations, and delivering them safely into the promised land of the Savior’s Kingdom (through death and resurrection).

    Just prior to all this, however, there would be another prophetic fore type of this persecuted ministry, led and taught by a man -- like the Baptist -- whose teachings are hated, persecuted and himself attacked, incarcerated, abused, tortured and all but killed by the secular “authorities” of this end age.

Restore What?

    Why all this antipathy?

    This is simply because this man’s message and very real prophecies are rejected by the world as a whole, and even by other religious leaders and their fearful followers.

    This is the one thing no other religious “ministry” in this age teaches, all of which look backward so intently they miss the major truth going forward into the beasts’ waiting clutches!

    Notice now, perhaps for the very first time, the Savior’s specific words of prophecy concerning this man and his ministry:

    “To be sure, EliYahv does come first, and restores all things (Mark 9:12; cf. “Matthew” 17:11; bold and underline emphasis added).

    Whoa, just a minute there!

    Restores all what things? And what does “restore” mean?

    For anything to be restored it must first have been taken away and be lacking.

    In relation to the knowledge and wisdom of truth, this would mean that every religion claiming to be the modern descendant of an ages old religious tradition, carried down more or less intact through the ages, must be wrong and a fraud!

    Otherwise, there would be no need for this prophesied restoration, or rejection of falsehood to embrace the actual pure truth in this end age.

    This entails something much more meaningful than a mere “revival” of some centuries old religious tradition, or even a protesting revolution against persecuting religious despots centuries ago.

The Revelations Of Restoration

    Restoration, as the Apostles well-knew, is an act and the will of our Almighty Creator Himself, not that of some mere mortal man (Acts 3:21)!

    As such, this work of restoration will be as starkly contrasted with the religions and their popular leaders, posing as purveyors of “truth” to this age, who will oppose it violently, as the court magicians and fakers of Egypt did before pharaoh, in attempting to imitate and falsify the miracles performed before him by Moses and his brother Aaron.

    This can only mean that so much of the pure truth of scripture has been hidden from view, obscured, rejected and ignored -- mistranslated or misinterpreted -- so that it seems strange, “heretical” and “false” to all who are not called, chosen, or counted among the elect few who do understand, accept, rejoice over and embrace this ancient wisdom.

    It reveals that anyone, and everyone, attempting to proclaim their own brand of heresy as “truth,” by embracing age-old religious traditions, or by inventing entirely new, modernistic religious “works,” are simple deceived and utterly false.

Hidden Behind A Veil

    The restored truth, like a shattering and ear-splitting lightning bolt blazing from earth to the sky nearby, lights up the darkened nighttime of the present age with a blinding brilliance that most will fear and flee!

    How many know about and embrace the Savior’s true and only name of salvation (Yahvsave), which alone can lead you to real, actual salvation, compared to all those who teach so many different (and therefore obviously false) versions of their own “truth,” in the selfsame name of “Christianity’s” alleged “messiah,” for instance (cf. Acts 4:12)?

    Did the Creator really abandon something so pivotal and important to the process of actual salvation to the idolators, to sully and besmirch with their every pagan idolatrous rituals, murderous crusades, and deceitful proselytizing campaigns?

    Or did He instead conceal His glorious truth behind a veil, in a most sacred inner chamber hidden from sight, that could not be entered other than once by a single man (each year, or age), who alone carries the blood of atonement for cleansing the sins of the repentant, elect few?

    That man, of course, is the Savior alone.

    Only He can determine who will bear His banner of pure truth to any age, the single man who -- like Savel of Tarsus, despite his attempts to eradicate and nullify the Savior’s true purpose, at first -- could and would respond to His calling, and despite persecution, prosecution, and imprisonment, spread the word about this revelation to his age.

    This is yet another prophecy of the true end-time ministry of restoration of all things pure and true, which only one ministry in this age has ever dared teach, with similar opposition, persecution, prosecution and imprisonment, in traveling far and wide to spread the word of this restoration to a largely unheeding and hostile nation and world!

