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Sept.-Oct. 2011  | Fall Issue  | Vol. 7, No. 22

Hidden Causes and Cures For Cancer - Part 2

    Cancer is a complication of cellular injury to the body.

    This can result from exposure to toxic chemicals (drugs or food additives, pesticides, etc.) or other contaminants, radiation or electromagnetic exposure, etc., over short of long periods of time, and other forms or sources of prolonged or relentless stress, particularly of the emotional or traumatic variety.

    This almost always results from a breakdown of the immune system to fight off pathogenic diseases, such as cancer.

    Many different organs of the body can be affected, and there are therefore many different names for "types" of cancer, depending on which organs or areas become cancerous.

    Cancer is the same in any case, and its cures will also be the same, provided they can reach those areas or organs effectively, and in sufficient quantities quickly enough to make a difference.

The Malnutritional Basis For Cancer

    The chief foundation underlying the cause of all cancers is usually or predominantly a matter of malnutrition.

    Not the sort of malnutrition you might ordinarily associate with inhabitants of starving third world counties, rather the type of bad diet related to affluent, obese, overfed but malnourished first world Americans, Brits, Europeans, and other countries with similar manufactured, adulterated, often fast "food" diets.

    Such diets often contain hidden or disguised poisons, since most people blindly trust that government agencies, such as the FDA, are protecting them from anything truly harmful or deadly in the food supply.

    Rather than actually fulfilling this role, as most assume, such agencies are working more to protect the interests of manufacturers or -- more importantly to the government -- their masters, the economic interests directing them and the government to do their bidding, regardless of what the public thinks or wants.

    Because of the underhanded control of all this commercial activity there are hidden and dangerous toxins found in almost all manufactured "foods" sold today.

    One of these is largely concealed under many different names (as many as 40 different names, at last count), when less than 79% of the active ingredient of this contaminant does not contain its most reactive form, since -- according to federal government regulations -- in such cases it need not be listed among the ingredients at all, as otherwise required under federal labeling laws.

Food Drug Of Choice

    This mystery ingredient, that not many know or care exists in their regular diet, has no nutritive value whatever, but it does stimulate the taste buds and makes bland, otherwise tasteless, nutritionless food seem to taste great, while leaving you craving ever more, due to malnourishment and the body's crying but unsatisfied need for good nutrition.

    This toxin actually acts like a mind-altering drug, making even the worst of "foods" seem irresistible, by tricking your body into an addictive relationship where it literally craves more and more, and can't ever seem to get enough of this neuro-disruptive excitotoxin.

    So, because it sells more "foods" and seems to "satisfy" consumer cravings for more of the same, this drug is used to adulterate so many store-bought and restaurant prepared "foods" today that it is nearly impossible to avoid. Since the 1950s usage of this toxic adulterant has exploded more than 300 times (4,000%+).

    An average American now consumes almost two pounds of this single additive every year, with the result that researchers have now tied it to many "modern" ailments, such as headaches and migraines, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, stroke, heart attack, vomiting, nausea, stomach disorders, depression, autism, asthma, fatigue, multiple sclerosis, amyotropic lateral sclerosis, epilepsy, attention deficient hyperactivity disorder, and cancer, among many other different diseases also attributed to this single drug-like additive alone.

    Consuming this one substance causes cancer cells and tumors to grow faster and invade healthy cells with more vigor, since cancerous cells have built-in receptors for this toxin.

    This poison in your "food" stuffs is now linked with the occurrence of colon, breast and thyroid cancers (and one should suspect pancreatic cancer as also being largely related to this toxin as well), along with primarily one of the worst types of brain cancer called glioblastoma multiforme, in addition to melanomas and throat cancers.

    The size, growth rate and invasiveness of tumors of all kinds is directly related to the amounts of this substance found in the diet, and hospitals "foods" are particularly high in it, making cancers fast invading and incurable!

Pervasive Poisonous Pollutant

    Wouldn't you like to know how to avoid this poisonous drug?

    Well not even fruits or vegetables will long be immune, since a form of this neurotoxin is being developed into a "growth enhancer" to be sprayed on these crops in the field. And the FDA, in reliably corporation-financier friendly fashion, is even lowering the standards for organically grown produce, so it too can be adulterated with this food producer's drug of choice.

    Almost all store or restaurant "foods" are liable to contain large amounts of this poison, even when labels or menus claim their ingredients contain none of certain more recognizable forms of it, while others lie concealed within, under deceptive names, or are not even listed among the contents.

    Believe it or not, this poison is responsible for the so-called Chinese cuisine syndrome, causing those affected by it to feel gnawing hunger within an hour of eating full meals, and some to experience rapid heartbeat, nausea, a flushed face, hot chest, or diarrhea, up to and including feelings of impending doom or death!

