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Sept.-Oct. 2011  | Fall Issue  | Vol. 7, No. 22

Dollar Whores

    Given the licentious age in which we now live, "dollar whores" could mean exactly what the phrase seems to imply.

    However, there's more to this subject than first meets the eye.

    Dollar whores are far worse than prostitutes, because this is a form of prostitution or adultery that affects nearly everyone adversely.

    And not one man or woman in ten million even knows about it, although we all care about it in a very direct way.

    It's just that you probably don't know or understand the source of all our societal pain, anguish and troubles resulting from this corrupt and destructive activity.

    That cause is harlotry of the worst kind, which all grows out of a very real, and very serious, form of idolatry.

    So serious, in fact, that it may well spell the end of society and freedom as you know it, resulting in the worst form of tyranny and despotism to ever darken the face of this good earth, during the entire history of humanity until now!

Value For Nothing

    You've doubtless heard the phrase "value for value," but you may not have heard about "value for nothing."

    This is, however, actually the major problem of our modern age, responsible for, or at the heart and core of, nearly every other major societal problem.

    At the root of this concept is selfishness, wanting something from someone else without the responsibility of providing anything of real value in return for it.

    Since the government is the people (the voters and those they elect or appoint to office), and the people are selfish and shortsighted, it shouldn't surprise anyone that their leaders are also selfish and shortsighted (for we only truly get what we deserve).

    There's a single word that best sums up the "value for nothing" concept of taxation, governmental confiscation of private property without adequate or even any compensation, and giveaways to the "deserving" or "needy" at the cost of everyone else....

    That word is THEFT.

    Democracy, like any other form of human-devised government on earth today, is really nothing better than a disguised dictatorship of the selfish and shortsighted voters and legislators over those lacking political clout.

    This leads inevitably to conflicts over resources, and the end result of these conflicts is societal unrest, demonstrations, eventual upheaval, riots and wars.

    But this all started when the dollar whores came into power!

What Is A Dollar Whore?

    So what, exactly, is a dollar whore?

    Contrary to first impressions, it is not a cheap hooker.

    Dollar whoredom is at the root and core of all modern social problems, not just in America but around the world.

    Dollar whoredom is an act of economic fraud so subtle and pernicious that it affects all of society adversely, except for those in the government and in positions of wealth and power who can insulate themselves from its predatory effects.

    It is a criminal form of unlawful taxation which is little understood and even less opposed by a largely gullible and media "news" misled populace.

    It is an outright deception and fraud that promises everything, but not only gives nothing, it robs and takes everything, gradually and bit by bit, given enough time to accomplish its ultimate treasonous purpose.

    The following reveals precisely how this theft is perpetrated and accomplished, why almost nobody is aware of the real cause, and how you can escape and avoid this predatory problem and the dire consequences of this societal ignorance.

    A dollar whore is anyone who trusts and relies upon counterfeit dollars produced by the government itself, and allowed to circulate as currency, which promise and deliver no payment for any debts, but only promise and deliver more debt and the total inability to actually pay off debt, allowing only for the spread and perpetuation of debt.

    Dollar whores are the nations that have trusted in and passed along this great monumental fraud to their own peoples, saddling them with unpayable debts, burdensome and destructive policies and laws, up to and including social upheaval, chaos, revolutions and wars.

Monumental Fraud And Great Deceit

    Nowhere have all these evils been more in evidence than in the originating country, America itself.

    Just as society as a whole was largely ignorant of, or turned a blind eye to, the evils of racial prejudice and hatred, today society is mostly blind, deaf and dumb to this greatest of all evils that has been perpetrated for more than five generations, resulting in a monumental loss of freedoms and liberty unprecedented in modern history.

    Americans are living under an ever-enlarging pretense of what is rapidly becoming the greatest deception of being the freest nation on earth.

