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Mar.-May 2011  | Spring-Summer Issue  | Vol. 7, No. 21

Hidden Causes and Cures For Cancer - Part 1

    Cancer, it has been long known in some scientific circles other than the "mainstream" of so-called medicine, is pleocausal in nature.

    Which means it can be caused by many entirely different and unrelated agents, influences or toxic sources of injury to the various cells of the body.

    As such, no single treatment or attempt at prevention could ever be cited as the ultimate "cure" for all cancers.

    Nevertheless, some of the hidden causes of cancer have gone largely unnoticed, unrecognized and have remained free to continue hurting and harming largely unaware and ignorant victims of this most deadly of all modern pestilent plagues.

    The irony is that, in "advanced" and "developed" nations, where modern medicine reigns "supreme" in its influence and control, cancer has grown to become the number one major killer disease!

The Century Of Confusion

    There is no coincidence in the fact that cancer kills more supposedly "superior" medicine-treated people than it does those seeking alternative treatment methods.

    The reason is that most so-called "treatments" for cancer actually assist and speed it in destroying what remains of an otherwise healthy body, by undermining and lethally attacking the immune system, healthy cells and vital organs indiscriminately, so that while tumors appear to shrink, the ability of cancer to readily reappear remains while vital organs are damaged beyond repair.

    All despite the fact that, long ago, several scientists discovered multiple effective ways to treat and even cure many forms of cancer, along with a myriad of other diseases, ailments and afflictions.

    Various related methods, from light and color to sound and electrical were found to actually heal these maladies, often in very short order, but their discoverers were either soon run out of business or sidelined, attacked and falsely vilified by the very profession that now falsely holds out a perpetually frustrating hope for progress in a field of healing it refuses or fails to adequately understand.

    A blanket of silence has been thrown over these historical facts -- which were once more commonly known and followed by a far more observant and intelligent public -- by several new generations of ever-more ignorant, arrogant or just plain stupid "news" reporters, who now unitedly chant the mantra of the status quo misinformation, propagandistic and false "facts," and plain old name-mucking derision; calling into doubt, question and ridicule what these creators and purveyors of misinformed opinions utterly refuse to accept as real, effective or healing.

    In such a world as ours, it is a wonder that any diseases are ever truly healed, and it should come as no great surprise that, in actual fact, most are not.

    Much of the twentieth century, and now the start of a supposed "new millennium," should be accurately described in history books (as in a future, more honest, time it certainly will) as the lost century of confusion and chaos, in regards to health, healing, and accurate understanding of causes, effects and cures.

A Fearful Master

    One of the most remarkable discoveries of the past century is the fact of cancers of various origins being more prevalent in certain geographical areas.

    This sort of study could be done even more effectively and rapidly today, compared to the era before rapid transportation and instant global communications, but it probably never will -- or if done will rapidly be suppressed, if it hasn't already -- due to what it would reveal.

    Too many "sacred cows" now exist for modern "medicine" to ever cure itself of its own self-imposed myopic blindness and guilt in the matter of causing and failing to cure so many virulent contagions and illnesses, that now claim multiple hundreds of thousands of lives, if not millions around the world, every year!

    There also are too few people willing or able to understand that those they trust the most, with their health and well-being, are the most guilty of victimizing them with quack "cures," placebos with no hope of helping alleviate the underlying causes of sickness and death, and poisonous drugs that kill more people each year than most of the far less dangerous or fatal ailments they mistreat, when taken as directed (causing more than 106,000 deaths per year in the U.S. alone).

    Meanwhile, one person dead from herbal treatments in a decade, is cause enough to justify draconian and overreaching bans and confiscations, and concerted attempts to eradicate an entire industry to prevent all access to natural and effective means of treatment, which have long thwarted the total domination of allopathy (drug-based "medicine"); a word that should be better redefined as the single most common cause, rather than the curative treatment, for all disease.

    Media frenzy over distorted "facts" often stands as stark testimony to the gullibility and cupidity of the public and those who so easily lead them down this primrose path to self-destruction; fearing most that which they so readily bring upon themselves by means of these selfsame fears.

    Allopathy has thus become the fearful "master" that is leading the majority to the brink of a prolonged and painful pit of perdition.

Biased Basis Behind Blatantly Bogus Business

    Nowhere is medical research more biased than in the causes and cures for cancer.

