The Pure Truth Restored

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April-May 2014 | Spring | Vol. 10, No. 35

A World Turned Right-Side Up

    You live in an upside-down world in which vested powers strive against their own unworkable concepts to control what they cannot conceive, destroy what they refuse to believe, and enslave what they utterly reject as wrong, "evil" and lawless against flawed rules, regulations and idolatrous statutes held and enshrined with religious fervor.

    To right such a world seems entirely wrong and topsy-turvy to those accustomed to living their entire lives putting misplaced trust and faith in "the system" and "powers" that be.

A Wrong-Side Up World

    The existence of might, however temporary and fleetingly fickle its political affiliations may be, is mistaken as indicating the "rightness" of its purposes.

    Truth is often concealed behind false facades of whitewashed lies, half-truths, mistaken misinterpretations, falsehoods and conceits.

    Right-side up is not the same thing as prevailing rationalizations or fervently believed articles and tenets of idolatrous faith.

    A world that is wrong-side up inevitably extolls theft, destruction, death and mayhem as the "social order" du jure, while everything that would dispel the darkness and avoid the chaos is detested, vilified and eschewed as unacceptable.

Illegitimate Marriage

    That which is unbelievable, regardless how true and right it is, will always be rejected so long as ignorance poses as erudition and arrogance masquerades as correctness.

    The supposed "learned" scholars are all unschooled in actual truth, other than to know how to hate and oppose it at every turn.

    The most natural and normal things are vilified and opposed under false names, associated with concepts foreign to them, while that which is actually detestable is practiced with jaundiced disregard and seeming abandon.

    In a world in which there are more females than males born, and surviving childhood, who live longer than males, yet each being taught to expect her very own exclusive mate, men are expected to be monogamist, with civil laws reflecting insane and unworkable precepts, by lumping polygyny under the "outlawed," confused category known incorrectly as polygamy.

    The latter includes women having more than one marriage to multiple males, polygamy meaning multiple marriages.

    The former restricts the meaning to having more than one woman or wife in an ongoing legitimate sexual union, which does not necessarily embrace the concept of state-issued marriage licenses.

    Legitimate because, to date, there are no civil laws against this practice. Yet even if there were, declaring what is normal and natural to be "unlawful" -- much like attempting to "outlaw" growing a plant that occurs naturally in creation, due to the possibility of it being used to create a drug, such as marijuana but strangely not poppies, which are used to create opiates -- such laws would themselves be illegitimate.

Non-Certified Birth

    For thousands of years, in fact, most of your ancestors were not married under any state-issued marriage licenses, but rather under those issued by their church or religion, a practice now generally disrespected, if not outright opposed by state actors behaving under a growing sense of some assumed despotic "right" of control over all areas of your private life.

    Today such unions of husband and wife might even be judged "illegitimate" by comparison, and most public-fooled children are taught to accept edicts from "above" as the status quo, rarely to be questioned and never to be "disobeyed."

    Similarly for generations there was no such thing as a birth certificate, with most births recorded in church registers, or in personal bibles kept by the parents of their children, passed down from one generation to the next.

    Fires and other disasters could, of course, wipe out such records, so it was felt that using county clerks to record and hold such records in safes for public retrieval was preferable, which soon morphed into state governments assuming the "necessity" of registering such births and issuing "certificates" to obtain other forms of state-issued identification.

Enslaved By The Idol State

    What nearly everyone little suspects is that this entire charade is nothing less than a modern form of "voluntary" slavery, in which real men and women, before they are of full age and able to decide such things for themselves, are converted by their own parents into negotiable instruments in the records of each civil state, against which a lien can be placed, so long as somebody identifies with the fictional straw man or woman by standing as surety for its alleged debts, penalties, fines, fees, taxes and incarcerations.

    Even parents seeking to avoid this stigma on behalf of their children will find that once they become adults, under deluded and mistaken notions of state worship so universally followed and practiced today, they often opt to obtain such state registration and papers to be "allowed" to do what they are already free to do without license, restriction or legitimately lawful opposition.

    Indeed, the whole world "wonders" after this bestial system of control and enslavement, thinking they are "free" and acting under their own volition, while they are actually coerced, pressured and falsely misrepresented -- by those who assume it to be "the law" when in fact it is not -- into falsely believing this to be required and mandatory.

    Such as so-called social "security," which is neither compulsory nor secure, from the changing dictates of those attempting to legislate and administer this Ponzi scheme in "legitimate" state-regulated disguise.