    And it is dollar whoredom that is responsible for most of this, while the public is miseducated from their youth up to never question, never learn, or ignore as untrustworthy and unreliable every attempt to teach or inform them of the true nature, origin and cause of all their woes, troubles and problems.

    Like most foolish populations of warlike and aggressive nations, Americans are being misled to assume the problems are all caused by outsiders -- in this case, from third-world nations -- who are "jealous" of American freedoms and liberty, who attack America supposedly without provocation or cause, simply because they hate what they do not understand, or because of their fanatical and violent religious beliefs.

    While there is some truth to these notions in isolated individual cases, the actual root cause of it all has been reliance on dollar whoredom, and all the troubles it creates and perpetuates.

    Dollar whoredom is, in fact, one of the largest and most prolonged acts of theft and violence ever perpetrated upon humanity by tyrants, whose sole purpose is to subjugate, control, rob and otherwise abuse society and individuals, from the defenseless poor and destitute all the way up to and including the self-employed, business owners and employers.

    Everyone in between these two extremes is being affected by this monumental fraud and great deceit, and even individual state governments have largely prostituted themselves to it, giving up and surrendering their once sovereign status, and changing it into one of serfdom and slavery to tyrannical and autocratic nationalistic dictators, controllers and manipulators.

Worthless Imitation And Counterfeit?

    Americans have long had a saying, printed on all currency, that says: "In God We Trust."

    If the truth were known about exactly which so-called "god" Americans are paying their misguided trust, loyalty and patriotic fervor to, a better phrase might be: "Beware of the 'god'" instead.

    For no true Almighty Creator would ever lie, deceive, rob and abuse His creation, as such currency has done not only to America, but has also deceived, robbed and abused the entire world.

    All of which has grown out of a monstrous creation of the United States Congress, called "the Fed" for short, or the Federal Reserve Board and banks.

    The "law" supporting this monumental fraud purports to enforce a standard currency upon Americans, and the world that has foolishly trusted Fed "dollars," by accepting or investing in them (according to the Coinage Act of 1965, specifically Title 31 U.S.C. Sec. 5103, the so-called "Legal Tender Act").

    "What's not to trust?," you might object and demand to know.

    Let's start with the basic fraud of the Federal Reserve Note "dollar," that reveals it to be the most monumental lie and act of fraud ever perpetrated upon a nation or the world....

    When is a "dollar" not a Dollar?

    When it is a worthless imitation or counterfeit of the real thing!

    The United States Mint, by law, must produce gold and silver coin Dollars, and a 1-ounce silver coin is still stamped with the words "One Dollar" (a legal requirement of Title 31 U.S.C. Sec. 5112(e)(4)).

    There's nothing wrong with this, however the problem arises when the Treasury also prints bills, on behalf of the Federal Reserve, which also say "One Dollar," or equivalent denominations thereof ("Five Dollars," "Ten Dollars," "Twenty Dollars" and "One Hundred Dollars").

The Rotten Root Cause Of It All

    How is this a problem?

    Those notes do not represent the value they claim on their face!

    Let's take the "One Dollar" paper bill for example.

    Go to any coin shop you like (you cannot obtain them from banks any longer), and see what a true One Dollar silver coin now "costs" in Federal Reserve Note alleged "dollars."

    If you cannot evenly trade a "One Dollar" Federal Reserve Note for a One Dollar silver coin minted by the U.S. Treasury, its simply because that paper bill is a counterfeit "dollar" not worth the amount printed on its face!

    When there are two separate and unequal designations of value in currency it proves fraud in whichever of them is of least real value.

    Of course, the silver Dollar is proof of this fraud, which is precisely why no America bank carries or provides these real Dollars as currency any longer.

    So long as the American public remains ignorant of this fraud, theft and deception, or remains content to trade in an inflatable, worthless fraud "currency," the government will do nothing to halt this pernicious practice.

    In fact, until a violent revolution or act of war puts a stop to these practices, the federal government is happy to continue the fraud for as long as they can get away with it, because they stand to gain the most from the lost freedoms and imposition of tyrannical dictates, posing as "laws," upon an increasingly enslaved populace.

