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Sept.-Oct. 2011  | Fall Issue  | Vol. 7, No. 22

Father of Lights

    Electricity, as we all know from watching lightning, is essentially an invisible form of light most of the time.

    Only once it interacts with our atmosphere, and objects or beings, does it briefly become visible; when its fearful power is felt, seen and/or heard.

    The blinding brilliance of lightning is as legendary as its elusive and ethereal qualities.

Cold and Hot Electricity

    While the modern world has learned to tap into just a small portion of electricity's enormous energy, and put it to some good (but also many bad) uses in our lives, there is much about electricity that remains mysterious and elusory.

    For instance, although modern "science" refuses to know or accept it, some few more adventurous inventors have discovered the opposite of hot, burning, explosive and harmful electricity, as it is commonly understood, in the form of cold, freezing, implosive and harmless electricity.

    Both are capable of providing light, motive power and energy, while one destroys through heat and dissipation, the other rejuvenates and prolongs without friction, heat or the danger of electrocution.

    In fact, one discoverer of this form of "cold electricity," as it has become known, often demonstrated it by plunging a lit lightbulb and his hand into a bucket of water at the same time!

    This electricity was drawn out of the atmosphere -- far from any electrical power lines or plants -- by the means of a simple horizontal wire hung as an antenna, through a device the inner construction of which was known only to the inventor (who took his secret to the grave, undisclosed).

    As so many such inventions, its discoverer looked in vain for riches and honor over sharing their amazing technology with the rest of the world.

    And perhaps that is all for the best, knowing all the evil and destructive uses such technology could possibly be put to use by an uncaring, greedy, fearful and hateful humanity.

Organic Electricity And Living Sound?

    So far as most living people know, electricity is nothing more than an inorganic phenomenon, sort of like chemical reactions and the matter that reacts in different ways when combined or manipulated in various ways.

    Looking at organic life, however, as a form of sentient matter puts these chemical reactions into an entirely different light.

    In fact, light and a form of organic electricity (such as so-called static electricity) are very much part of the foundational basis upon which all life is composed and subsists.

    Another oft overlooked extension of this energetic and sometimes sentient form of ongoing chemical and other reactions, directed energy and self-sustaining activity, is found in another portion of the same spectrum of energy, that is known to us as sound.

    Vibration, a natural component of sound, and as inherent to it as magnetism is to electricity, and heat (or cold) is to light or its absence, is now understood to be as intricately involved with the existence of all matter, and life itself, as the smallest known atomic structures are really just pulsating vibrations of energy taking the form and shape of material elements, like notes on a musical scale.

    Interacting vibrations can, in fact, either destroy or create matter as we know it, or can even transport it from one location to another, based on a hidden, unseen vast sea of energy in which everything and everyone is immersed and subsists, out of which all things and beings spring, and back into which they return as pure energy.

    Thoughts are an instance of sentient electrical impulses, which can radiate out like radio waves into the atmosphere and surrounding space, effecting other sentient beings, especially those who are in some small way more receptive to this subtle form of living energy.

    This is the realm mystics and religionists have called "the spirit," which is just another way of saying life!

Children Of The Light

    The Creator Himself is described in scripture as a sentient form of light (or electricity), and is in fact called "the Father of lights," or sentient beings composed of usually invisible energy (see: "James" 1:17, which refers not only to the "luminaries" or heavenly bodies of other planets and stars, but also to the angels of His presence which they symbolically represent).

    In fact, newer more secular translators of this verse have rendered it as "heavenly lights," thereby implying a limited, purely physical intent behind the phrase.

    Hidden from the eyes of these often disbelieving "scholars," however, is the fact that this is a far more important reference to what many would describe as "spirit beings."

    While most interpreters secularize the following statement -- in reference to this Father of lights as being One -- "who does not change like shifting shadows," as referring to such heavenly bodies, the apparent intention of the statement is lost on such darkened hearts.

    For the reference is to shadows, which are the exact opposite of light, and not to the light itself.

    Shadows and the darkness they represent are, in point of truth, the result of the absence of light.

    Shadows shift as light falling upon physical objects moves in relation to them (or they move in relation to the light).

    In other words, shadows always "flee" the light, and are destroyed entirely by the pervasive, glaring and brilliant presence of light in all its glory.

