The Pure Truth Restored

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Apr.-July 2009  | Summer Issue  | Vol. 5, No. 16

"Back to Scriptural Basics" - Introduction

(Originally Published as 7 Booklets, Copyright © 1989 by Richard Scott)

    At the time of the end the nations of this world have dirty secrets they cover-up under the rubric concept of alleged "national security."

    Patriots from all nations will fight to preserve the final, ultimately evil scheme of world government, believing it is the only way they will preserve their own nation, way of life and religions, regardless of the inherent corruption and flaws underlying each of these.

Racing To Armageddon

    Two men, from beyond the veil of ages past, will stand up and -- for three and a half years -- speak out boldly to expose the dirty secrets, sins and crimes of those in power, their militaries, bureaucrats, and even ordinary citizens.

    These two men will be imbued with such special power that any attempts to silence them -- all the swat teams, special commando units, stealth bombers, paramilitary, whatever -- will be instantly destroyed by their fiery command!

    For three and a half years the world will not stop trying to destroy and silence those two men, until at last they succeed (for a mere three days and nights).

    There will (hopefully) be people wise enough to listen, and believe them.

    Their message of true salvation -- though conflicting with every religious doctrine of all major religions of all the world's incorporated churches and supposed ministries -- will finally lead many to true righteousness.

    Whenever a group of people grows large enough, no matter how peaceful and non-violent their intent or actions -- the governments that now exist fear and infiltrate them, seeking to confuse, divide and scatter, or destroy what they cannot otherwise control.

    The lines are already being drawn for the final major battle -- the greatest in all history, in fact -- when the entire world will seek to preserve its tenuous hold on its corrupt forms of government and ways of war against perceived enemies.

    This will ultimately lead to attacking the returning Savior Himself, and those accompanying Him, depicting this as an alien culture and race seeking to overthrow the world order, and utterly destroy civilization as we know it.

The Revealing Source Book

    Where will you, or your children, stand at that time?

    Which side of this emerging conflict will you or they be on, and what part will you or they play in this penultimate tragedy and conflict in human history?

    Will you fight for what is right? Or will you be numbered among the enemy of righteousness?

    However, don't be too sure you know the answer to that numbing question just yet. Don't be hasty or assume you already know the right answer. It won't pay to be mistaken when that day of momentous battle finally arrives.

    And if you were to fight, what weapons would you use? Man-made destructive devices or spiritually inspired weapons of wisdom and truth?

    A fearful and awesome weapon -- more powerful and massively destructive than anything yet devised in the arsenals and annals of man-made destructive weaponry, even those covertly used by the world's most powerful and evil governments (of course they would beg to differ on that last point) -- will decimate and utterly defeat all those from every nation who will stand and fight on the wrong side of that consummate conflict.

    There is only one source book today that can reveal to you the truth about what will transpire, and what you should know in advance, to protect you from being numbered among the slain of the enemy.

    That book is the Bible... but something is missing!

Choose Your Poison -- Or Learn the Pure Truth

    There are so many different brands of religious "truth" today, each adamant that it alone is the true path to understanding, almost all of which preach the Bible first -- but primarily promote their own religious books, tracts, pamphlets, magazines, tapes, CDs and the like, that purport to explain and interpret the Bible correctly for you -- that as a result, you are lost in a jungle of confusion (especially if you believe any of them).

    How do you know which one is right, and that all the rest are wrong? (For as surely as any one exclusivist religious source is correct, all the rest must by definition be false in one degree or another.)

    Where do you turn for real, honest to goodness, no nonsense, truthful guidance on things scriptural?

    To whom or what should you look, in order to finally discover that pearl of great price; the wisdom of the pure and unadulterated truth?

The Banquet of All Banquets

    There is only one Savior of humanity, one man who has made it to the "other side," having lived a perfect life, who alone is qualified to open your heart and mind to receive this glorious wisdom.

    The big question remains, is it His door you will knock loudly at, and will you be persistent in your knocking until His servant answers the door?

    Are you hungry enough to come in and partake of His spiritual banquet? Or have you stuffed yourself so full of this world's false beliefs, myths and erroneous knowledge that you feel full and satiated, so that you refuse the invitation to come and dine with Him?

    Or do you have too many prior commitments -- friends, family or working to earn a living or make a profit -- to find the time?

    Are you willing to tear yourself away from whatever "urgent" matter or business you are engaged in, to even inquire about the host or His offer?

    Of those who can, will they even appreciate what they learn, or return the favor with a word of thanks, and a desire to attend at all costs, the banquet of the centuries?

    How do you get there?

    The only door open to you is as ancient as antiquity itself, yet as new and fresh as the words you now read.

Back To Basics

    It is the original message and intent of all true scriptures, and those who authored them, that alone beacons you to learn the teachings of wisdom and the pure truth only, that they can reveal.