    The Fraudulent Reserve Note "dollar" is directly and primarily the rotten root cause of every loss of freedom and liberty, every perverse growth in federal tyranny over the states and their citizens, and every social upheaval, conflict and war resulting from this monumental evil and monstrous fraud!

A Glaring Difference

    How has America gone from the world's foremost creditor nation to the leading debtor nation, since the "great" depression (in reality since 1913, when the monstrosities of the FED and IRS were both foisted on Americans by a corrupt and treasonous cabal in Congress)?

    Why are Americans, supposedly the best or highest paid in the world, now in debt and becoming increasingly homeless, destitute and reliant on government "welfare" (including social "security") for their basic survival needs?

    Let's look closer at the actual reason and cause for all this debt, and learn what American schools, the "news" media, and government "leaders" have all utterly failed to teach, instruct, inform or tell increasingly beleaguered Americans.

    According to Title 31 U.S.C. Sec. 5103: "United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues. Foreign gold or silver coins are not legal tender for debts."

    On the face of Federal Reserve Notes you will find the following inscription: "THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE".

    There is something vital missing from both the "legal tender" law and the notes themselves, but you might not even suspect the glaring omission unless you first understand the difference between credit or debt and actual payment of debt, as opposed to merely discharging a debt.

    The best way to illustrate the difference is by comparing these notes with actual United States currency notes, once distributed and called "Silver Certificates" rather than "Federal Reserve Notes" (the vital difference between a Fraudulent Reserve note and a certificate will become obvious and apparent once you examine and compare both of these).

    Silver Certificates were issued directly by the U.S. Treasury, and printed on their face were the following words: "THIS CERTIFIES THAT THERE HAS BEEN DEPOSITED IN THE TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE SILVER DOLLAR PAYABLE TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND" (emphasis added).

    Instead of the "legal tender" notice, these certificates also said: "THIS CERTIFICATE IS RECEIVABLE FOR ALL PUBLIC DUES AND WHEN SO RECEIVED MAY BE REISSUED" (emphasis added).

A Nation Of Debtors

    Notice the two glaring differences between these two currency instruments: The first one promises only public and private debts, or public charges, while the other promises actual payment for all public dues!

    This means that, when used in private transactions, Silver Certificates represented actual payment for any and all debts, because they were backed by the promise of payment in actual silver Dollars on presentment and demand, from the United States Treasury.

    However, when Fraudulent Reserve Note counterfeit "dollars" are issued or used in transactions, they are not in payment of any public or private debt, because no payment is promised, but instead can only create, perpetuate and pass off, or discharge, public and private debts to those receiving them, who in turn pass or discharge their unpaid debts on to still others.

    Whoever is foolish enough to be on the receiving end of such worthless paper "currency" is a victim of fraud, and perpetuates this fraud when they pass it along to other foolishly trusting and gullible recipients.

    The primary fraud is that represented by the alleged "value" printed on the face of such notes.

    This is the main source of all those holes in the public treasury's bag, which is hemorrhaging the productive and actual wealth of individuals, who can no longer sustain the consequences of this ever-inflating, ever more worthless pretense of money which, in reality, isn't worth a proverbial plugged nickel.

    A nickel once was, and is supposed to be, worth one-twentieth of a silver real Dollar.

    The Fraudulent Reserve Note counterfeit "dollar" is presently "valued" at less than half that, by coin dealer "money" changers who accept these notes in payment for real silver Dollars!

    Is it any wonder that America is now a nation of debtors, more than any other nation on earth?

A Terrible Spiritual Evil

    According to Title 31 U.S.C. Sec. 5112(e)(1) and (2), silver Dollar coins: "(1) are 40.6 millimeters in diameter and weigh 31.103 grams," and "(2) contain .999 fine silver...."

    These are known as standard units of weight, quantity and quality.

