The Pure Truth Restored

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Sept-Nov 2013  | Feast Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 32

Amazing Pure Truth About Radioactivity

    There is a shocking revelation about radioactivity that you've probably never been told or taught.

    Why not?

    Simply because modern science is more fiction than fact, while those who teach it are largely ignorant of this pure truth, and secretly want to remain this way.

    Teachers cannot teach what they themselves have never learned, after all.

    Let's examine the subject of radioactivity from a purely logical viewpoint, to see what is revealed, once you have the discerning eyes to see it, and ears willing to hear these facts in a new and more accurate context.

Mystical Radioactivity?

    All too often the subject of radioactivity is taught with a sort of mystical reverence, rather than on the basis of factual evidence.

    This is mainly because the source of radioactivity is largely denied by modern science, for reasons that will quickly become apparent; reasons that are based in false religious faith more than so-called "scientific reason."

    It is presumed, for instance, that radioactivity decays at a steady rate at all times and places, and that things can be dated by means of measuring the levels of radioactivity present, based on so-called radioactive half-life.

    This is pure rubbish and absolutely false, as you are about to see.

    It ignores one fundamental truth every school child knows, even though they are not aware of how to apply this reasoning to the nonfactual teachings of the religion of science fiction evolution, to reveal its flaws and fallacies.

    False religions are like that, resisting all factual evidence to the contrary, while attempting to maintain faith in a false religious paradigm.

    Nowhere is this more true than in the utterly ruinous and false teachings of evolution.

Harmful Energy

    Here's the one blatant fact everyone is ignoring, while it is admitted openly without comprehending the import of this scientific evidence: radioactivity can be created instantly, by means of nuclear explosions, or by exposure to radioactive elements.

    In short, non-radioactive things can become radioactive when exposed to radioactivity long enough, or at high enough doses or exposures.

    What this shows us is that energy, whether it is radioactive in nature or not, is at the heart and core of everything that exists, and this energy can be transformed, changed, or transmuted from one form of energy into another.

    Radioactivity just happens to be one manifestation of the release of energy that proves harmful for living things, from plants to animals, and people as well, causing deadly life-destroying cancers, lesions, sickness, illness and eventually death.

    This much we all know and admit (except for medical doctors who still play with this form of fire, falsely believing it is "therapeutic" or "life saving," even as it actually only destroys and kills).

    Now here's something you might first think of as heretical or false, but give it some serious thought before you make up your mind and come to any firm opinion or conclusion one way or the other...

Flawed, Unscientific Belief

    If radioactivity can be created or released almost instantly, it can also be eliminated with similar speed and finality.

    Just as the sudden release of radioactivity shows us that radioactive decay rates can be altered instantly by the sort of technology that creates or releases radioactivity, through human interference with nature (something that is not the sole province of the modern world, and also existed anciently, although the evidence of this has been largely -- but not entirely -- lost to history), so also can radioactivity be eliminated once the means for doing so has been discovered and implemented.

    Although you might not accept or believe this statement at face value, one such means and method has already been discovered, which the scientific community has largely ignored or pretends doesn't exist.

    This is probably due to what it reveals about the false foundation of most evolutionary "science" opinion, faith and dogma.

    When faced with such facts, many in the realm of science choose fiction over factual evidence, to maintain their false front of faith in the flawed and unscientific belief in what is actually the religion of humanistic evolution.

Solving The Radioactive Dilemma

    So how, exactly, can radioactivity be eliminated?

    When one form of radioactivity is exposed to another, higher form of radioactivity, this can actually almost instantly transform the half-life or rate of radioactive decay, thereby transmuting one radioactive "element" into another.

    In short, when radioactive elements are exposed to other radioactive elements, they can be transformed into different radioactive elements with shorter half-lifes, almost instantaneously.

    Done in proper stages, any form of radioactivity can be reduced to far less harmful radioactive elements that would decay (release all of their radioactive energy) into harmless elements once again, in fairly short order.

    The fact that instantaneous creation or release of radioactive energy is taught and known to exist, without the understanding that there also exists the possibility of the near instantaneous reversal of this process, is ludicrous and borders on delusional thinking.

    This should be evident to even the simplest of minds, if it were only taught to impressionable grade school children with the same alleged "authority" that evolutionary science fiction is now indoctrinated into those same receptive but uninformed minds.

Radioactive Reality 101

    Once accepted as fact, the reality of radioactivity -- and what it reveals of nature as a teeming universe of creative energy able to be transmuted from one form into another, with intelligent direction and input, once the secrets to this process are uncovered, revealed and understood -- the utter falsity of evolutionary dogma would finally be exposed for the delusion of false religion it actually is.

    What "science" presently sees as a delusional belief in miracles would also quickly be understood as possible and true, rather than the product of irrational thinking, as presently, arrogantly presumed.

    This is the amazing pure truth about radioactivity, you have never been told or taught, which explains why this isn't likely to happen anytime soon, so long as evolutionary science fiction prevails over indisputable and undeniable creation fact.

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