The Pure Truth Restored

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Feb-Mar 2014 | Late Winter | Vol. 9, No. 34

Are You Engaged With The Returning Savior?

    The year 2030, according to the flawed Gregorian calendar in common use today, marks the actual year 2000 A.R. (After Resurrection; from the year the Savior died, was buried, resurrected and ascended to the heavenly Throne to await the time for His return to earth).

    Prior to His second coming, as it has been called (although He was present in the Garden of Eden, and spoke face-to-face with Moses on Mount Sinai), Yahvsave the Messiah prophesied a time of restoration of all things would come ("Matthew" 17:11; Mark 9:12).

    This time of restoration was reflected in the Pentecost prophecy of the Apostle Eben ("Peter") in Acts 3:21.

    Exactly fifty years prior to the 2,000th anniversary of this prophecy (30 C.E. to 2030 C.E.), in the year 1980 C.E. (or 1950 A.R.), at the age of 49 (7 X 7), this author first published the restoration of the Creator's sacred name, the true annual (never day of the pagan planetary "week") sabbath, and the perfect perpetual calendar, all revealed from scripture for the very first time in this age since then.

    Immediately following that came the restoration of the Savior's true name, the only name by which anyone can be saved (Acts 4:10-12; "Joel" 2:32); also revealed for the first time in modern living memory as: Yahvsave, meaning "Yahveh our Savior."

    Finally, fourteen years after the first restoration, in 1994, seven new Psalms were published in a Congregation of Yahvsave song book, for the very first time, with three others added in the years since, for a total of ten restoration Hymns.

Prophecy of the Ten Virgins

    If you are a student of scripture, you will be aware of the prophecy of the ten virgins awaiting the coming of the Bridegroom, only five of whom were wise enough to carry oil for their lamps, being allowed to enter the wedding feast ("Matthew" 25:1-13).

    This veiled reference condones the practice known as polygeny (the union of one man to more than one female), else why the need for them to all be called virgins?

    Beyond this, although all ten virgins are said to have fallen asleep (verse 5), a reference to being unaware of spiritually important matters, prior to the Bridegroom's appearance, those who awake (to the restoration) and have oil (the spirit of repentance) for their lamps (hearts), are allowed to participate in the coming Kingdom (via the first resurrection).

    Those who are rejected are told to go and buy oil from those who sell it (verse 9), an apparent reference to those who merchandise so-called "truth" and an alleged "salvation" that is false, fraudulent and fake.

    Being engaged with the Savior, of course, means far more than being engaged to the Bridegroom.

    It implies also being of like mind, heart and of one spirit with the returning Messiah (King of kings or Sovereign of sovereigns, and High Priest of priests).

    For this to be true, the wise virgins must not be joined adulterously to any idols of our modern world, be they false religions, dishonest currencies, or ever-warring nations and their flaws (false laws), in defiance of the Creator's Laws, Statutes, Commandments and just Judgments.

    This means that the restoration of all things will be sacrosanct for all those who will be allowed to participate in the most glorious first resurrection, just before the Kingdom is restored here on earth (Acts 1:6, 3:21; cf. "Matthew" 17:11; Mark 9:12).

Prophecy of the Baptist's Death

    The restoration of all things, in this age, is the final fulfillment of the ministry of the Baptist and the promised prophet EliYahv to be sent just prior to the Savior's return, in which the knowledge of true salvation is taught to those willing and eager to receive it (Luke 1:76-77).

    This will be a beacon of light in the darkness of the evil night that precedes the restoration of the Kingdom at the Messiah's coming, resulting in real and permanent peace for all the inhabitants of earth (verses 78-79)!

    So here is the enduring question you must answer, solely for yourself and your own ultimate benefit -- should you qualify -- before that day fully dawns: Are you engaged with the returning Savior?

    Is your heart focused on embracing the reality that is coming, by rejecting the present fictions and idols of our errant modern world?

    Will you be willing to bravely face even possible martyrdom by beheading (Revelation 12:11, 20:4) -- of which the Baptist's death ("Matthew" 14:10; Mark 6:27; Luke 9:9) was a prophecy centuries in advance of what would befall those who follow his teachings in this increasingly wicked age -- to maintain a sanctity and reverence solely for the sacred truths now being restored only through the ministry of The Pure Truth Restored in this age?

    If so, then you may well be accounted worthy to be engaged to join the Lamb, and participate in the Savior's Wedding Supper, before the Father's throne in heaven, prior to returning with the Messiah to rule with Him on earth for the next millennium, or 1,000 years (Revelation 7:9-10, 12:10-11, 14:1-5, 20:4-6)!

    However this may only become true for you if you are first engaged with the soon-returning Savior mentally, emotionally, physically (through your repentant words and deeds), and spiritually.

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