    The fact that there are two supposedly "legal" dollars, the real gold or silver coin Dollar and the Federal Reserve Note "dollar," of unequal value, is a violation of the following scriptural law:

    "Do not use dishonest standards when measuring length, weight or quantity. Use honest scales and honest weights, an honest dry measure and an honest liquid measure..." (Leviticus 19:35-36).

    This commandment or law is further explained as follows: "Do not have two differing weights in your bag -- one heavy, one light. Do not have two differing measures in your house -- one large, one small. You must have accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land Yahveh your Almighty One is giving you. For Yahveh your Almighty One detests anyone who does these things, anyone who deals dishonestly" (Deuteronomy 25:13-16).

    Elsewhere in scripture we learn: "Yahveh abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are His delight" (Proverbs 11:1).

    "Honest scales and balances are from Yahveh; all such weights in the bag are of His making" (Proverbs 16:11).

    "Differing weights and differing measures -- Yahveh detests them both" (Proverbs 20:10), and: "Yahveh detests differing weights, and dishonest scales do not please Him" (verse 23).

    Finally: "Am I to forget, O wicked house, your ill-gotten treasures and the short dry weight, which is accursed? Shall I acquit a man with dishonest scales, with a bag of false weights?" (Micah 6:10-11).

    This results in one thing, primarily: homelessness and destitution!

    Historically, things were the same amongst dishonest and treacherous rulers over a gullible and deceived people:

    "This is what Sovereign Yahveh says: 'You have gone far enough, O princes [rulers] of Yasrael! Give up your violence and oppression and do what is just and right. Stop dispossessing my people, declares the Sovereign Yahveh. You are to use accurate scales, an accurate dry measure and an accurate liquid measure.

    "The dry and the liquid measure are to be the same size... [and just in case you might be tempted to think this has nothing to do with monetary standards of currency, pay close attention to the following verse...] The sekel is to consist of twenty gerahs. Sixty sekels equal one mina" (Ezekiel 45:9-12; NIV note: "the common mina was 50" sekels reveals how dishonest the merchants and rulers of that age were; 10 gerahs were approximately 1/5th ounce, and therefore the mina was approximately 24 ounces).

Consequences To Follow

    Today we would say the "common dollar" is worth less than 2.5 cents, or hundredths, of a real silver Dollar!

    Probably a whole lot less than that, thanks to fraudulent manipulation of the silver market by selling contracts for, and "storing" silver that does not even exist, while charging "storage" fees on a commodity the banksters cannot deliver on demand, even to the holders and owners of such worthless instruments!

    All to manipulate the price of this commodity in support of the fraudulent "dollar," and to prevent discovery of this terrible spiritual evil that is being foisted off on, and perpetrated against, the American people mainly, but many other nations around the world as well.

    With an entire nation in the thrall of dollar whoredom, and foreign countries also ensnared in the blatant fraudulent fiasco once thought to be the world's most vibrant and successful economy, present monetary woes are just a foretaste of what's to come.

    Endless wars and attempted conquests to capture as "prize" the natural resources of other nations -- as America (along with its allies in crime: Britain, France, Canada, Australia, etc.) plays out the role of the world's bully "cop" and agent provocateur -- by setting-up defenseless and largely harmless but resource-rich third world countries (particularly those who have opposed the Fed "dollar" reserve world currency hegemony in favor of any gold-backed prosperity-creating currency) to play the "bad guy" role for an entertainment crazed public, will doubtless bring reprisals at home and abroad.

    The possibility or threat of an outright attack by a group of nations, or corporate-led consortium of companies with more profit income than most states being a very real concern, America must constantly watch its back, while growing discontent at home threatens to end the bread and circuses lifestyle of foolish or arrogant people grown fat, indolent and ignorant of the real danger threatening this once great country.