    What the secular scriptural scholars, and even many professing believers and teachers, have missed in this reference is the fact that the ultimate accomplishment for some, during this limited lifetime, is to achieve a transformation into such immortal beings of light, energy and glory, as children of the Father of lights in a very real and meaningful sense.

    How can such "scientists" today believe in strange concepts such as quantum mechanics and limitless parallel "universes" coexisting simultaneously in the same space but different dimensions, and yet utterly refuse to believe in the single most basic of axioms, biogenesis; life comes only from preexisting life?

    ...And the self-evident corollary to this, which is: therefore all life could not have sprung into existence by any imagined spontaneous "evolutionary" process, but must have been created by a sentient, preexisting but immortal (without beginning or end) supernatural form of life: a Creator!?

Intelligent Aliens/Angels

    What is supernatural if not that which exists above or outside the laws of nature, capable of manipulating or changing them in ways that, to us mere mortals, seems mystical or even magical, simply because we cannot easily understand or explain how these things can be?

    The existence of invisible spiritual beings, such as angels (servants, or messengers) of light, capable of appearing in physical form, but existing mostly in an invisible parallel spiritual realm, is likewise doubted by most modern "scientists," who ignore all evidence for such a spiritual reality while dabbling around the edges of its extra-"quantum" existence.

    Modern "science," as a whole, has a hard time even believing all the evidence for physical, non-human forms of intelligent life, a form of "angels" known to the common man as aliens, with their superior technology, called "flying saucers" or UFOs (unidentified flying objects).

    Such men and women, while they scoff at these things -- which, contrary to popular opinion, existed in the knowledge and experience of mankind long before the myth makers of modern filmed and televised entertainments created their often belligerent, destructive, warring or idealized versions of alien races and realities of extra-terrestrial worlds and civilizations -- in reality are following the influence of malevolent spirit beings intent on manipulating mankind into self-destructive paths.

    ...Such evil, harmful and corrupt activities, as military conquests of peaceful peoples, genetic tampering and manipulations, toying with radioactivity, X-rays, drugs and harmful chemicals, even contaminating the commercial "food" stuffs and supply with dangerous manufacturing and grocer practices, that sicken and kill, along with pollution of the environment -- to name but a few of these evils -- are their common denominator.

    Concepts like fairies, "little people," and the "gods" of ancient Babylon, Greece and Rome -- which represent the very same thing as modern "myths" of intelligent but alien beings, long predated the existence of modern "science" by several centuries to many millennia!

Light Beings – The Ultimate Inheritance

    The scriptural accounts of angelic spirits -- capable of appearing and disappearing from our physical world, yet still coexisting with it as sentient beings, able to effect our reality, much like the invisible wind or atmosphere, that nevertheless can have such devastating effects upon our reality -- is one of the things modern "science" finds too difficult to accept.

    Yet the very real existence and interactions of such angels have been, and can still be, felt in our material world in the form of very real miracles that modern "science" continually defames and refuses to believe, even when they occur well within their perceptual and regulated attempts to record, understand and manipulate the health and well-being of ailing patients, who are subsequently healed by something other than the so-called "medical arts."

    Here is how one of the most famous of prophets conveyed the words of one of these "angels" of light, named Michael ("the great prince who protects your people," Daniel 12:1):

    "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever" (verse 3).

    This is possible because the Father of lights is Himself a form of sentient light, the origin of all else that exists in the spiritual and physical creation.

    The speech of the creative force originating from such a sentient light being is what created and sustains all of the things, beings and energies we see in our world, and outside it as well.

    We are all light beings, in the core essence and essential beginnings of our creation, capable of becoming so much more than the mere physical, mortal lives we inhabit during our brief sojourn during this lifetime.

    Not by ourselves, nor even with the help of "science" so-called (which remains rather deliberately ignorant about the true origin of all life, species and habitats).

    Only with the able and caring assistance of our Father in heaven, working through humble and repentant hearts, minds and spirits, can we ever hope to achieve our ultimate possible purpose in life.

    Will you reach out and grasp this unique and most blessed of callings?

    Our Father -- the Father of all lights -- is withholding His wrathful judgment briefly, as He counts time, awaiting your momentous, life-changing decision!

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