The Pure Truth Restored

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Mar. 2013 – May 2013  | Spring Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 28

Enemy of the People

    Who is the greatest enemy of we the people?

    This is somewhat akin to asking who is the greatest enemy of the king?

    Of course, the answer depends upon the sort of king, or people, that are in control, and what they do with the power they wield.

    A good king will have few enemies; chiefly those of selfish, greedy, or vain ambitions.

    A bad king will have so many enemies that, in all truth it can be said, the king is his own worst enemy!

    Bad decisions breed discontent, opposition, and enemies, much like rotted meat draws flies.

    Good, sane, beneficial decisions engender trust, support, loyalty, adulation and pleasant memories like a superb symphony performance elicits rapturous applause.

    Have you felt like applauding, unconditionally supporting, trusting or otherwise enjoyed the memory of your government's actions lately?

    If not, who's in charge (i.e. who is to be blamed)?

Few Profit While Most Suffer

    Voters of opposing parties that lost the recent election, of course, usually find fault or reasons to complain of whatever actions the administration takes which do not conform with their political view of how the world should be run.

    Those of the winning party rarely find reason to complain, no matter how badly their candidates bungle the job, because they can always blame the opposition for bottlenecking "progress" or otherwise booby-trapping and conspiring to undermine the decisions, policies or actions of their leaders.

    Each goes so far as to often consider the opposition as enemies of we the people, hell-bent on destroying the republic, or democracy, or whatever other name they choose to call the form of government we all have as a result.

    For a moment, however, try to divorce yourself from sectarian party political allegiance, rise above the foray and, looking down upon it all with the aloof, detached eye of a beneficent outsider, taking it all into view dispassionately, independently and honestly.

    What can you see?

    Do you see the selfish profligacy of unbridled indebtedness perched high upon the mountain of broken promises by both sides of the debate?

    Why does this exist, except to benefit the few at the cost of the many?

    Those few are they alone who control the entire process, often profiting from their insider knowledge regardless which direction the winds of change blow today.

    Why do the majority suffer and tolerate this onerous situation?

    Could it be because they are distracted by the few, whose control of their educational and media institutions amounts to propagandistic brainwashing, or mass hypnotism?

You've Been Hypnotized And Known It Not

    Hypnotism is, after all, belief in the imaginary over, and in the face of reality, so strongly that nought can dissuade the believer to the contrary.

    Unless they first awake from the doldrums of their dream visions, to see, hear and acknowledge what otherwise remains outside their conscious awareness.

    Government controls the debate by means of who and what it endorses with its apparent largesse.

    Those first in line to receive the alleged benefits of its supposed welfare, support, or inflated monetary advantage can hardly be expected to oppose or suspect its efforts to be anything but laudatory.

    And who do those in control favor with their endowments other than those they know will support their policies, or at least fear to oppose them lest their lifeline of dependency be severed, casting them adrift to somehow survive by their own devices?

    That is where the rest, all those who are not supportive, and are thus last in line to access the feeding trough of boons, favors, bribes, grants, loans and subsidies, inevitably find themselves.

    Those weakest, or unwilling to fight and claw their way to some sort of advantage, in such a system of incompetence, corruption, and compromise by design, are soon impoverished or remain so with little hope for real change, or anything other than the spare change of those willing or able to bestow their increasingly rare generosity upon the powerless, unjustly oppressed, and apparently undesirable poor.

    Those able to stay afloat in the financial turbulence churning the sea of hopes, expectations and aspirations constantly, rarely have the strength to help prevent the eventual drowning of the children, the elderly, and the politically disfavored among us, all those incapable of sustaining the struggle.

    Looking to a largely faceless bureaucracy of mainly selfishly ambitious, politically sectarian, even hurtful, hateful or disrespectful drone workers, when their supervisors and leaders show disinterest, or by example refuse to assist or lend aid in times of national emergency or dire need, is a false hope in a non-existent savior, humanly speaking.

    At best, for the favored few, things seems rosily positive in outlook, at least until opposition inevitably rears its defiant head.

Who Will Stop Or Save Us From
Hitting The Self-Destruct Button?

    Like a chess board, divided perpetually between opposing sides, one apparently black the other white (each side seeing itself as "white" and their opposite clones as "black"), seemingly good and bad, the reality is that both sides are alike in their differences and sectarianism, their ongoing battle being largely one created within the limited confines of their political game board, with little to sustain it outside that realm.

    Unless or until some weaker, unprotected nation arouses the displeasure of those in control, especially one with a wealth of natural resources to be pillaged by proxy.

    Then the winds of war blow violently in its direction, while insiders profit from armaments, drugs and medical interventions in the face of life-altering injuries of the foolish youth, who engage in such battles far removed from any true national defense interests; all in the undeclared name of empire.

    Most of all, those who finance such wars, often both sides of each conflict -- the bankers and other multi-national corporate interests -- grow ever larger and more deadly in their supra-national ambitions, activities and costly actions.

    Who will save us from the ultimately self-destructive policies, controls, impositions and restraints of these corporate raiders of the last article of lost liberty?

    Certainly not those who, in very truth -- in deeds, if not in their false words -- are evidently the enemies of we the people!

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