Socialist Flaw

    One thing about the idol state is true, it is never idle when it comes to finding new and more onerous ways to rob you of true liberty, and prevent you from ever being truly free from its greedy grasp.

    This is tied directly to yet another fraudulent social scheme, that of state-created, condoned or controlled creation and issuing of fiat currency as alleged "money" -- that can be easily and cheaply inflated into worthlessness -- a debt forced upon the public on behalf of extra-governmental profiteers known as bankers, used to lien the property, liberty and lives of all who foolishly trust in this invention of greedy, avaricious thieves posing as public benefactors.

    How many must starve because lifeless pieces of paper posed as "persons" -- or corporations -- in courts of flaw (faux law), and the groups of people representing them, are given the "right" to gobble up and control vast natural resources, including water, vegetation and minerals, while dispossessing those too poor or politically and socially unconnected from their liberty and property, or even their very lives?

    Lawless and criminal acts for men or women acting individually are often ignored, condoned, or tolerated when they act together with many others under their hierarchy of control, who are usually enriched and rewarded for selfish acts of tyranny, pillage and robbery, as they raid and destroy retirement trust funds and similar obligations, even obliterating the jobs and companies that pay them handsome princely sums for their "services."

    The entire economy stands or falls on the last sucker in line principle of gambling over stocks, commodities and natural resources. A sort of casino of investments where most people lose and few gain, in the quest to secure their financial "fortunes" against the rising tide of inevitable collapse in prices, values, quality and social order.

Righting Wrong

    Turning such an upside-down world as this right-side up will be no easy task, made all the more difficult by violent opposition from those with the most interests vested in it continuing as long as possible in their favor.

    Like the corporations which have no political allegiance to any single nation or its laws, an increasing number of individuals are opting out of citizenship or ties to any single nation or location, becoming mobile and keeping most of their assets outside jurisdictions where they live and work, to shield them from grasping laws of the would-be confiscators and their teams of lawyers, emboldened by an avalanche of laws over which avaricious and/or power-crazed judges preside and pontificate.

    These are in turn are empowered by a phalanx of argumentative, conniving, self-serving legislators and executives, conspiring together to "legitimize" selfish interests of power-brokers and lobbyists acting on behalf of their corporate clients.

    Tying it all together are the false religions, including education and its alleged "evolutionary" concept of mostly fictional science -- and so-called medicine destructively hurting, harming and destroying -- like some army of conquest bent on absolute control and domination over all contrary knowledge, deemed unacceptable or illegitimate by fiat.

    Erroneous faiths, like manufactured and made-to-order history, are the means by which most men and women are deceived into following destructive paths, both for themselves and their families and countries, and particularly for those who oppose their collective insanity, politics or ignorant and arrogant presumptions.

Distractions, Misconceptions And Myths

    Entertainments often reflect, and usually incite or lead the way, for such wrong-headed, hard-hearted, antagonistic, self-justifying ideas that extoll vigilanteism, supposed "self-sufficiency," and survival of the most violent and predatory.

    Others promote the often unworkable and fictional concepts of situation ethics, where the ends justify the means, or support the idea that undisciplined, rude, obnoxious men or women -- including or especially those who are vile, evil or mentally unhinged -- are able to prevail against all odds, despite the actual reality of events, society, friends and relations behaving antisocially or selfishly, such that these stories somehow lead ultimately to desired ends and blessed results.

    Saddened, cheered, challenged, frightened or mesmerized by such fictional presentations, few dare question how they are manipulated into feeling and thinking along the paths so carefully conceived, executed and laid out for them, according to the formulas and intentions of the creators.

    Even fewer acknowledge or recognize the ways in which they are subconsciously and subliminally influenced into supporting or condoning most of this age's distractions, misconceptions and myths unquestioningly, or at least without any voice or ability to stand firmly against evils that threaten us all, and individually, with eventual extinction, absent a saving power and authority from outside and superior to this world's nations, powers and armed forces.

Blinding Light Of The Pure Truth

    Such a Savior does indeed exist, and will soon intervene in worldly affairs, to set them right-side up at long last.

    Not before a major false "savior" first rears its contrived militaristic head of conquest over all nations on earth, of course.

    What else could be expected from such a backwards, flawed age and system of controls, growing increasingly more despotic and grasping with every passing day?

    The light of the pure truth is far too blinding to those denizens of evil unaccustomed to any light ever shining on their nefarious activities.

    The topsy-turvy world they know and think is "normal" will one day soon be turned back right-side up, much to their consternation and chagrin.

    You'll either need to become accustomed to this light, or remain blinded to reality, and miss out entirely on all its blessings to come!

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