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Mar. 2013 – May 2013  | Spring Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 28

Dead Justice

    What is dead justice?

    When corporate courts of corporate STATES deal exclusively with non-living "entities" (idols) called corporations, noted by spelling "their" names in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, including pseudo-corporate fictions called "PERSONS" (such as NAMED on all identification documents including birth certificates, driver's licenses, and social security cards), how can they be anything but dead to justice?

    Real life "zombies" (the living dead) are those who answer in court to such dirty "NAMES" (sullied by their relation to and association with those who are dead and buried), who must then deal with the vampires known as lawyers and judges, who attack their victims by sucking the life's blood of property and labor from these virtual economic slaves.

    Such "people" are enslaved to a fraudulent monetary system of fiat (fake) inflatable/degradable fool's money (paper, plastic or digital), doomed to work their entire lives forfeiting the majority of their efforts to the bloodsucking leeches of government task masters, empowered by the life's-blood-sucking courts, run by the voracious, never satiated vampires of lawyers and ex-lawyer judges!

    How could true justice survive, much less thrive, in such an atmosphere of death, mayhem and oppression, done under the cloak of darkness through denied video or audio recording of the criminal courts' antics?

Dead Justice And The Nazarite

    What dealings could a nazarite, who is forbidden to come near the dead, have in such modern mausoleums as court rooms, where the tombstones of lost causes to justice are erected every "business day," to use the courts' own vernacular?

    What sort of "business" are such courts conducting, where the records (books) are faked and fraudulently doctored in "open" court by closed judicial minds and the dishonest hands of reporters and clerks?

    Just as the Baptist was unjustly imprisoned, and later beheaded, a nazarite deals with such "sin-justices" by warning them, prophetically, of things to come.

    So that, when judgments in just retribution for the economic and other crimes of the courts strike the public that votes for and allows such venal vermin to remain unscathed, to continue their reign of terror and injustice, those responsible cannot claim they were never told or warned.

    Need a real life example of this, to prove the point?

    This author's own experiences over the past thirteen years should suffice.

    In the year 2000 a vowed nazarite for nearly a decade and a half, surnamed scott, stood before three judges, in the process of railroading this minister for a fictional "crime" -- denying him the rights to assistance of counsel (not representation by a lawyer), witnesses for his defense, and even discovery, while using falsified "evidence" to "convict" this innocent man -- who warned them about an ancient prophecy foretelling drought, and worse judgments in store, for injustices done against innocents.

    That modern prophecy of impending drought, pursuant to "Ezekiel" 22:23-29 was delivered one day shy of one year prior to 9-11-2001 (9-12-2000), but misdated in the court docket as 9-11-2000.

    One year later, facing the unjust appellate courts' refusal to hear the truth, the minister/nazarite published a local newspaper, named "The Hamilton Crier" (published and delivered the very day before 9-11-2001), reporting the prophecy in a page one banner headline titled: "LOCAL PLAGUES -- Hamilton County Judges Warned in Advance!"

    By then, the local county and most of central Texas were already suffering the results of a severe drought, which struck with a vengeance immediately after the minister's appeals process was exhausted and he was finally imprisoned, for a year of near-death tortures, abuses, almost total starvation, and mostly solitary confinement, beginning in December 2005.

    That is when deadly wildfires began to kill and ravage mostly central Texas, including the panhandle area, where the minister was almost immediately sent to a prison mental hospital and attempts were made to give him psychotropic drugs, because the "doctors" accused him of being delusional for truthfully telling a nurse he had delivered eight children at home without medical assistance.

Injustices Escalate

    Since the minister's release from his unjust incarceration -- during which he was denied even regular exercise and suffered through over 130 degree inside temperatures without air conditioning or any other relief, while denied water by prison staff until he was forced to fake a "hanging" with a sheet to be taken out of the solitary cell he was confined in most of the time (solely for refusing to shave or be shorn), but refused medical treatment at all times, even after suffering several mini-strokes due to starvation, lack of fresh air and sunshine, and denial of exercise, among other abuses -- the now deadly drought continued unabated.

    Over the following years the drought held firm in central Texas, as the minister and his wife were both jailed three years later for over a month in July 2009, thirteen days prior to their 31st wedding anniversary, during which time the prophet's mother-in-law was murdered after being incarcerated against her will in a nursing home, where she was denied food and water until she perished eight days later, five days before the minister's and his wife's wedding anniversary.

    The irony was that the minister, Hank and his wife Anne were imprisoned, prior to an indictment (which was never brought against them), solely under false charges of "elderly abuse," for the non-crime of caring for the last remaining matriarch of their family in their home, where she wanted to remain.

    During their imprisonment in the local sheriff's jail, under the order of a justice of the peace who has no jurisdiction over any felony matters, the couple's new lawn mower was stolen from their property, and three of their youngest children and oldest granddaughter were taken from their home.

    One of these, Sam the second oldest of their three sons, was kept imprisoned for more than a month in a foster home against his will after turning 18, while their youngest son and daughter were never returned to the couple after their hard-fought release from confinement, while still under the threat of indictment.

    Under new false charges of nonexistent "child abuse" the same district court and judge that were responsible for the minister's unjust incarceration three years before, without trial or evidence of abuse, denied the couple the return of their two youngest children, while ordering another minor daughter be deprived of any further contact with her parents, although already living with an older sibling.

    One year later, the local sheriffs, acting outside the law, illegally impounded and then sold the minister's only means of travel, a van, from their private property and ministerial office.

Mercy Prevails Despite Dead Justice

    Within two years, attempts to bring suit against those responsible were filed in the same court, now under a new and even more dictatorial "judge," whose every ruling -- devoid of any legal precedent and in face of the facts -- on behalf of all defendants, once again denied the minister and his wife their day in court, dismissing their suit without even a hearing on indigence demanded from the start, after another year of unreasonable delays and unjust legal tactics by opposing attorneys, including surprising the couple and their now 21-year old son with copies of filed responses immediately prior to hearings, giving them no time to read, much less adequately respond or prepare any argument against the many falsehoods and quasi-legal arguments of these judicial vampires.

    Any surprise, then, as the couple attempted to bring these matters before the appellate court -- while still denied a hearing on indigence, and their first certified mailing was "lost" by the so-called postal "service," at great cost for postage and expense in lost time to the indigent family -- that a local newspaper, dated the day of the minister's birth anniversary, carried the page one banner headline: "207 counties declared disaster areas."

    In the heart of those 207 counties, at the very epicenter of the severe drought still plaguing the area -- while the minister, his wife and their son have been forced to fast every other day to survive an even more severe economic drought, largely caused by the debilitating effects of such unjust courts -- next to last in the list, is none other than Hamilton Country!

    The thing to realize here is that it is not fictional "global warming" that is responsible for such droughts, but rather mankind's inhumanity, crimes and sins that leads directly to such judgments.

    Justice will prevail, despite being buried under countless abuses, legal subterfuges and dishonest tactics by such lawless courts, even if this means "natural" disasters against the inhabitants of lawless communities, counties, cities, states and nations that refuse to heed the prophesied warnings given them in advance!

    True justice is not dead, it has merely patiently, mercifully waited, allowing time for repentance, to avoid far worse plagues immediately ahead, for all who have refused to intervene and restore justice to its rightful place of honor, along with long-neglected truth and Creator-granted liberty once again.

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