The Pure Truth Restored

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Mar.-May 2011  | Spring-Summer Issue  | Vol. 7, No. 21

By Rule of Flaw

    There is a great social evil stalking the land; one that threatens to destroy everything in its path.

    Like cancer, it has started to grow and attacks only the weakest parts of the body at first, and is therefore hardly noticed.

    Years later, of course, it starts attacking vital organs, by which time survival odds are fairly nonexistent.

    You may already be a victim or, even worse, a carrier of this deadly plague -- one that threatens the survival of entire nations -- without realizing it.

    I and my family are victims, and some are survivors of this vicious evil, and some have fallen permanently into its fatal grasp.

    My purpose in writing this is to warn you to beware this spreading contagion, lest you also fall victim to its pernicious presence.

Scars and Disabilities

    There is a mental and moral plague raging unchecked amongst the body politic today, one of the major effects of which is self-destructive laws based on false premises, promising a "better world" yet delivering a corrupt militarized police state; armed to the teeth, deadly and out of control.

    It is an old form of socialist dictatorship in a new guise, wearing the seemingly innocuous mask of "law and order" and "political correctness" (just another way of saying "great evil" disguised as "benevolent" and "caring" authority of a supposedly "supreme state").

    This pestilence thrives on the ignorance and docility of a cowed public too frightened and irresponsible to take the high ground of moral imperative.

    The results of this abdication of individual responsibility has left its deep scars over the disabled populace; these ugly and hideous blights now disfigure all courts, jails and prisons, hospitals and clinics, mental treatment facilities, day care and retirement facilities, retarded and war veterans facilities, and even entire metro or urban areas.

    It's bloody and life-threatening nature is largely hidden from view in most of these agencies of the state, largely because they have no adequate or effective independent oversight; no checks and balances to insure conformity with the humane and sane treatment of those who have fallen within its ever-widening grasp.

    More than a mere means of seeing justice done or punishment meted out to those deserving of it, this is a system that tortures and humiliates, commits injustices in the name of justice, and dehabilitates rather than rehabilitates.

    Such scars and disabilities may not appear on the surface, other than to those who diligently search for and seek the pure truth.

    Nevertheless they are very real and deadly dangerous to the survival of society as you have known it!

The Realities of False Justice

    Often in the prisons of the "freest nation on earth" today do we find such inhumane conditions as: extremes of hot and cold, without adequate clothing for protection -- driving grown men to attempt suicide trying to escape the oppressive conditions.

    Or substandard and dangerous living conditions, with malfunctioning electricity, lighting and plumbing, nutritionally devoid "food" unfit to feed animals much less humanity.

    Outright attempts at starvation, including deprivation and theft of food, or a total disregard for special dietary needs.

    Deprivations of even the most basic of hygiene needs for brushing teeth, trimming nails, shaving or even cleaning of ears.

    Solitary confinements for entirely unsuitable reasons, along with total deprivation of any form of exercise outside such cages for weeks and months, and even years at a time.

    Retaliations and attacks for attempts to follow religious customs that differ from the "norm" in any respect, even though taught and accepted by the very religious texts followed by a majority of the attackers, accusers and abusers, on both sides of the bars.

    Total isolation from friends and family, with no contact whatever allowed for the duration of imprisonment.

    Deprivation of any and all adequate medical care, and refusal to be treated even while obviously suffering the ill effects of near starvation, or while covered from head to foot in chemical mace, or even allowed to shower following such an unprovoked attack for more than 24 hours!

    Hypocrisy in dealing with fellow men or women, dealing harshly and abusively rather than doing to others as the hypocrite demands to be treated or respected.

    Vengeful and intolerant bigotry and prejudice instead of toleration, understanding or sympathy for the plights or needs of others.

    You might think the above list is not the norm, but from my personal experiences inside many different scattered facilities over the course of just one year, and repeated several years later for more than a month following unjustified charges never prosecuted, these are standard operating procedures by those who practice the rule of flaw (false law), rather than the practice of humane and just law.

Needed Real Change For The Better Coming Soon!

    Imagine yourself, if you are innocent of any wrongdoing, being found "guilty" of a non-crime, and then subjected to all of the above, nearly dying several times and losing more than 20% of your barely adequate original body weight, suffering from several mini-strokes left undiagnosed and untreated by careless or uncaring personnel, from medical staff on down.

    Further, all attempts to obtain legal help or even basic mailing or writing materials constantly thwarted, including the theft and disappearance of mail, making it impossible for you to contact or notify anyone in the outside world of the abuses, mistreatments and tortures or dangers you must daily face, in an attempt to survive vicious predatory gangs on both sides of the bars restraining you from freedom.

    Finally, even once released, all attempts to seek and obtain true justice and examination into the illegalities behind your "conviction" and tortures covered up and thwarted -- even a decade afterward, when no hope for punishment of the malefactors exists any longer with the flaw, and the only possible outcome is exoneration, vindication, and restoration of full liberties, the loss of which can still restrain you (or lead to repeated accusations, attempts at prosecution, possible convictions and further tortures) for the rest of your life.

    If this is "justice" or "freedom" there is little wonder some opt for violent revolt and anarchy against such a society that blindly permits and allows such evils.

    That is not what this author calls for, demands or believes an acceptable solution.

    There is, however, a vengeful and wrathful Creator in heaven, who will very soon now return to this earth -- after a prolonged absence, mercifully granting time and space for the guilty to repent of their spiritual crimes -- who will execute true justice upon the heads of all the perpetrators, from the criminal predators up to and including the thousands of minions of the flaw conducting their criminal concepts of "punishment" upon sometimes even innocent victims of societal tyranny and governmental oppressions.

    Those deserving of mercy will be sorted from those deserving of punishment, regardless of their position, perks or advantages in this world, and then true justice will finally and deservedly be executed swiftly and without appeal, recourse or mercy to those undeserving and so willing to deny and deprive the innocent of these basic rights today.

    Then you will see the rule of flaw obliterated from the earth, and true liberty and justice will at last prevail, from the presently mentally diseased and arrogant top, all the way down to the often deprived and tortured bottom of societies around the world, including right here in fabled but fatally flawed and tarnished America.

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