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May.-Dec. 2010  | Summer-Fall Issue  | Vol. 6, No. 19

Are You A "Repentant Sinner"?

    Sin is, at best, a nebulous or even dubious word in this "modern" age.

    There are those who believe it is merely a state of disapproval, and that by saying a few special words at the right time and place, that this condition is somehow magically changed into one of approval.

    Is it really possible to turn from sinner into saint so easily?

    There is, after all, a type of prejudice which is "positive" rather than negative, insofar as prejudice can be anything but negative in scope.

    What this means is somewhat like an entire group of people, such as a church, giving their positive approval to anyone who follows the will of the group, saying and doing what they think best suits the condition they deem "saved," and that this alone is all that is required to be absolved from sin.

    They call this condition, as they do those to whom it is ascribed, being a "repentant sinner."

Sinful Confusion

    The concept of sin is such -- being divorced from its true scriptural definition, context and meaning -- that this also embraces those who actually continue in sin, as if the meaning of "repentant" involves or includes those who temporarily confess, either openly or privately to a priest, their sins (whatever they think them to be), but continue sinning, or who make death bed confessions of faith.

    Why is there such confusion, or ignorance, concerning this subject in the minds of most laymen and women?

    Simply because they are not taught the basics concerning just what exactly sin is, and therefore what is required to truly be called repentant.

    All of which is due to avoidance of the one thing that in fact defines what sin, and therefore true repentance, actually is.

    None of which can be admitted, since it undermines the false beliefs of most religions that outwardly profess to be "bible believing" or "bible-based."

Accurately Defining Sin and Repentance

    So, what does scripture say, and what did those who wrote and preserved it know, that most modern religions have failed to understand or accept?

    This is a vital key to gaining real salvation, without which you are still in your sins and have no hope of actually achieving that desired condition, even if many others think of you as "saved" or "repentant."

    Unless you fit the scriptural requirements of these words, can you hope to be included in the number of "saints" (the elect, chosen few) of those sheep who follow their Shepherd?

    Without this knowledge you could well be one of the goats, whose independent and hostile ways earn you a place of condemnation and shame, instead of the honor and reward you expect and believe you deserve.

    The difference between those of the right hand, and those of the left, is the difference between true repentance and actual sin.

    So with this in mind, here is how sin is defined by inspired scripture:

    "Everyone who sins breaks the Law; in fact, sin is lawlessness" (I "John" 3:4, NIV).

    This embraces a concept that most modern churches and their members are loathe to even consider, much less accept.

    There is a Law that is central to the concept of sin, the breaking of which in fact defines what sin actually is.

    That Law is what most professing "saints" today reject as "Old Testament" and "done away with," or no longer necessary to either know or obey.

    This is exactly the sort of attitude toward the Law to be expected of actual sinners, or those who fail and refuse to obey and humble themselves as teachable children and servants, to embrace and follow the requirements of this Law.

    But as the Apostle, who penned the above quoted scripture, went on to say:

    "But you know that He [the Savior, Lamb or Shepherd] appeared so that He might take away our sins. And in Him is no sin. No one who lives in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen Him or knows Him" (I "John" 3:5-6).

Works Are Required!

    Contrary to those who think of "works" as totally unnecessary in their concept of the scheme of salvation, this Apostle knew and taught better. He warned:

    "Dear children, don't let anyone lead you astray. He who does what is right is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who does what is sinful is of the false accuser [devil], because the false accuser has been sinning from the beginning..." (verses 7-8a).

    So this is a spiritual Law that even the angels of heaven are expected to obey, the breaking of which is defined as sin (which is just another, scriptural in this case, word for lawbreaking).

    Those who do not believe in the Law still being in full force and effect today, therefore cannot sustain their belief that there are still sins of which we must repent, without sounding and being hypocritical.

    The Law defines what sin is, without which we would not know it, or what is expected of us to be legitimately called repentant.

    Most today misbelieve that the Savior came to do away with the Law, His Father in heaven's work, rather than His true reason for appearing on earth the first time:

    "The reason the Son of the Almighty One appeared was to destroy the false accuser's work. No one who is begotten by the Almighty One will continue to sin, because the Almighty One's seed [Spirit] remains in him; he cannot continue sinning, because he has been begotten by the Almighty One" (I "John" 3:8b-9).

    It is, in fact, the false accuser who teaches the opposite of this great truth, which encourages sinners to continue in their sins while calling them "repentant" or "saints," by teaching the Law is no longer in force, or obedience to it required, to gain salvation.

    This actually defines the difference between the sheep and the goats.

    As the Apostle went on to reveal:

    "This is how we know who the children of the Almighty One are and who the children of the false accuser are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of the Almighty One; nor is anyone who does not care for his brother" (verse 10).

    How does the Law define and command this type of obedience?

    The second greatest commandment, as taught by the Savior Himself, is this:

    "Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but care for your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18; cf. Matthew 22:35-40; Mark 12:28-31).

    Therefore your "brother" isn't just somebody who belongs to the same religion or church as you, but rather it is your neighbor that is your brother.

Some Requirements of the Law

    Ask yourself this vital question:

    In this land of so many professing "saints," how many actually care for their neighbors as they do for themselves?