    Take chemo (drug poisoning) for instance. Polls confirm that the majority of the same doctors who prescribe and administer this often lethal form of cancer "treatment" say they would refuse chemo for themselves (with court-forced chemo for children, one must wonder aloud if doctors could also successfully refuse chemo for their own children).

    Research is so biased, in fact, that no natural solution to healing cancer (anything that does not involve the big failed three of so-called cancer "therapy": chemo, radiation and surgery) is even considered, much less investigated.

    Bias against one particularly effective and potent cancer fighter, laetrile, was so strong that a leading senior research scientist (Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura) at the prestigious research center (Sloan-Kittering Cancer Institute) which ran trials for five years, and finally announced total failure for this effective method of treatment, resigned in disgust over the results.

    It seems the institute conducted the tests again and again, changing the conditions under which the trials were conducted, until it finally got the falsified results it wanted, and immediately announced only the results of this one false, deliberately staged trial to the unquestioning press and gullible, easily deceived public, to "prove" laetrile ineffective in the "war" against cancer.

    Of course, the first victim in this war against the pure truth -- to call it what it actually is -- is the facts, along with any and everyone who is determined to stand by the true scientific paradigm of unbiased and open-minded investigation, observation, testing and pursuit of only the most effective, safe and healing modalities.

    The drug business, along with bribed and paid for government agencies and agents, are the real culprits behind all the furtive bias and deliberate obscuring and vilification of anything other than the allopathic (poisonous drugs) modus operandi of modern "medicine."

    If the public ever once generally suspects how their misplaced trust has been abused by such bias and bogus, contrived trials and their inevitable results, many heads would roll before another day dawned, within government and the medical community.

    Only the final realization of the role played behind the scenes of these two monstrous aberrations of failed public trust -- through drug company bribery and other perks -- however, could ever shake the equally false faith in, and deadly reliance upon, the entire evolutionary-based drug and "magic pill or potion" paradigm, or the mega-wealthy drug and chemical companies this evil seed has spawned.

The Hidden Factor Behind Cancer Genesis

    One Russian-born engineer, who immigrated first to France in the 1920s, and then to America in 1940, discovered and proved through successful trails and treatments at many prestigious hospitals and facilities of his day, cures for many ailments that still baffle and evade modern medical science's attempts at cures -- including cancer -- based upon his theories and research in electricity, radio and microwave transmissions, solar and cosmic wave radiations; including an unseen but pervasive health threat, and the means to eradicate it.

    Georges Lakhovsky first published his findings in the English language in 1935, with his groundbreaking book: "The Secret of Life," subtitled: "Electricity, Radiation and Your Body."

    Subsequently confirmed by modern researchers, such as Robert O. Becker (The Body Electric, Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, 1985, and Cross Currents, The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine, 1990), Lakhovsky's experiments and invention of the Multiple Wave Oscillator (with the unsung help of Nickola Tesla) paved the path for a true understanding of cancer, and how it can be prevented or cured.

    Lakhovsky discovered, in researching solar sunspot activity, auroras, radio wave transmissions and cosmic waves, along with increased incidences of cancer in certain geographical regions or areas, and cancerous growths in plants and animals as well as mankind, a hidden factor.

    This long-concealed cause of so many modern ailments, including diabetes, remains locked away and out of view to most modern medical researchers, along with the public that blindly relies upon the results of their alleged expertise.

    Absent any real understanding of what effects radio, television, microwave cell phone, wireless computer communications and similar unnatural, man-made environmental pollutions have on plant, animal and human life forms on earth, medical science is groping about blindly for a solution it can never find, discover or even see through the opaque blindfold it imposes upon itself and the public.

    It is, in fact, such radiations -- along with the normal solar and cosmic radiations to which earth is daily subject -- along with the geological nature of the regions of earth upon which we live, work and play, which explains the ever-increasing incidences of cancer, diabetes and many other seemingly incurable ailments.

    Largely unnoticed and unsuspected electromagnetic and similar radiations underlie and, in fact, is the hidden factor behind cancer genesis; and a great many other otherwise inexplicable debilitating or deadly illnesses and diseases.

Pioneer Research Proved Cancer
Link With Geographic Locales

    Georges Lakhovsky proved that certain locations are more prone to cancer genesis, due to the nature of the underlying soil and geological makeup, and that water sources often absorb and carry this same debilitating type of energy, adversely affecting any and all who live or rely upon such resources.