Restored Pure Truths

    Such a ministry started with the teaching that apostles, prophets and true teachers -- including authorship, or publishing of new scriptures in this age -- are not mere dusty relics of a past and neglected faith.

    Rather they are the epitome of what it means, under the acronym which reflects this foundational truth, to be APT to teach” (I Timothy 3:2; II Timothy 2:24).

    Teach what?

    First and foremost, the Savior’s true and only name by which we can be saved (along with obedience to the entire Law of the Creator’s Commandments, Statutes and Judgments, which are the only way to salvation open to you; cf. “Malachi” 4:4; “Matthew” 3:2; Luke 1:77), followed by the true and only restored sacred calendar, sabbaths and commanded Feast, Fast and New-Cycle Sabbaths, according to the yearly seasons in which they occur.

    Next, the truths concerning the continued importance of the Laws given through Moses (“Malachi” 4:4, 6; Luke 1:17), including those dealing with caring for one’s own elderly parents, avoiding uncleanness in diet, environment and personal hygiene, telegony and polygeny (as opposed to polygamy), and even the prophetic nature of the signs of the constellations and what they reveal about you personally, and the age in which we now live.

    Primarily, this ministry teaches the pure truth about the major idols of this age, which are false religion, science (medical and evolutionary) fiction, entertainment, the press and “news” media, governments and other political institutions (chief executives, congresses or legislatures, and the courts), institutions of education and their teachers, professors and instructors, and even the banks and monetary agents provocateur.

Living Prophecies Restored

    In an age so locked into the pagan “Christian” religious traditions of idolatry, in which even the bible itself is worshiped as a supposed “living Word,” despite its many flaws, mistranslations and lacks, how could such wisdom be acceptable, popular, respected or generally believed?

    Even the so-called secular “authorities” embrace, endorse, and thereby supposedly “legitimize” such things as the flawed Roman calendar (whether “Julian” or “New Style”), which the entire western world accepts as the “only” way to determine time, or understand prophecy.

    The work of restoration also reveals the actual times of forgiveness, or seven year periods during which agriculture should allow the land to rest, and the Yavbel (“Jubilee”) periods when all debts and encumbrances should be released and forgiven, along with the truths about monetary, judicial and political fraud, lies and corporate idolatry.

    The ministry of the end-time “EliYahv” -- like that of the Baptist -- is also a prophetic one, in both understanding ages old prophecies, and in living prophecies in this time that have already and are coming true, as the world and its religions sleep on in utter ignorance of these miraculous signs and occurrences!

Crying Out: "Repent, And Save Yourself!"

    The pure truth alone has restored and understands the actual prophesied time of the Savior’s eventual return as taking place within 2,000 years of His death and resurrection, not birth, in fulfillment of the prophecy of “Hosea” 6:2 (as interpreted by II “Peter” 3:8), in reference to when the first and second resurrections will occur.

    Finally, the pure truth teaches that future resurrection, not living on as a spirit after death or even “reincarnation,” is the sole means by which salvation and judgment will take place, and that the Savior’s (Lamb’s) wedding supper will happen before the heavenly throne, prior to His return to rule over all nations, peoples, families and languages on earth!

    Like the Baptist, such a ministry is crying out -- through these very words -- in the largely pagan and deceived religious wilderness of the worldwide Internet to this present largely uncomprehending, information age glutted with trivial nonsense, worthless hype, entertainment sludge, and pornographic licentiousness, for you to repent and save yourself from these evil times, in which we are barely living and mostly dying.

    ...Not unlike the age in which the Savior first appeared, to confront and oppose the insanities of which human nature, religious and secular “authorities,” and the common people, are all liable to, then as now.

How Will You Respond?

    You have now heard this voice, calling for you to repent, be baptized with the true spirit of humility, teachableness, joy, and obedience to the Creator’s every Law, Commandment, Statute, Judgment and Word, and thereby save yourself from this evil generation!

    Will you escape the fatal lures and traps of the wilderness of this age, by responding to that calling, to join the elect spiritual virgins to patiently await, with the oil of the true Spirit to light the lamp of your heart and mind, the Savior’s imminent return?

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