The Pure Truth Restored

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July-Aug 2013  | Special Summer Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 31

Creator Dependence Day Is Every Day...

A Video Message From the Publisher:

This is Hank Scott, for The Pure Truth Restored...

    How could you live without breathing, thanks to oxygen in the atmosphere all around you?

    Or exist without a continuously beating heart pumping oxygen carrying blood to all the cells of your body?

    Without the food that grows abundantly on earth you could not eat or long survive.

    And without nights and sleep to regenerate, you also would soon stumble and fall victim to illness and life-ending catastrophe.

    In fact, without gravity, sunlight, rainfall or the seasons every year, neither you nor anything else could long survive, or exist to begin with.

    Every single moment of your existence is because of a creative hand, behind the scenes, orchestrating and making it all possible, in a most organized, efficient and robust world the likes of which is not easily found elsewhere, in the vast depths and seemingly endless reaches of outer space.

    All existing lifeforms owe their continued existence in dependence upon each other, from predators to prey, and from symbiotic plants to the insects that depend upon their nectar, while pollinating them in return, to ensure the survival of both.

    You have probably been taught, and may even agree with those who proclaim this, that all life on earth is a matter of blind happenstance and accident.

    For such to be true, this must be the longest sustained, ongoing and prolific chain of impossible coincidences imaginable, beyond anything the fevered brains of science fiction writers have yet devised.

    Either that, or you've been lied to, and are being deceived, big time!

    In truth there is an all-knowing, all-wise, perfect and eternally existing Creator whose true nature and existence is revealed by all these things, and by your very ability to think, reason, feel and understand your own existence, if you look just beneath the surface appearances.

    There you will discover the entire world is built upon the foundation, and exists solely because of, a vast teeming, prolific and abundant sea of ever-swirling energy, without which nothing could move, act or exist.

    The interrelated nature of this energy -- and its many not-so-coincidental harmonies of patterns in various distinct manifestations, as light, color, sound, electricity, magnetism, solids, liquids, and everything in between -- is prima facia evidence of this pure truth.

    Understanding all of these, and how they are interrelated, intertwined and work in concert, is part of this ongoing journey of discovery we call life.

    Your daily duty and responsibility, in return for that great gift, is to acknowledge and honor above all else He who alone makes it all possible.

    Allowing anything or anyone else to distract you from that primary reason for your existence is futile and doomed to disappoint, as it deceives and debilitates all who fail in this noble task.

    The trap of idolatry is that it is so easy to fall into, and so hard to escape, once enmeshed in a web of adversarial deceit and conceit.

    Saving yourself from the lures and enticements that so easily enthrall the masses is no easy task, to be sure.

    Yet this is your only hope for a secure and blessed future, once you get past all the idols of false "saviors" who cannot even save themselves from approaching catastrophe, much less you or anyone else!

    So why not rejoice and make every day Creator Dependence Day?

    It already is, even if you fail to realize this.

    Understanding and acting in accordance with this wise course of action is your only guarantee for achieving any sort of true stability, actual security, or real immortality in this otherwise transient world.

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