    Instead, we see hatred for one's neighbor, spying on others and reporting "suspicious activities" to the so-called "authorities," and dragging one's neighbors into the courts and jails, all under the pretense of man's laws, which often declare as "illegal" that which is perfectly lawful under the Creator's Law.

    We see neighbor taking umbrage against neighbor, especially those who are poor by those who despise their poverty and hate them for "lowering the property values" of their home, chiefly, but who do nothing to help ease or relieve the suffering of their neighbor.

    We see frequent theft as another "way of life," along with double-dealing, duplicitous, lying falsehoods, barely disguised under a thin veneer of surface courtesy, especially in the course of everyday business as usual, and workers being denied full or timely payment for their efforts.

    The Law commands:

    "Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.... Do not defraud your neighbor or rob him. Do not hold back the wages of a hired man overnight" (Leviticus 19:11, 13).

    These days we hear a lot about the "rights" of those allegedly poor, who take from others by means of government confiscating property or income through taxes, to provide "welfare" for many who refuse to work.

    Likewise we also see unequal justice, especially favoring those who are rich in comparison to those who have little or nothing.

    Here is what the Law says about this:

    "Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly" Leviticus 19:15).

    Also, today gossip is rampant, and hurtful, harmful, even life-threatening actions are often taken with little or no concern about how they affect others (such as spraying the air full of noxious metals and toxins, poisoning the earth, animals, vegetation and every person living in the area, as "weather control," or perhaps even population control), including chemical pollution of water supplies, adulteration of foods with chemicals, pesticides, preservatives and other poisons, etc., as commonplace occurrences and practices.

    The Law commands, instead:

    "Do not go about spreading slander among your people. Do not do anything that endangers your neighbors life..." (Leviticus 19:16).

Modern Lawbreaking

    Today we also see "science" arrogantly attempting to jury-rig nature, manipulating DNA and combining things never intended to be combined, in the insane quest to make a "better" creation than we have been given, as though man knows best, rather than following the apparent will of his Creator.

    This is, of course, all proffered as a solution to drought, starvation, disease and death (all of which result from unrepentant sins).

    Instead, hidden pitfalls await every such attempt, and lurk around every corner of "new discovery," alleged "advancement," and supposedly "glorious new age" into which most stumble, little suspecting the traps, pitfalls and dangers awaiting the unwary and foolish public, as a result.

    In contrast, the Law commands:

    "Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do not plant your fields with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material" (Leviticus 19:19).

    Also commonplace, in a modern age that seems to find nothing wrong with these prevalent activities, we see today meat for sale soaked in its own blood, along with fortune tellers, diviners, drug use, and every strange hair style, body piercings in odd or grotesque areas, and blatant tattoos everywhere in evidence.

    While the Law teaches us:

    "Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it. Do not practice divination or sorcery [drugs]. Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard. Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves.... Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritualists, for you will be defiled by them" (Leviticus 19:26-28, 31).

    We even see disrespect for elders by the young, and disrespect for the Creator -- or ancient of days -- Himself, everywhere in evidence today, while foreigners living among us are often treated with hostility, distrust and prejudice.

    The Law instead commands:

    "Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly, and revere your Almighty One.... When a foreigner lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. The foreigner living among you must be treated as one of your native-born. Care for him as yourself..." (Leviticus 19:32-33).

    Finally, many different and confusing ever-changing measures of weight, quantity and content are evident everywhere today, with many packaged goods (especially foods).

    And in America we also see two forms of money today, the gold and silver dollar coins minted by the Treasury, and paper, deposit entry or plastic "dollars" worth only a fraction of the value of these precious metal coins (worth even less with every unit produced or distributed; called inflation, which is actually an unlawful tax).

    The Law teaches us instead:

    "Do not use dishonest standards when measuring length, weight or quantity. Use honest scales and honest weights, an honest dry measure and an honest liquid measure" (Leviticus 19:35).

Solving The "Repentant Sinner" Enigma

    How can so many dishonest, harmful, evil practices be so prevalent today, among a people who profess to be so "righteous," unless they fall far short of the measure of true righteousness by failing to live according to these precepts of the Law?

    A truly repentant people would not tolerate such abuses or lawlessness.

    Repentance means turning back from a wrong path, the highway to hell most are following in complete and abject ignorance of the terrible judgment that awaits all who continue in that way of death to the bitter end, and taking instead the fairly narrow, seemingly difficult, even persecuted path that leads to life.

    That way of life is defined by the Law of life, which are the commandments, statutes and judgments of our righteous and caring Creator.

    Rather than being a "repentant" sinner (one who professes repentance but continues living in sin, or disobedience to the Law), you should strive to be a truly converted law-keeper and obeyer instead.

    Inadvertent sin may still remain, so long as carnal human nature persists, but at least those sins will be forgiven all who strive to remain obedient and rely upon the saving grace of their merciful Creator to forgive such errors and lapses (up to a point).

    You should remain ever vigilant to recall the fact that your Savior died but once for your sins, and will not repeat that sacrifice to pay for the willful acts of actually unrepentant sinners (cf. "Hebrews" 6:4-6).

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