    These are all just the surface symptoms, while the true damage goes largely unseen, unfelt and unnoticed, as brain and nerve cells are damaged beyond repair or destroyed.

    Usage of this additive is so prevalent and pervasive today that the only way you can avoid it is to eschew eating at any fast food, and most other restaurants, and by avoiding entirely any manufactured "food" in whatever sort of package containing it - whether in cans, boxes, jars, bags or wrappers -- especially all the so-called "snack foods," candies and the like, or anything other then locally grown and sold produce, poultry and organic nuts, meats and similar fare.

    Yes, even hens and turkeys are now routinely injected with up a 10% solution of this drug to "tenderize" the meat, and it has been used as a main ingredient in popular meat tenderizers for decades.

A Babylon Of Pseudonyms

    What is this mystery drug and toxin of choice, being literally dumped into every sort of "food," from baby formula to practically everything else today?

    When it is required to be listed in ingredients, here are just a few of the deceptive code names by which this self-same adulterant is being dumped into "foods" now:

    Autolyzed yeast, barley malt, broth, bouillon, calcium caseinate, carrageen, caramel flavoring, corn syrup and corn syrup solids, cornstarch, dough conditioner, dry milk solids, "enriched" (anything so labeled), fermented (anything), flavorings, gelatin, gum (all kinds), hydrolyzed oat flour, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, malt extract, malt flavoring, maltodextrin, milk powder, modified food starch, "natural" flavors, "natural" chicken or beef pectin, plant protein extract, potassium glutamate, protease and protease enzymes, protein fortified (anything), rice syrup, seasonings, sodium caseinate, soy protein and soy protein isolate, soy sauce or soy sauce extract, spices, stock, textured protein, ultra pasteurized (anything), vegetable gum, vitamin "enriched," oat, rice, wheat, or whey protein and whey protein isolate, yeast extract, yeast food, and yeast nutrients.

    Some of the more innocent sounding of these may, in fact, be even more harmful than the major form most aware consumers recognize and try to avoid.

    The common name under which all of these other names fall is: monosodium glutamate, or MSG for short.

    Even "foods" labeled "No MSG" may well contain hidden derivatives of MSG under the name "free glutamate."

    There is only one natural, harmless form of glutamate found in nature, called bound glutamate.

Harmful And Pathogenic MSG

    The excitotoxin MSG, in all its many varied forms, damages and can even kill various nerve cells through overstimulation.

    Together with refined sugar, which is literally a cancer food that helps cancer to grow and thrive, aspartame and other similar chemical artificial "sweeteners," all forms of MSG in what now passes for a "food" supply are serious health threats not only being ignored by government regulatory agencies, but are actually promoted and encouraged by them.

    Infant and childhood obesity result from lesions (wounds or sores) in the hypothalamus, the brain's weight control regulator, an organ that is highly sensitive to and easily damaged by MSG.

    Young children are up to four times more sensitive to the harmful effects of MSG than are adults, such as yourself, and studies of how this substance affects primates or mice are of little help, since they are anywhere from 1/20th to 1/5th as sensitive to it, respectively, as humans are.

    This organ, the hypothalamus, also regulates food intake through its leptin receptors, which send the brain a signal that you've had enough to eat.

    Because MSG damages these leptin receptors your food intake regulation becomes confused and you tend to overeat, causing often enormous weight gain, since your brain never receives the signal that you are full and need to stop eating.

    This may be "good" for grocer and "food" manufacturers' profits, but it is another form of blood money, due to the glut of disease, suffering, and death that afflicts countless thousands, if not millions, of hapless people as a result,

    And don't believe that more innocuous-sounding names for this substance are somehow thereby rendered impotent or harmless.

    Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, for instance, is even more pernicious and damaging to your health than standard MSG, and it isn't alone in being enormously harmful to those who ill-advisedly consume this powerful and dangerous drug.

Deadly Damage While Symptoms Delayed

    Since 1945 this potent poison has been added to the American "food" supply in ever increasing quantities.

    The amino acid MSG is actually a form of neurotransmitter inside your brain, which occurs naturally in the body in minute quantities that are harmless because they are bound to proteins.

    Free glutamic acid or glutamate is toxic not only to your brain cells, literally exciting them to death, it has a similar adverse effect on the cells of your liver, kidneys, nerves and eyes, often within mere minutes of ingestion!

    It often triggers what are mistaken for allergic reactions, which are actually symptoms of MSG poisoning. When your brain is adversely impacted, it in turn causes disruption in your entire endocrine system (from your thyroid to your adrenal and pituitary glands), including the protein-based polypeptide known as human growth hormone (HGH).

