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March-May 2012  | Spring Issue  | Vol. 8, No. 24

Hidden Causes and Cures For Cancer - Part 4

    We live in world of predatory dangers, like a zoo where the animals are mistreated, misfed or ill-fed, by keepers more concerned with profits than the well-being of their captive, caged charges.

    You might, in truth, be your own worst caretaker, a custodian guilty of causing your own maladies by just such means as those who are guilty of animal cruelty.

    You may even be at fault in the care of your family, in violation of the human rights to life, health and well-being.

    The further away from wholesome natural ways of living modern men and women stray, the more they will suffer from deadly, fatal illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, among others.

    Healthy alternative life choices are central to any successful attempt to either prevent these ravages of the "civilized" world from striking in the first place, or to help heal and restore good health once they do.

Are You Your Own Best Keeper?

    Chief among the cures for cancer are the things Creator Yahveh provided us in nature that help prevent and heal, when included in your daily dietary choices, so long as they are as pure or as fresh and unsullied by the "food" growers, processors, manufacturers, distributors and merchants as possible.

    For instance, the current practice of irradiating spices kills off living, organic substances they contain, and introduces carcinogenic and radical changes to these once healthy substances which -- much like microwaving -- alters and corrupts the once healthy, life-giving, life-preserving properties into life-threatening, life-taking poisons.

    Then there is the problem of poisoning plants with pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and chemicals intended to somehow make the soil produce more -- and produce it does; a bumper crop of deficient, harmless looking, but poisonous garbage with little taste and even less value nutritionally.

    If you remain ignorant of these things, how are you your own best keeper, much less someone who looks after and cares for the needs of their family sufficiently?

Poor Choices That Lead To Disastrous Consequences

    This isn't something you can delegate to anyone else, or abdicate your personal responsibility to safeguard the doorway to your physical well-being, through your mouth. Only a lifetime of diligence will suffice to provide you any security that you might live to obtain and enjoy a healthy, vibrant, active and productive old age.

    Just like guarding yourself from poisonous substances and hazards, accidents, violent aggressors, and overly stressful "living" environments, you must also be aware and in control of everything that you consume. Blindly eating or eating everything other blinded, ignorant, unaware consumers do, in the end will only result in your winding up like most of these unhealthy, suffering, miserable people.

    When you are young, and your body is still strong enough to easily shrug off most of these toxins, you might not be aware of their steady, relentless, cumulative effects until it is too late.

    As you age, however, you will slowly and certainly begin to suffer the illnesses, pains and anguish of poor choices, whether made for you by others, or indulged by yourself.

Healthier Choices

    So what are some of the healthier choices you have available to you, that can help keep you safe, or even assist you in healing from deadly cancers?

    The answer varies by individual, since there is no one ideal diet, due to the fact that there are different types of metabolisms, although there are actually just two basic types into which you may fall.

    There are those who need and can handle a lot of meat in their diets, for instance, while others need and require a lot less or a better variety of this dietary staple compared to fruits and vegetables.

    Too much meat, even for those who thrive on this, can also be unhealthy, just like too much exercise, or too little, can be equally harmful and injurious to your continued health and well-being.

    Eating too much, too often also, like a lack of rhythmic cyclical periods of exertion and activity, can be just as bad.

    For instance, too much meat -- as discussed in prior installments in this series -- can deplete your body of cancer-fighting enzymes produced by the pancreas, which not only help digest proteins in your gut, but can also dissolve away the protein-encased outer shells of cancer cells, which prevent the body's natural immune system defenses from seeing, attacking and ridding these normal but dangerous mutations from your body.

The Unhealthy Drought

    There are cancer-protective, fighting, and preventive substances in many foods that were once part of a healthy cuisine for many cultures around the world, that are now mostly ignored, forgotten or avoided by those trapped in the western world "all manufactured food is good food" mythology.

    As a result of misteaching, mistaken medical methods and misguidance in dietary matters, most of the modern world is suffering from the ill effects of malnutrition in a sort of self-imposed drought.

    Not a drought caused by a lack of rain to grow crops, but a drought of healthful, living organic, natural real foods and dietary choices, amidst a glut of unhealthy, fast "food" convenience and rush to join, indulge and suffer the ravages of the rat race so many regret daily.

    This is costing you, or others you know, not only economically in rising costs due to far too many profiteering middlemen, but also in your vital life-force and ability to survive and thrive, to achieve longevity with a lack of the "usual" debilities most associate with the condition known as aging.

    What you don't know or fail to avoid can, and will, hurt you in the end.

Powerful Life-Sustaining Allies

    One good, healthy choice most have forgotten or are ignorant about is the grain millet.

    Once a staple in the diets of most agrarian societies, this cancer-preventive, health-conservative dietary choice is almost non-existent in most modern diets. This healthy choice is all the more so if it is in as close to a natural, organic, fresh and wholesome form as possible.

    Four simple but powerfully effective spices that are cancer-protective and healing, which are probably not currently a major part of your present culinary choices, are curcumin (made from the root of the turmeric plant), otherwise known as curry -- a "hot" spice found in many traditional dishes of India -- ginger, another "hot" spice that is both healing and restorative, cayenne, cow-horn or bird pepper derived from hot chili peppers, and papain, an enzyme made from the white, sap-like, milky substance found in unripe papaya fruit skin.

