The Pure Truth Restored

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April-May 2014 | Spring | Vol. 10, No. 35

Are You Rejecting Real Wealth For Mere Dross?

A Video Message From the Publisher:

This is Hank Scott, for The Pure Truth Restored...

    If you're like most people today, when you discover real wealth you pass it by, ignore it, or are afraid to embrace it, choosing instead to accept nothing of any true value in return for all your hard work.

    Don't believe it?

    Perhaps, by the time you finish with this presentation you'll have a different opinion, although the odds are very much against that, unless you are one of the exceptional few who do not fear change and recognize real value when you see it.

    To begin with, what do you think of as valuable?

    Is it some thing, like property or what you think of as money?

    If so, you probably would not be all that interested in real wealth, and -- like most today would and do -- you'd leave it lying in the dust while you scramble and grasp for the ever elusive and mythical "pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow.

    What most call riches or wealth in our modern world are, in fact, anything but real wealth.

    What about power? Do you think this would give you real wealth?

    Not really. Every past leader, tyrant, despot, king or queen, president, prime minister, judge, congressman or woman, or whatever, would tell you -- if they only could -- just how foolish that idea actually is.

    You see real wealth isn't any of these things, and neither is it relationships or the number of friends you have.

    Once you know what real wealth is, and how to obtain it, you'll wholeheartedly agree, even if you are typical of most and fail to grab hold of it while it is freely available.

    Some might even believe that real wealth is bound up in their idea of religion and belief in an afterlife, but even this is mostly false hope in an entirely fictional concept, regardless which religious faction, denomination, or system of belief you hold to.

    Real wealth isn't even life, or long life, as many elderly -- rotting away isolated in "rest homes" -- could tell you, if they could only manage another rational thought through a drugged haze, or rapidly deteriorating mental state.

    So what, exactly is real wealth, then? -- you're probably wondering.

    Well the answer is actually life, along with health and prosperity, in a world free from fears, worries, troubles, wars, strife, conflict and lack.

    And the good news is that this is available for you, once you know how to obtain it, only it won't be available how and when most assume it should be.

    You see, to actually obtain all this you must first qualify for it, which means that you must decide to accept it, and act to embrace real wealth long before you can ever obtain it, and then continue down that same path the rest of your life, if you truly want to have real wealth when your life is finished.

    How can that be, if you first must live without all these things before you can receive real wealth, and exactly how does this happen, and when?

    The answer isn't heaven, or some afterlife paradise immediately after death, believe it or not.

    In fact, unless you've heard and know about the resurrections, you probably have no idea what you should be striving for in your daily efforts.

    And if you are striving, then you probably are not anywhere near obtaining real wealth, no matter how much you may have been deceived or self-deluded into believing otherwise!

    So what actually is real wealth, why are you probably avoiding it, and how can you change this?

    The answer all depends on how willing you are to become a provider of real joy, peace and happiness to others, especially those in real need in your local community, perhaps even the next-door neighbor you don't know, or hate, fear, despise, suspect, or just ignore from one day to the next.

    When was the last time you really, truly rejoiced to give aid, comfort and help to those afflicted by circumstances beyond their control, who otherwise pass silently through your life unnoticed, unappreciated, anonymously suffering, and in need of whatever small assistance you can provide them in their time of need?

    Actually, this only truly begins with a personal parent-child relationship with your maker, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has mercifully provided you with every resource you have ever needed to survive on His abundant earth.

    Which only really starts when you learn about, accept and embrace your heavenly Father's true and only name, and the name of your elder Brother the Savior, who alone can teach you by His example what to do, how to think and behave, and give you the only real foundation that alone provides you with the strength, attitude, and spirit to fulfill their purpose and plan for your life.

    This might mean doing without most of what you have wrongly thought is real wealth in this world or age.

    And those who do this live in hope of something far better, a superior reward promised and stored up for a future time when all these gifts, and far more, will be readily obtainable by all.

    Following death there is nothing but unawareness until the time of the resurrection of the dead, making death a sort of time portal into the future, when you will awake in a resurrected body along with many others, from every prior age.

    You might be disinclined to believe all this, while there is evidence all around you it is true. You've just been taught to ignore it and follow after some false idea of "good and evil" that often masquerades as the mirror image of reality.

    The proof is that one generation dies, while another takes its place, every forty or so years, and has been doing so like clockwork, since recorded history began with the first man and woman.

    Logically you know that everyone who now exists in the world grew out of one initial pair of parents, and the act of procreation.

    Also logically, you realize that you are going to end up the same as every generation of forebears who preceded you.

    Despite every logical impulse you have to put things in order, to create your own world -- such as it is -- and to organize out of all the resources available to you, it will all come to nothing for you, and be a total exercise in futility, unless there is something else beyond this present lifetime.

    Logic alone, then, ought to reveal to you something and someone, a Creator in the real sense of that word, set all this into motion at that remote time, and that it all has an ultimate purpose and reason, even if this has eluded most seekers after this ageless truth in all ages.

    This all being true, logic and your conscience should also be prompting you to realize that you have a reason for being beyond everything this present lifetime has to offer.

    That this -- your entire lifetime -- is all just a testing, proving and training ground for something much more profound.

    Only a rare few have ever grasped exactly what that is, and fewer still have reached out and sought to qualify for this blessed purpose during their brief journey through this all-too brief lifetime.

    Will you be counted among their number, when the day comes to receive the reward for those who fulfill this purpose in their lives today, even if need be at great personal sacrifice until then?

    Your answers are all here, if you will but diligently seek them with all of your heart, mind and being!

    Fool's gold is all the false faiths, which most seek out and embrace in place of real wealth, offering bogus blessings and faux rewards most will be disappointed to discover are entirely fictional.

    If you are wise, you will instead look beyond the "obvious" to see the deeper pure truth that underlies everything, rejecting the false and accepting only the actual source and origin of real wealth.

    Only then -- once you stop rejecting real wealth for mere dross -- can you have any real hope in those future blessings, freely available for everyone who is faithful in all the right ways, and worthy to receive this ultimate gift of life!

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