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July-Aug 2013  | Special Summer Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 31

America's Dilemma

    Politics has eliminated all reason from the American government.

    Sort of like the phrase "Once a lawyer, always a liar!," politicians have fulfilled the worst possible expectations of an incredulous and rather gullible public.

    They will gravitate into increasingly far worse and more self-destructive activities before all the smoke and dust of their past fiascoes settles.

    And make no mistake about this, even the judges in the courts are politicians, behaving in entirely wrong-headed and criminal ways, for the most part.

    They fail to see this, since they are all operating under the mistaken impression of a bogus "national emergency" imposing martial rule (just short of martial law) upon Americans, under defacto military court style jurisdiction.

    This has been going on since the Civil War, when president Lincoln imposed the first Executive Order, which led to the bankster-orchestrated "banker's holiday" in 1933, in which -- unknown to most Americans -- the federal and all state governments were declared bankrupt and under receivership to the foreign "Federal" Reserve and its agents provocateur, the IRS.

Unconstitutional Wars Then And Now

    Very few, if any, of the politicians today, or at any time in the past century or more, in America have been able to clearly see the correct course of action, much less take it.

    For instance, almost none of the wars of the alleged 20th century until now (other than a few brief skirmishes with invading Mexican bandits led by Pancho Villa in 1916-17), that the United States has been involved in, have been constitutional wars in defense of America, but only wars of aggression against foreign nations that have posed no direct threat against America or its legitimate interests.

    What about Japan in World War II? -- you probably are demanding to know.

    The attack on Pearl Harbor didn't just happen because the Japanese were a bunch of suicidal idiots, despite what you may have been taught in your government-propagandized public schooling.

    They were forced into attacking their enemy, which America had become covertly by blockading Japan's access to the Suez Canal, in violation of international treaty.

    Cutting off this industrialized nation's access to oil, without which it's entire economy was crippled, was the American president Franklin Roosevelt's way and means to live up to the lie he told Americans about keeping us out of the "European war," while promising England's prime minister Churchill more than a year in advance that the United States would enter the war against the Axis of Germany and Italy (mainly).

    Japan, which was allied with both, was the "back door" into the war against the main target of Germany, and all that was needed was to provoke an act of "aggression" that could be interpreted as an "evil" act of war without apparent rhyme or reason (according to the controlled American press and other "news" propaganda media).

    No war of aggression is justifiable, and that includes actions such as the Korean, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and similar wars the United States has been, and is still, involved in around the world.

A House Divided

    Domestically, politicians have put aside all trust and faith in a higher power to guide them, and instead have relied solely upon their own faulty carnal human reasoning to create flaws (false laws), that are increasingly robbing Americans of the few precious freedoms they have left and enjoy, if they can still afford them.

    The way the tribrancal (three branches) system of government is supposed to operate, was intended to protect -- by means of "checks and balances" -- Americans against their own government, should it grow into the oppressive system of flaws and unbridled power it long since has.

    This, of course -- along with the ever-present two (and rarely three) party system -- ignored one of the more important scriptural truths, that "a house" (as in the bicameral Congress) "divided against itself cannot stand" ("Matthew" 12:25; Mark 3:24-25; Luke 11:17)!

    It may endure for a few hundred years, until its inherent evils become apparent to other nations, which will band together and finally put an end to its imperialist, aggressive, dictatorial interventions around the world.

    But its history will be littered, as it already is, with troubles and evils at home and abroad, such as the now widely recognized false flag federal government-instigated attacks against Americans in their own country, from Ruby Ridge, to Waco, Oklahoma City, New York City and Washington D.C, to name but a few of the more important and egregious.

United Socialists Of America?

    Of course the "two party system" itself is largely a pretense, a political show put on every two years for the gullible and easily deceived masses, by "parties" that in reality are actually just two faces of the same counterfeit political coin.

    They are counterfeit because all of their "planks" or promises are made strictly for show, and for gaining leverage against each other, while both work in tandem to dismantle freedom and liberty in the home of the brash and land of the thief.

    This is the sort of government you would expect if the worst offenders in all the prisons in America were turned loose and given the power and ability to rule the country.

    Prison is where most of these politicians and their cronies in crime -- the special interest lobby corporate criminals who profit from the misery and suffering they impose around the world, and here in America -- all belong.

    Which, if the courts functioned anywhere near their intended purpose, would have prevented such criminal acts as the foreign owned and operated "Federal" Reserve, its goon agents the IRS, and the unconstitutional and falsely dubbed "P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act" from ever existing.

    The fact these do in fact exist, and have been laying the foundation for a growing federal government-instigated despotism for more than a century now, is a testament to the total lack of reason among the citizens of America, most of whom think they are "United States citizens," without realizing or understanding the indentured servitude that is inherent in such a claim of so-called "privilege" (a privilege granted and revocable by the federal government).


    No longer do most Americans declare themselves to be sovereign citizens of the republic states, but rather now think of themselves as "registered voters" in the corporate States -- all mere branches of the federal beast -- that have long since unlawfully and unconstitutionally replaced the 50 constitutional republic states!

    The legislative, executive and judicial branches of government were intended to pass, operate under, and enforce only such minimal laws as were needful (not to forget constitutional) for the creation of a perfect union, to establish true justice, to insure domestic tranquility, to provide for the common defense of all the states, territories and their citizens, to promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for all generations of Americans.

    In this they have utterly failed, and are miserably incompetent at instituting, much less insuring.

    Take so-called "welfare" as a case in point.

    Unlike its root meanings of: "well-being, health, happiness, and prosperity," this word has been so twisted and corrupted from its original intent that it is now taken to mean: "maintenance of a person by statutory procedure or social mandate and effort;" i.e. financial support taken (stolen) from some and given to others who have neither worked for nor deserve it.

Lawless Modern America

    The duty of the legislative branch of the federal government (and state governments as well) was never to rubber stamp oppressive administrative policies, any more than the chief executive officer was to pretend executive orders are intended to order anything other than executive branch administration of only lawful and constitutional laws.

    While the judicial branch was never intended to impose judicial fiat or judge-created "flaw," or to execute anything other than an unbiased, impartial process by which both sides of a controversy have an equal standing to convince and sway as to the legitimacy and right of their position.

    Which is only possible in true constitutionally sanctioned civil and criminal courts, and not the martial rule courts of flaw under federal military/national guard style court jurisdiction everywhere evident in America today (the word "infractions" comes right out of the military rules of court).

    Instead, under the doctrine of supposed and alleged necessity, we now have a near total disregard for the foundational and organic law of the land (the federal and state constitutions) -- without which no other law has any precedent, sanction, or legitimacy -- by all three branches of the government.

Elected Dictatorship?

    So long as America's leaders are selected by voters rather than by our Creator -- which should be by means of casting the lot, after sincerely praying for intervention, guidance and direction from above -- America's dilemma will remain, festering and threatening to break out into national violence, and the further despotism of martial law; which looms ever more menacingly with each passing day.

    This may, of course, be perfectly acceptable to all the deceitful politicians in all three branches and two parties of what is now a de facto triarchy (three headed) or biarchy (two partied) "elected" dictatorship -- regardless of their alleged political bent or stripe.

    In either case it will certainly not bode well for any Americans who still cherish the idea, if not the reality, of real liberty and freedom (not to sin or do as we please, but rather to obey and honor the highest Laws of our Creator).

    Rather than bogus claims to both, while operating in every way and by all means available -- or temporarily acceptable short of lynch mob reaction -- you would do well instead to stand against all whose actions and intentions are so flagrantly in defiance of these sacred principles; who are, in fact, traitors to, and the domestic enemies of, the united States of America.

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