The Pure Truth Restored

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Aug.-Dec. 2009  | Fall-Winter Issue  | Vol. 5, No. 17

Edge of the Abyss - Are You Your Brother's Keeper?

An Audio Message From the Publisher:

This is Hank Scott, for The Pure Truth Restored...

    This issue was a very long time coming.

    It was created and finished under the most trying circumstances and difficult of times, for myself personally and for my immediate family.

    When I see the products of modern mass public schooling, and the evils of which "good" Christians are capable -- who believe and act as if the word "good" in reference to themselves has but one letter "o" instead of two -- the secular and carnal world in which we live and often suffer is understandable, even as it makes a lot of nonsense.

    Truly, now is the schooling of our discontent, to paraphrase the bard.

    During the last half year, my wife and I have been unjustly attacked with false accusations, jailed and mercilessly mistreated for over a month, our children abducted and mistreated by their captors, forced to watch as our youngest two children have been alienated and enticed by the adversary and his children against their unique religious upbringing and heritage, and have faced starvation, malnutrition and the theft and plunder of what little personal property we own, once again, by thieves and scalawags.

    I have personally been the object of vicious ridicule, malicious accusations and selfish animosity, undeserved disrespect and violations of my person and ministerial calling, from all sides, including my own children, grandchildren and some evil-minded relatives.

    Then, after a recent unexpected altercation with yet another encroaching relative -- who although they knew my wishes concerning the only property this ministry owns, decided to (yet again, as they have many times over the years) do as they pleased, even with my personal property, without permission -- I made a happy discovery.

    It came in the form of a sabbath service recording I had made and sent to this same individual more than 18 years ago.

    In it I discussed a proposed book I was then writing, but which had since been abandoned and forgotten, which I had tentatively titled "The Edge of the Abyss -- Are You Your Brother's Thorn In The Side?"

    It was based on my many experiences, up to that date, with evil-hearted and vicious neighbors, such as the cantankerous old man who then owned the properties surrounding our meager mobile home in the desert.

    This person had removed property stakes from our property, set fire to the surrounding desert brush in the hopes it would burn down our home (he actually told a visitor, mistaken for my wife, he was sorry our home wasn't destroyed and our family burned to death in it).

    He had deliberately knocked over our property fence, piled rubbish on the border of our property, and threatened my wife with a weapon for burning organic debris in a burn barrel on our own property, and had done everything in his power to make our home and property a war zone.

    All because he had plans for his property that he thought required getting rid of our home, and had made an offer to buy a section of it to accomplish this purpose (which I had argued in favor of to the property owners, my in-laws, who refused to sell), the denial of which he wrongly blamed and attacked me.

    But I was not his only victim.

    He was constantly getting into altercations with all his and our neighbors, one of whom had taken umbrage against me when I denied him the right to cross the road and spray the border of our property (with our children standing nearby) with a noxious, poisonous chemical to control ants he claimed were crossing the road to attack plants on his property.

    My entire family watched, in horror, as the belligerent, hostile old man got into an altercation with this and another neighbor one day, and then jumped into his pickup truck and attempted vehicular manslaughter, missing our other neighbor by mere inches.

    When the perpetrator spied us, knowing what we had just witnessed, he then threatened legal action against our neighbors and demanded I be a witness for him!

    As I told him in front of our other neighbors as eyewitnesses, after what my family and I had just seen, if he tried to use the courts to further harass his neighbors I would be a witness against him and on their behalf.

    Compared to the legal troubles my family and I have unjustly suffered the past six months, my recitation on that tape of being accosted by police for taking our oldest son on a nature walk one day, thanks to suspicious and malicious false accusations of spying nearby property owners, seems pretty tame and innocuous by comparison.

    Things in America have definitely gone from bad to worse in the past two decades, now that those who should be PEACE officers have morphed into mainly policy enforcers, revenue agents and highway men, called POLICE, and by the deservedly disrespectful term "cops".

    Like Cayen, who killed his brother Abel in murderous hatred for his own selfish ends, the majority today feel justified in keeping innocent "brothers" behind bars, abused and neglected, or openly and flagrantly violating their rights to life, liberty, property and happiness with apparent impunity, condoned by a legal system run amok.

    In my own personal experience, there is no line these perpetrators will not cross, short of putting themselves in jeopardy, which isn't likely at all, especially for those criminal-minded culprits working from within the organized criminal conspiracy we call government today.

    Meanwhile I have struggled, at great personal sacrifice, to continue this work against all odds, to bring this issue to you.

    If only my effort were respected enough by those who have taken, but not given, in support of the only real ministry of salvation on earth in this last, end age!

    As we near the edge of the abyss of total destruction and the annihilation of this worldly and bestial system of abuses, tortures and excuses for every evil imaginable, you should think very seriously about how to better be your brother's keeper...

    By looking after them and their property rights as you would jealously guard your own.

    Anything less is simply not acceptable, in your increasingly angry and vengeful Creator's eyes, and will not be tolerated very much longer!

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