    It is only by getting back to these scriptural basics that we can hope to learn, and having learned to believe and follow, that plumbline of righteousness and truth with which the only true spiritual house of fellowship is being built in this age.

    Those who rejoice to see it are alone worthy to discover the wonderful lost truths of ancient wisdom once openly revealed -- but generally neglected by our forebears who, like many today, were leaders in religious confusion, cherished falsehoods and myths over truth, and embraced forbidden pagan practices.

    Whether or not you discover and find the narrow, difficult, persecuted gate, that opens to the rocky path that alone leads to life, depends on how willing you are to stop along the side of that wide, easy and well-travelled, swift highway to destruction, to seek the better, less-traveled path.

    Or are you just too caught up in the daily rush to even care?

Your Choice of Paths -- Which Will It Be?

    If you do decide to try following the narrow path, know that the opening is hidden amongst the overgrowth of centuries of religious neglect.

    And, once you have started down that way of life, you might encounter side-trails along the way which will only lead you in circles, or back to the world's carnal highway with its tempting lures of "safety" or quick, "easy" wealth and "riches" and "power" (for the few, but poverty for everyone else).

    You must carefully avoid these side trails. The intent of those who created them was to lead you away from the only worthy goal, and prevent you from reaching the final end of the path or way of life, which alone can gain you salvation.

    A sheep that wanders from its flock or protected pen, away from its protective shepherd, will soon fall among a pack of ravening predators, usually disguised as another flock; but whose leader is a serpent with fire under his tongue and secret malice hidden in his heart.

    Instead, why not join us in the quest to redeem the time you have remaining on earth, to discover the vital basics of scriptural truth despite the neglect of ages by all major religious movements and their countless churches, sects and divisive offshoots?

Unfamiliar Territory

    Within this publication, perhaps for the very first or only time in your entire life, you will be exposed to the at first odd-appearing foliage of truth growing only along the sides of the less-traveled path that leads to life.

    Only in the fruits of this lifelong endeavor can you find true, rather than bogus, salvation.

    Don't let the sometimes strange appearance of these precious and rare treasures of true lasting value frighten, distract or hinder you. They are not the stumbling stones in your way.

    If you find yourself tripping over something or other, try not to assume it's the unfamiliar surroundings.

    Look instead at all the comfortable, familiar, old-time religious notions, customs, beliefs and practices. Do they really measure up or pass scriptural muster?

    Or are they nothing more than man-hewn stones of stumbling, strewn in your path to trip you up and hinder your progress?

    Let the spirit of the pure truth guide you and you'll soon learn how to bypass, climb over or avoid such obstacles entirely.

    There are also some rather large weeds and tangled, thorny brush you'll need to struggle past first. These are the cares and needs of daily life that will threaten to bog you down, to prevent your progress.

Counting the Costs

    Are you willing and able to leave behind even close relatives -- should they oppose or disparage you, or the path and way of life you have chosen -- to find new relations among those trying to follow the same way of truth and righteousness?

    Like friends, you can choose your spiritual relatives, among a family of like-minded followers of wisdom through belief in the pure truth.

    You might also face the scorching heat of the relentless "sun" of self-righteous religious persecution -- possibly even face death -- as it bears down on you along the way.

    Turning to the fresh waters of the fruits of the Sacred spirit to refresh and renew yourself in your efforts to continue on your journey of scriptural and spiritual discovery will often be necessary.

    You must let the world, with its walking wounded of spiritually dead followers of false faiths fend for itself, in the growing battle for the minds and hearts of its willingly duped and deceived citizenry.

A Rewarding Journey Awaits You...

    Even though you should hold out the same invitation of hope to all, you must realistically realize how few will respond, and fewer still will be chosen as worthy of the greatest honor and reward to be received through the blessed first resurrection from the dead.

    With most of the world's people, it's a never-ending "us or them" struggle.

    For you, it should be a welcoming encouragement for others to join a small but growing group of dedicated truth-seekers, willing to study daily and diligently prove, then maintain and retain all things worthy, in your quest to get back to the scriptural basics.

    That is what this end-time work of the restoration of all things of true value, worth and spiritual soundness is all about.

    May you find what you seek, with all your heart, mind and being -- and one day stand, having made it to the glorious end of this difficult path, to rejoice along with all who will join you in this worthy quest.

    Have a successful and rewarding journey, and I hope to also make it there, to see you on the other side of all the miserable grief and suffering that remains to be played out in the final annals of earth's blighted history.

    Then all this world's present worries and concerns will finally become a permanent past unworthy of remembrance in the joyous blessings of the long-awaited, oft promised, and soon-to-be-realized utopia and heaven on earth!

-- Hank Scott

(first written 2002, completed 2009)

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