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Dec-Feb 1984 A.R. (2014-15) | Expanded Winter Issue | Vol. 10, No. 38

Demand D.U.N.G.-Free Food!

    Deadly Unhealthy Needless Garbage is being dumped into the American food supply wholesale.

    It comes in the form of GAOs, or Genetically Adulterated Organisms about which next to nothing is known concerning the consequences to individual health, other than the fact that such D.U.N.G. is proving to be just that: deadly, unhealthy, needless garbage.

    These organisms aren't merely "modified," as the GMO label misleads so many to believe. They have been adulterated into monstrous abominations that are threatening to destroy all life from the planet, if something doesn't happen soon to end this madness!

    This is in addition to all the other unhealthy eating practices indulged by the public, who are harmed and sickened by their dietary choices, creating enormous "healthcare" expenses and burdens upon society thereby; such as the blood of strangled animals, unclean creatures heedlessly consumed, and other similarly unhealthy and ultimately deadly, contaminated preferences in cuisine.

Misguided Labeling Legislation

    The movement to pass legislation to label "foods" (using the term so loosely it loses any real meaning) containing DUNG misses the point entirely: that such evil adulterated, genetically tampered with organisms should be outright banned, not merely labeled; which only serves to give this trash some form of respectability it neither warrants nor deserves.

    This is no different than if some deranged, lunatic scientist decided to recycle human waste, or perhaps even the deceased, into "food" for people.

    Would the American people tolerate such an abominable, detestable situation, debate it for years, or attempt to pass labeling laws only to be shot down and defeated at the polls by deep-pocket food industry criminals' lying media blitz political commercial campaigns, if this were the case?

    Apparently, the answer is a sickening "It appears so!"

Social Insanity At Work

    There is no soundness left in the national intellect, which is now riddled through-and-through with the cancerous lesions of a social dementia praecox.

    In short, the national psyche is suffering from memory disorders (inability to recall historically significant examples of national dementias), personality changes (drunk on power, arrogance, and political schizophrenia), and impaired reasoning (evolutionary science fiction, educational myopia, stunted news media attention span), etc., resulting from brain disease or injury.

    The "brains," in this case, being those of the legislatures, courts and executive branch officials who are practically comatose from overdosing on ill-gotten gains, unlawful legal chicanery, corruption, vice, and every other sick, demented, twisted and perverse form of national disease, and socialist injury, opposition and affront to common sense and sanity.

National Stupidity On Display

    The arrogant "educated" fools in our midst think of themselves as "superior" to everyone else, simply because they have been able to con educational institutions and their instructors into granted them degrees, which mean absolutely nothing in terms of actual intelligence.

    Believing others are "too stupid" to understand how they are deliberately lying, cajoling and deceiving their way to getting their evil agenda implemented around the world only shows the sort of mindless bestial insanity that has come into power in this age.

    But who is the greater idiot, the masses who are largely powerless to stop those with the guns and bullets, chemical spray, handcuffs or zip ties, and prisons or jails of concrete and metal to confine, with sadistic and brutal guards to abuse, torture and molest those incarcerated within -- or those who create and infest positions of control over such a world and its institutions of tyrannical, bloodthirsty power?

Purging The Food Chain

    If anything is clearly evident from the existing situation, with DUNG GAO now permeating the marketplace, it is that you cannot trust or rely upon (and never could, in fact) those in the government to save you from themselves, or their ever morphing regulations, rules, flaws (false laws) and precedents.

    Likewise you cannot trust a corporate-owned snooze media to tell you what is going on right under their and your noses, or to truthfully stand in the gap between you and your domestic enemies to protect, serve and defend your life, when they are themselves either deceived, controlled, or are among those directly responsible for this life-threatening situation.

    Many millions of people around the world, were they still alive, would testify that this form of idolatry is a deadly, fatal mistake; one which has cost so many lives needlessly, and will yet again no matter how "free" the people of any nation con themselves into believing they are.

    Make no mistake, the day will come when DUNG-free non-GAO, healthy actual food will once again become the norm, after all the garbage, rubbish and filth of this deeply dark and deceived age of evil, posing as "good," "legitimate," "natural" or "harmless," is finally burned to ashes in the fiery retribution of the Creator's just, and now all but inevitable, day of judgment.

    Fire will purge all the contaminants, harmful poisonous additives, and corrupt adulterated organisms from the food chain, along with all those whose only and every effort has been to support, supply, sustain and protect this perverse and insidious attack against all forms of life; including yours!

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