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Jun-Aug 1985 A.R. (2015) | Summer Pentecost Issue | Vol. 11, No. 40

Faux Freedoms, False Families And Fundamental Frauds

    We live in an age when nearly all things ring hollow and are permeated with deceit, fraud and falsehood.

    Politics has infected and infested society with these so-called “values” to the point where most people seem unable, or are entirely unwilling, to accept the truth.

    To them this seems stark and unacceptable, since light is anathema to creatures which live in darkness and thrive upon the absence of daylight.

    Unaccustomed to this brilliant exposure of all the dirty, gritty, infectious and sickening pseudo-reality, those who have acclimated themselves to living without a moral compass to tell right from wrong assume the opposites, and accept an upside-down view of the world as “reality.”

    Any attempt to correct this situation, without the piercing light of pure truth behind it, is met with the same resistance that creatures of the night have to the feeble flicker of a candle’s fuliginous flame.

The Alienation Of Socialism

    Freedom, like governments that spout the words while actively denying the reality, out of fear or fulsome treasonous rebellion against oaths of office in favor of foreign entanglements, has largely become a state of mind more than a reality.

    People are “free” only until they are caught in the web of deceits facetiously called courts of “justice” today, where all pretense of freedoms are quickly and viciously denied, stifled and often obliterated with long prison terms for victimless non-crimes.

    How else do you explain the exploding prison population, higher than anywhere else on earth, in the land of so-called “freedom and liberty” today?

    There are a growing number of “social communities” composed largely of alienated individuals, communicating constantly via increasingly mobile, wireless computer devices connected via the worldwide web of deceit called the Internet.

    These groups, from the smaller and more intimate to the unbelievably widespread popularity of multiple thousands, deceive themselves into thinking they are somehow united with familial bonds that are belied by their deliberate attempts at anonymity, behind which many a prurient and putrid, hateful or lustful desire is flamed and fanned into a raging and destructive inferno.

Dark Motives

    The term “mobbing” is employed to describe what are, in effect, exactly that: mobs of mostly out-of-control, lonely individuals seeking connection, validation, or escape from ennui and boredom, while embracing often voyeuristic, deceitful or false familial interlopers, often intent on fulfilling feverish fantasies of sick and twisted desires under the cloak and concealment of assumed identities.

    Such pseudonyms are often used to conceal truly evil, hateful, violent, vile or criminal intentions that the guilty parties seek the gratuitous pleasure of indulging, while avoiding any recourse or recompense from those they either victimize, harass or harangue.

    There are also the ever-present, usually concealed, but nonetheless very real shills and touts attempting to turn every avenue or resource into a personal stream of profit, by selling either overtly or covertly to anyone ignorant of this often hidden, deceitful agenda and motive.

    Men pose as women online, and vice versa, just as they have sometimes done in the print media, blurring the lines of reality the same way government agents entice and entrap the unwary into committing "crimes" they would have never been inclined to even consider otherwise.

Police Force Mentality

    The further away from the reality of a hard currency, in hand, transacted between willing buyers and sellers in full view, where dishonest attempts are more easily caught and mistakes corrected, the closer the world comes to the fundamental fraud of a digital “economy,” where individuals are dehumanized and their names converted into convict numbers of a planetary prison.

    The barbed wire of such social constructs are the ever-present police and military, itching for justifications of their supposed “jobs” of controlling, ordering, forcing and punishing often hapless passers-by, usually in pursuit of nothing more than revenue, fines, penalties and forfeitures.

    In such ways fundamentally fraudulent financial dealings have been largely imposed on a gullible and misinformed public, under the hollow and false guises of “security” and “protection,” while truly mega-criminals infest the departments and halls of legislatures, along with executive and judicial, corporate, religious and philanthropist offices as well.

    With such “protectors” as these, looking out for their own selfish interests first and foremost, who needs external enemies of religious and/or para-military opponents, other than as a convenient cover to divert public attention away from these very real and more ominously dangerous domestic traitors?

The Real Terrorists

    If you are counted among the righteous, sooner or later you will get on the abusive side of the co-conspirator's radar!

    When they conspire together to rob you of your rights, freedom, property or even life, this is called racketeering and should be classified as a form of terrorism.