Contrived Debt

    What you probably haven't realized yet is that the "Federal" Reserve is not part of the federal government, but is a separate and totally foreign banking partnership that has taken over the currency monopoly in America since 1913, issuing its foreign "world reserve currency" deceptively named "the dollar" while bearing the pictures of dead presidents and Alexander Hamilton as a deceptive way of beguiling Americans into accepting this scheme.

    The Fed "dollar" belongs to the "Federal" Reserve, because this is the name that appears at the very top of each and every bill on its front or face. It is also labeled a "note" but what this actually means is lost on most people.

    The name of the United States, appearing under the name of the "Federal" Reserve, and the signatures of the Treasurer of the United States, and of the Secretary of the Treasury, the serial numbers and the date and location where the bill was issued, all reveal the true nature of these notes.

    Which is, they are IOUs from the United States to the "Federal" Reserve, like promissory notes, pledging your work, life and property to repay a fraudulent bankruptcy debt that can never be repaid, since the interest on the debt requires someone lose their property, job, or life (the interest also requires ever more of this paper "currency" to be printed and distributed -- or inflated -- making it more worthless over time).

    The end result is that all of society loses in this tontine-type insurance/gambling fraud, where the private partners in the "Federal" Reserve bank, with nothing at stake or risk in this venture stand to eventually own the nation and everyone in it.

A Monumental Fraud

    Proof the Federal Reserve and its owners are foreign, and not American, is seen in the bank holiday declared by Franklin D. Roosevelt as soon as he entered office as president in 1933.

    The purpose was to exchange America's gold-backed currency with worthless IOU notes, and to unconstitutionally (unlawfully) seize and confiscate (steal) the gold of all American individuals and businesses.

    Because this gold was turned over to the "Federal" Reserve, this reveals that this law could not affect it, because it was and is not, and never has been, an American institution.

    Its name, and the fact its board members and chairman are appointed by the president, along with the name "dollar" on it's "money" and the pictures printed on these notes, are merely window dressing intended to fool gullible Americans into accepting their enslavement to this bestial deception!

    It only took the "FED" twenty short years (including a recession in 1921 and the "Great" Depression, beginning in 1929) to manufacturer the crisis and secret bankruptcy, adroitly concealed from the American public, from that day to this.

    Thus, an ongoing but undisclosed receivership in which all Americans have been surreptitiously placed under the contract law of maritime/admiralty jurisdiction (mercantile or merchant's law) -- because the alleged contract, or notes, are actually foreign commodities, put into commerce in the land by being shipped (by trucks that park in bays, at docks, to unload their cargoes) from the foreign "FED" to Americans through its member banks -- is therefore responsible for every lost freedom and liberty ever since.

    This is because admiralty (the war-time or emergency variety of maritime) jurisdiction prevails under the "national emergency" that has been in place since 1933, if not since president Lincoln declared martial law during the uncivil war between the states!

    That explains how every president since Lincoln, who started the practice -- that have signed and used executive orders like their own private legislation-creating mechanism -- have ruled America like uncrowned monarchs, since they are the commander in chief of all military branches and have been acting under a concealed national emergency -- a monumental fraud -- for nearly a century and a half.

    The fact that all American courts, federal and state, are operating almost exclusively under this corrupt and fraudulently imposed jurisdiction now, is seen in the fact of what "money of account" they use to "conduct business" every work day. It no longer is gold or silver coin, as specified in the United States constitution as the only legitimate money of account.

    The name at the top of the currency tells you who or what the court is really serving, which is the concealed creditor in fraud for which the courts are operating as secretive receivers executing its fraudulent and hidden adhesion contract liens which, in the view of the courts, attaches to everyone, every transaction, and all property touched, purchased or transacted by or with these dangerously deceitful trick notes!

Idolatry Ushered In This Fraud

    Currency in America has been worshiped under the blasphemous title: "the Almighty Dollar" almost from the beginning.