    Another very healthy dietary lack may well be coconut milk, and the flesh of fresh coconut meat.

    Coconut milk, for instance, contains substances that make it the closest thing to mother's milk and blood plasma in nature. In fact it can even be used intravenously to protect the body from blood loss, as it was by the military on both sides of the conflict in the Pacific during the second world war.

    In the fruit realm, blueberries, tart cherries, blackberries, raspberries, and many similar types of fruit contain many natural substances that help the body heal, and keep it safe, from harmful immune system compromising pathogens, poisons, parasites and perilous perturbations of health, such as cancer, heart disease and blood glucose imbalances.

An Ounce of Prevention Really
Is Worth a Pound of Cure

    Far more important than curing cancer, or any other modern debilitating disease after the fact, is the ability to prevent and avoid these modern maladies in the first place.

    While there is no "one size fits all" approach that is perfect for everyone, due to physiological and societal differences, there are certainly some common denominators you should be aware of, such as the above healthy dietary choices, among many others still available and too numerous to list here.

    Doing your own due diligence, when it comes to the health of yourself and your family is a necessary first step in the right direction.

    There are other things you must know, however, if you are to benefit fully from the precious gift of life you have been bequeathed.

    There are, in fact, four specific areas in which you must avoid extremes in either direction: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

    Lack or imbalance in any one or more of these vital areas or aspects of your being can and will adversely affect all the others.

    You must learn to live with, enjoy and embrace periods of activity as well as periods of rest and recuperation. Too much of one without enough of the other can be harmful to your well-being, and may even threaten your survival.

    In each of these areas, an ounce of prevention -- taking care of the cyclical needs of your body, for instance -- is worth far more than any pound of cure currently available from the medical would-be (but utterly false) "saviors" of this age!

First Do All Harm?

    Cancer begins, grows and thrives on various forms of unrelenting stress, for instance.

    Stress causes actual lesions in the brain, which adversely eventually inflict cancer on the parts of the body associated with those areas of the brain.

    Once a woman I knew told me about her daughter, who suddenly contracted what ended up being a fatal form of cancer which soon killed her.

    My first question was: "Did she suffer from any sort of emotionally traumatic experience within the past year and a half?"

    Sure enough, her daughter had undergone a very emotionally traumatic and painful divorce about eighteen months before the cancer first appeared. Without a protective diet, such as her mother ate and suggested to her daughter, which she rejected and refused to consider, within another 18 months or so the rapidly advancing cancer -- likely helped along with the chemo-injury tactics of the usual gang of medical miscreants -- finally took the middle-aged daughter's life!

    Chemo-injuries include making females sterile; incapable of bearing children. How many parents consider this fact among the known side-effects of such mistreatments, before they stand up and demand an end to such abuse of their children?

    Where, in the current physician's oath, are the words Hippocrates recognized as the foundation of all good health-care: "First do no harm"?

Guarding The Gates of Your Gut

    The damage and harm to the bodily organs, tissues and integrity done by "traditional" cancer opportunists in the medical profession is incalculable and just as frequently deadly fatal.

    Faith in the ability of medical science fiction will not be sufficient to protect you or those you care for from the debilitating effects of drugs, poisons and poisonous radiation thrown blindly at the afflictions we call cancer.

    It's like a deer entrusting its fawn to a pack of wolves, while hospitalization is akin to a sheep leaving its lamb in a den of coyotes!

    Yet presumptuous courts, mostly ignorant of the health-impacting dangers, side with arrogant medical presumed "authorities" to force such mistreatments on unwilling and protective parents, whose children happen to fall victim first to cancer, and then to the medical system itself, by means of an errant court system.

    The "cure" is often and usually far worse than the disease, as modern medical quacks kill their patients by eradicating tumors, along with life-sustaining organs and the immune system, without eliminating the underlying hidden cause(s) of the cancer or resolving the health-destroying issues that led to it.

    Medical science can never eliminate what it has blindly failed or refused to understand, admit or acknowledge.

    You might as well sleepwalk on a busy freeway as trust your life, or that of your child, to the error-prone, dietarily-ignorant, grossly arrogant, unheeding hands of the modern medieval medical establishment.

Life-Saving Advice

    If you follow the world's worn-out paths, which lead to so much suffering and premature death, how can you escape a similar end?

    Meanwhile, if you truly value your life, you'll give heed to this friendly, life-saving advice:

    Firstly, when it comes to your own continued health and well-being, to prevent painful suffering, regrets and possible death, you must first do no harm.

    Secondly learn to feed yourself real food, eschewing and avoiding all the plentiful poisoned pseudo-"foods" glutting the modern marketplace, along with all the harmful "medicines" -- that never solve the problems created by malnutrition and dehydration, while masking the symptoms -- that only increase your future woes and suffering, hastening your untimely demise.

    Thirdly resolve to live by the golden rule, and actually do so, among others who reciprocate in allowing each other a stress-free environment, in harmony with your and their need for cyclic periods of rest and activity, protected from all toxins, poisons, unnecessary stress and nutritionless proto-garbage posing as "good food."

    The very best cure for cancer is, after all, the one that prevents it from ever taking hold of your vital organs, holding your health hostage, and finally extorting your final breath in violent and agonizing pain.

To Be Continued

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