    These deadlier regions, where cancers strike more often than the average, Lakhovsky discovered, are on less permeable plastic clay-type and marly soils, and those composed of or containing slate, iron ores, carboniferous beds and chalk.

    Geographical localities where incidences of cancer are less in evidence include permeable soils composed of sand, gravel, sandstone and limestone.

    Lakhovsky's theory behind why the statistical facts prove such a connection is that permeable soils permit the proper absorption of solar and cosmic radiations, which constantly bombard the earth (and especially during periods of solar flare activity), whereas the less permeable soils and underlying geological strata cause these radiations to bounce back from the earth, causing an interference pattern with the incoming radiations.

    Such interference patterns can also prevail in areas subject to man-made sources of artificial radiations, especially microwave and wireless computer transmissions, but also including radio, television and radar broadcasting installations.

    It was a lifelong endeavor of Georges Lakhovsky to find a solution to the adverse effects such radiations have on plant, animal and human life, including a cure for cancer.

    He realized that all the cells of your body are, in fact, capable of transmitting and receiving minute but powerfully effective radiations of a very short wavelength, and that the components of each cell's membranes, conductive fluids, filaments and strands are, in truth, miniature circuits capable of generating and being influenced by such electromagnetic emanations.

    As Lakhovsky explained it:

    "Owing to the microscopic dimensions of cells and their filaments, dimensions measuring only fractions of microns, it follows that the oscillation of such a circuit requires but an extremely small amount of energy. It is difficult to imagine the infinitesimal quantity of this energy, but the imponderable amount of force brought into play in the course of these oscillations does not preclude the far-reaching effects of these ultra-short waves, owing to the considerable amount of induction attainable with such high frequencies....

    "Some physicists have experimented with high frequency waves of the order of a hundredth, and even a thousandth, watt. In the experiments of Nichols and Tear, for the generation of electromagnetic waves of 300 microns, the energy of these radiations was so attenuated that their measurement necessitated a special optical method.

    "Thus a certain imaginative effort is required to appreciate the greatly attenuated energy that makes the circuits of our cells oscillate, whose structure is perceptible only under the microscope at a magnification of 300 to 500" (The Secret of Life, 1992 edition, pp. 165-166).

The Source of Life Energy

    While this may sound or appear heretical to some religious beliefs, there is something of a spiritual component to electromagnetism, because it appears to account for life itself, which includes a spiritual component of awareness and intelligence, in one form or another.

    Lakhovsky explained it as follows:

    "Induction is produced by the variable magnetic field propagated by the waves issued from the transmitter. It is owing to the same process that the radiant energy of cosmic waves activates our own cells....

    "The cells revolve in variable electromagnetic fields generated by a source external to the earth, that is to say within the field of atmospheric radiations comprising a complete range of frequencies as typified by cosmic radiations emanating from the sun, the Milky Way and the immensity of celestial space.

    "Finally, the existence of variable electric and magnetic fields of multiple frequencies arising out of space shows that all the energy of radiation at the earth's surface comes, in the last analysis, from electromagnetic induction brought about by the rotation of the earth in space" (op. cit., pp. 168-169).

    All of which begs the question, from what originating source do such energies arise, and what is the true nature of that source?

    The fact that there is a negative side to such energy, as experienced here on earth, presupposes a negative and pernicious spirit at work in our world, which Lakhovsky described (albeit in purely secular and materialistic terms) as "the problem of this 'war of radiations'" (op. cit., p. 171).

    So, if you understand and interpret radiation as including the spiritual side of creation, and divorce it from its flawed "evolutionary" mindset, Lakhovsky's theory of the origin of life, summarized succinctly as a "threefold principle" makes perfect sense:

    "Life is created by radiation,

    "Maintained by radiation,

    "Destroyed by oscillatory disequilibrium" (op. cit. p. 173).

    Simply substitute the words Spirit for "radiation," and rebellion for "oscillatory disequilibrium," and you'll begin to grasp the great import of this remarkable discovery.

    As such, cancer is not simply a physical ailment. Rather it is also a disease of the spirit, caused by failure to heed the basic rudiments of spiritual revelation and rules of conduct (the Laws or commandments that supersede and nullify man's flawed carnal laws and standards of misconduct).

To Be Continued

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