    Dollars, being paper, are made from sawdust -- taken from the stock of trees -- and engraved with images of those dead leaders Americans like to memorialize and idolize, nearly all of whom failed to warn against or effectively protect their "new" form of government from such monstrous evils as are now being perpetrated daily, against a people who enjoy the illusion of largely fictional freedom (none are easier to enslave than those who falsely believe they are "free").

    Paying for these worthless debt instruments, first with the nation's gold, then its silver-backed currency, and finally with its property, liberties, and the lives of its once free peoples, through the use of these deceitful and deficient counterfeit measures of supposed wealth, for nothing of real value in return (other than the false promises we would be protected from any further financial fiascos, which is all we've had since -- approximately every eight to twelve years like clockwork -- beginning in 1913), is how America was defeated and conquered without a shot being fired within our own borders (yet), since the uncivil war.

    That war, like the Revolutionary War before it, was waged for economic reasons, and no other, despite what false historians have taught school children to believe ever since.

    Up until 1913 the history of America has been one prolonged battle for control of its economy by outside (foreign) and some internal (domestic) enemies, intent on curbing the freedoms most Americans wrongly suppose they still have as their birthright.

    Proof you no longer, or never have been truly free during your lifetime, is seen in the fact of all the licenses, taxes, fees, fines and penalties you must now pay, for doing practically anything that was once thought of as being a basic right.

    Since the 14th amendment to the United States constitution was passed, which merely transferred ownership of all former slaves from their prior owners to the United States government (those who are under its authority), most other Americans have been converted into similar citizens, with mere government-granted (revocable/limited) "privileges and immunities" in place of their former liberties, rights and sovereignty!

    This is what dollar idolatry, by the dollar whore states, federal government and most Americans (including all government-created corporate churches and religions), has given us and the other nations of this world, as a result of prostrating and prostituting themselves to the "god" they unwisely trust: the money manipulators, money changers and the banksters who serve them!

    It is a system of evil (usury, gambling, protection rackets and so-called security) that will soon cease with the return of the Messiah Yahvsave to rule all the nations of this earth. All that are left in existence, following the coming World War III and its pernicious, destructive, civilization and creation destroying aftermath.

    This is the true and lasting legacy of dollar whoredom finally, when the dust of its chicanery finally settles, and all is said and done!

Is There A Remedy?

    In every age and every circumstance we have the promise of our heavenly Father's protection.

    There is a remedy for every evil under the sun. This starts with knowledge and obedience to your Creator's Law, Commandments, Statutes and Judgments.

    This situation is no different. If America and the world have been sold, through disobedience, to the beast power in this age, as the above adequately proves, and if there is no other circulating currency generally recognized and accepted for payment with which you can pay -- and not merely discharge, your debts to avoid the hidden and assumed adhesion contract associated with "Fed" fraud notes -- what can you do to avoid guilt for using this bestial system in merely discharging debts?

    After praying for the answer and remedy, I was reading the original 1792 statute known as the Coinage Act (or Mint Act), when I came across a rather curious word.

    Regarding anyone who brings bullion to a mint to be minted into coins, the act, which is still in full effect today, says:

    "That it shall be at the mutual option of the party or parties bringing such bullion, and of the director of the said mint, to make an immediate exchange of coins for standard bullion, with a deduction of one half per cent. from the weight of the pure gold, or pure silver contained in said bullion, as an indemnification to the mint for the time which will necessarily be required for coining the said bullion, and for the advance which shall have been so made in coins."

    Curious and willing to learn, I went to Black's Law Dictionary to discover the meaning of "indemnification" in this statute.

    There I discovered the following:

    "Indemnify. To restore the victim of a loss, in whole or in part, by payment, repair, or replacement. To save harmless; to secure against loss or damage; to give security for the reimbursement of a person in case of an anticipated loss falling upon him. To make good; to compensate; to make reimbursement to one of a loss already incurred by him...."

    Indemnity is defined as:

    "Indemnity. A collateral contract or assurance, by which one person engages to secure another against an anticipated loss or to prevent him from being damnified by the legal consequences of an act or forbearance on the part of one of the parties or of some third person. Term pertains to liability for loss, shifted from one person held legally responsible to another person.