    It is corruption of office and treason, yet the media appears ever more somnambulist in the face of such domestic crimes, as they side with, cover for, and even support the criminals in “high” places within our own government.

    Make no mistake about this, the beast, and the form of government that allows this monstrosity to arise and dominate the entire world, is very real and already among us, and there are legions of petty to popular public tyrants who are eagerly aiding and abetting this colossal corporate criminal enterprise.

    How else could you explain the murderous medical mafia’s agenda to vaccinate everyone, even against their will, with poisonous concoctions and aborted infant cells?

    Or the related prescription drugging of a populace into early graves, as the maiming knives of surgeons hack away at its victims piecemeal, robbing them of parts or limbs, and taking from corpses vital organs, to transplant them into recipients who are willingly conned into misbelieving this is their only hope for survival?

    It matters nothing that many are deceived into “donating” parts of their bodies, in support of this ongoing butchery, any supposedly “good” results are far outweighed by the many (most) who are needlessly maimed and murdered by this industry, for the sole profit of those running it.

New World Cattle Call?

    How do you know if you are truly free?

    You’ll be undocumented. They, whoever they are, simply don’t need to know “your” government-imposed pseudonym (ALL CAPITAL LETTERS supposed “name”), or where you’ve been or are going, and what you’ve been doing.

    The police were capable of catching real criminals long before such documentation ever existed. They can still do it, in spite of all the faked (even the false government issued variety) documents floating around this world.

    The main purpose of you being numbered, tagged with a license, or carded, is to treat you and everyone else alike as a convict in your own land, or to “prove” you’ve committed some pseudo-crime when you are innocent, such as not “obeying” some belligerent, armed and dangerous cop’s orders, regardless of the circumstances or provocation.

    Flaw (false law) enforcers think they have the right to control you, and that you must have their permission to come and go "freely," to corral you like livestock, or to pen you in a cage like an animal in a zoo (that are all treated much kinder, daily fed and cared for more humanely, than any human prisoners).

    Conversely, adults raised in such a lawless “police state” climate innately act out in criminal, violent ways, because they lack any true compassion, and selfishly do not care for their neighbors in the same way they care about themselves.

Deceptions Hiding Ulterior Motives

    So-called “entertainments” that really are criminal, in that they encourage and instigate violent, combative, rebellious conduct, egg and incite along such misbehavior, all in the name of ill-gotten profits.

    Little wonder, then, that there is almost no respect left for those demanding it the most; to the point where many officers or agents are killed, even as they or others of their number have murdered people, including those innocent of any true crime, every year.

    Similarly, enemy-instigating needless military interventions around the world, under false flag and deceptive ulterior motives, for the profit of contractors, private sector “security” minions and the like, to rob sovereign nations of their natural resources for the sole benefit of the invading forces and the treacherous, carnivorous corporations they truly represent, could not exist in any world where such inhumane and deadly evils prevail, as they have in Palestine since just prior to 1948.

    Any so-called “nation” that survives and thrives on the endless, countless corpses of its victims, year after year, decade after decade, exists solely because those capable of administering true justice are so corrupt and evil they condone and help sustain these enemies of the human race!

    It is therefore inevitable, along with faux freedoms in an increasingly incarcerated country, false families that trample underfoot the rights and cohesiveness of actual families -- and particularly the rights of fathers -- and the fundamental frauds that permeate the courts, media, and the executive and legislative institutions of government, among others, that such evils will eventually come home to roost.

The End For The "Secret Agent" Agenda

    For every dire, destructive, onerous, vindictive, murderous atrocity done under the cloak of secrecy, or duplicitous lies and deception, seven to ten times as much misery, suffering and carnage will be visited upon the nations and/or states responsible.

    There is a very real, very vengeful, and very angry Creator who will one day, much sooner than most realize, intervene to right all these wrongs.

    You may, or may not, survive to see that day, depending on which side you allow yourself to remain.

    The enemies of the poor and humble are His enemies, and they will be recompensed, make no mistake about that!

    Then, and only then, true liberty and freedom, real families, and the pure truth that permits no distortion, confusion or obfuscation, will prevail and thrive in the absence of all adversarial opposition finally.

    May Creator Yahveh speed that day, and may you live to see the bounteous blessings of a world set right-side up at long last!

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