    MSG consumption can result in innocuous-seeming flu-like symptoms (which are nevertheless serious, since the effects of cellular damage and destruction are accumulative), all the way up to brain damage, seizures and even death!

    Symptoms often do not even become apparent until after better than 80% of the neurons in the effected area of the brain have been destroyed.

    This results in such well-known but little understood (as to cause) diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, or amyotropic lateral sclerosis, when the final 10% or 20% of your brain cells are compromised.

    Memory loss occurs when damage to brain neurons causes nerve cell dendrites and synapses to contract and lose their connections.

    Such symptoms often appear only decades after the damage was begun, and far too late to reverse the course of disease or halt the inevitable cessation of life that accompanies the degeneration -- within a matter of a decade or only a few short years from the apparent onset of the disease -- which was actually festering and growing for many years or decades before that.

Sudden Death Threat

    Asthma attacks can be serious, even life-threatening, and are often brought about by MSG ingestion. Similarly, otherwise healthy-appearing men and women with no apparent symptoms of heart disease, can unexpectedly drop dead from sudden cardiac arrest.

    This condition affects an increasing number of high school, college or university and professional athletes, as well as the elderly, particularly those with low magnesium, and/or omega-3 fatty acid intake, high calcium levels, and a variety of toxic "food" sources of MSG and similar excitotoxins in their diets.

    Each of these conditions are of serious health-impacting concern, but taken altogether they can be a deadly and often fatal combination.

    MSG has been likened to a cancer fertilizer by one researcher, but it should also be known as the deadly drug it is, capable of adversely affecting major vital organs and compromising your health, often silently or by masquerading as many different afflictions, until it results in prolonged suffering and eventual, or perhaps even instant death.

    And the results could range from neurological damage, impaired mental capability and functioning, to debilitating and eventually fatal neurological ailments, heart disease, obesity, or cancers of all types, sizes and locations, with life-threatening results.

You Can Eat Just None!

    The cure to cancer, and many other modern ailments for which medical "science" hasn't a clue for any cure, can be truly simple, effective and easy...

    All you have to do is learn to listen to those who are more knowledgeable than your typical doctor, whose nutritional training -- and therefore actual healing ability -- is practically nil.

    Considering all this, perhaps you should seriously reconsider the advertising slogan "bet you can't eat just one," by instead choosing to eat just none of these extremely harmful and potentially deadly snacks, "foods" and corrupt staples of the typical "American" diet.

    Instead, opt for the safer path of getting back closer to nature and natural real, healthy foods, as your Creator intended and provided abundantly for our use.

    Only in this way can you ever hope to avoid the necessity of biting the cancer "bullet," and live a longer, healthier, happier lifetime as a result of better, life-sustaining, and often far superior tasting (real tastes, as opposed to artificially-induced sensations), truly enjoyable dietary choices.

The Coming Stem Cell Fiasco

    It is a fairly well-known fact that typical chemo and radiation cancer "therapies" destroy the immune system, resulting in the cancer "cure" called death!

    Now medical researchers are pinning their hopes, dreams and money-making schemes on the fairly recent "discovery" of stem cells, of which cancer is largely composed.

    By destroying stem cells in the location of cancer, these doctors and scientists theorize, cancers can be controlled or eliminated "easily." Just so yet another in a long line of "new" and "promising" possible cancer "cures" is born.

    What these deadly medical clowns have forgotten to mention is that stem cells are, in reality, a major component of the immune system.

    Stem cells, or "embryonic" cells, are the means by which all other healthy cells of the body are differentiated, or formed, to suit the needs of different organs and parts of the body.

    They are also the means by which your body heals injuries, being the major component of scar tissue.

    Any attempt to destroy stem cells will also, likewise, result in destroying or interfering with the immune system in unpredictable ways.

    One thing you can accurately predict from all this will be yet another no doubt obscenely expensive medical "treatment" fiasco pushed on foolish, gullible patients, to their great hurt, harm and destruction!

Discovering The Evasive Truth About Cancer

    Nothing that attempts to treat a symptom, which is all cancerous tumors really are, without understanding, getting at and removing, or eliminating the actual cause, can ever hope to achieve a real cure.

    That cancer cure is as "simple" as watching your internal and external environments, to protect yourself against poisonous toxins, mental and emotional stress, and repeated injuries or assaults upon your immune system, or various organs of your body by avoidable pollutants.

    Of course nothing is truly that simple, because we live in an age where deception rules the world, delusion reigns supreme, and wicked destructive lies are assumed to be the "truth" by most beguiled people.

    So long as this condition prevails, is how long the true causes, and cures, for cancer (and every other form of degenerative ailment) will remain evasive and hidden!

To Be Continued

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