    "The term is also used to denote a compensation given to make the person whole from a loss already sustained; as where the government gives indemnity for private property taken by it for public use. It means also restitution or reimbursement....

    "A legislative act, assuring a general dispensation from punishment or exemption from prosecution to persons involved in offenses, omissions of official duty, or acts is excess of authority, is called an indemnity; strictly it is an act of indemnity."

    An indemnity bond is defined as:

    "Indemnity bond. A bond for the payment of a penal sum conditioned to be void if the obligor shall indemnify and save harmless the obligee against some anticipated loss. It is generally given to provide reimbursement for loss resulting from breach of trust or failure of employee or agents to perform duties."

    Finally, an indemnity contract is:

    "Indemnity contract. A contract between two parties whereby the one undertakes and agrees to indemnify the other against loss or damage arising from some contemplated act on the part of the indemnitor, or from some responsibility assumed by the indemnitee, or from the claim or demand of a third person, that is, to make good to him some pecuniary damage as he may suffer."

The Remedy

    While you may be familiar with insurance, or assurance, to protect against losses incurred from accidents, acts of nature, or even lawsuits (such as covered by some home owner's policies), the possible remedy here, in courts sold-out to maritime/admiralty contractual jurisdiction entirely today (under an undisclosed "national emergency" brought about by an equally undisclosed and entirely fraudulent "bankruptcy," created by the very ones alleged to be the hidden creditors, the private and foreign "Federal" Reserve), indemnification may well be the remedy needed to restore us to our lost freedoms at last.

    To get there, however, you must be willing to follow scriptural Law which demands that you: " for your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18; "Matthew" 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27-28; Romans 13:9; Galatians 5:14, and "James" 2:8).

    While it is true that scripture warns you not to stand as surety for another (Proverbs 6:1-5), especially for a total stranger (Proverbs 11:15, 20:16, 27:13), much less for a neighbor (Proverbs 17:18), please consider the following very carefully.

    The natural resources of the nation belong to all Americans, and no legislature at either the state or federal level is empowered, by the grant of powers given them from the people, to do anything we the people do not have the natural right to do already, granted to us not by any constitution but directly from our heavenly Creator.

    Rather than allow any congress unsupervised use and access to these resources, you have a duty and obligation to see them used for any public purpose that you deem suitable, for the benefit of society as a whole.

    What more suitable purpose could there be than to indemnify your neighbor, family member, or perhaps even the ALL CAPITAL LETTERS pseudo-corporate NAME posing as "your" identity (in reality created by and belonging to the government, as a means of opting those who foolishly answer to said names, into standing as surety for the "debts" incurred on behalf of the undisclosed "creditor" under admiralty jurisdiction), pledging a portion of your share of the national resources toward any penalties or loss incurred through victimless "crimes" and statute-law violations that harm nobody (other than those perpetually taxed, fined, fees charged, or penalties imposed; where rights and freedoms were once enjoyed)?

    An indemnity bond, that would hold up in any court -- citing the fraudulent nature of the "national emergency" and alleged "bankruptcy," along with the cupidity of government agents in allowing this monumental fraud and great evil to overtake this once great nation of creditors, now assumed to be "debtors" through the very act of attempting to pay debts with non-redeemable and worthless paper IOUs of the federal government and states -- on behalf of a neighbor, family member, or the alleged corporate identity these co-conspirators have assigned to you, may well be the remedy we all seek.

    The only question now being, are you ready to live up to your Creator's admonition to come to the rescue of your neighbors in need and dire straits, to save them from this egregious national calamity imposed by foreign and domestic enemies in our midst, and inhabiting the highest offices of trust in our own governments?

    If we do not rid the land of such "dollar" whores as these, an avenging Creator will soon wipe the slate of the living clean of those guilty of such massive crimes against humanity!

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