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Sept-Nov 2012  | Fall Issue  | Vol. 8, No. 26

Hidden Causes and Cures For Cancer - Part 6

    Cancer is largely a malnourishment disease, which can also result from various other forms of cellular damage, including poisonous toxins, drugs, radiation and stress.

    In seeking a cure for cancer at the altar of poisonous toxins, drugs, and surgery (another instigator of cellular damage and stress), is it any wonder so many have failed to be cured or healed of this affliction?

    The farther "modern" society gets away from the core ideal of an agrarian existence, and the natural fruits of wholesome nature untainted by the poisons and damage done by modern agricultural practices, the farther down the slippery slope of illness, contagion and cancerous corrosion of life you are, until life can no longer be sustained, protected or prolonged.

Cancer Caused By Insanity

    It is a mental illness typical of an age which ignores all the actual causes of cancer when seeking mythical "cures" from so-called "science" (fiction, largely), while rejecting every real cure out of hand, without examination or even with extreme prejudice and antipathy!

    What could be more indicative of this form of insanity, than the total denial of reality while embracing all that reeks of impossibility and the imaginary?

    This is a form of insanity that is typified by the end-age prophecies of scripture that revealed long ago how things today would be, and what they will yet become:

    "For in the last days scoffers will come, disparaging and following their own evil desires.... But in keeping with His promise we are looking for a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness" (II "Peter" 3:3, 13).

    What is an "evil desire" if not anything that leads to harm or death for oneself or others?

    Nothing is more deadly than cancer, since it is statistically the most prevalent cause of death in the western world (heart disease is only viewed as the "No. 1 killer" by those who have failed to do their homework; since the majority of all "heart disease" deaths are attributed to the advanced elderly, over 77 years of age, as the convenient choice for cause of death for those considered too old to bother with proper attribution of whatever ailment was actually the cause, and because ultimately we all die of a stopped heart).

    Discounting the artificially inflated statistics for heart disease, which includes those who die of seizures as a direct result of drugs used to treat cancer, and accounting for the artificially low statistics for cancer, skewed by misdiagnosis of anyone surviving more than five years from diagnosis as "cured" even if they die of cancer one day past this arbitrary limit, further skewed by earlier diagnoses, the actual statistics for cancer deaths are by far much worse than the public is being misled to believe.

Real Answers

    Looking at what is flagrantly missing from the western world diet, it is apparent that far too many cooked, processed, adulterated (while mislabeled "enriched"), nutritionless -- or nearly so -- "foods" are being increasingly consumed, while fewer and even less organic, raw, vegetables, herbs, spices, nuts and fruits are included in the typical "average" diet.

    Even those that are, such as nuts, are tainted with caustic, poisonous sodium chloride, or vegetables and fruits washed or soaked in water full of carcinogenic fluoride and chlorine, which is absorbed along with pesticides, chemical fertilizer residues, and even grey water from human waste used to grow produce in third world countries (and even in America), and sold through local grocery stores and supermarkets, whose main outlook is whatever makes the most profits, regardless of the consequences.

    Given a federal government, and even rabid out-of-control state clones of this monstrosity, hell-bent on punishing, sanctioning and ridding the earth of any and everything wholesome, natural and healthy, while pushing, promoting, propagandizing, and rewarding everything that hurts, harms, destroys and kills, it is little surprise some believe this to be an attempt to covertly reduce the population by those following the orders of hidden wealthy masters pulling their strings from above, but behind the scenes.

    What is needed are real answers, not more of the same swill and bilge that for more than a century has been spewing forth from academia and its plethora of trained apes in the fields of "science" and particularly "medicine" (or allopathy, to be more precise).

    Even homeopathy seems to have been infiltrated with those who think there are no boundaries that should not be trespassed in seeking "cures" for ailments and suffering, the cause for which often lurks within the very treatments being used to combat a growing epidemic, which alone witnesses to the fact of the lack of efficacy in these prevalent methods of choice.

    Real answers can usually be found in the simplest of natural means, which are even by and large feared by a general populace sold on the idea of trusting their malefactors while eschewing any who could truly help.

Enzymes Part of the Missing Link

    In the mania to overcook, incinerate, microwave "nuke," and otherwise destroy all nutrients in once living foods, vital vitamins and nutritious enzymes are destroyed wholesale, while other constituents are altered, corrupted or transformed into toxins or carcinogenic poisons when ingested.

    While there is a culture that believes in mechanically juicing tons of fresh fruits and vegetables, often combining the two with little understanding of their different effects upon the digestive process, the heat often induced by the process of rapid juicing also alters or destroys vital vitamins, enzymes and other nutrients.

    There is one means that can lead to useful ingestion of an abundance of the needed vitamins and enzymes, but it is oddly feared by many who misapprehend the supposed "dangers," thanks to fraudulent propaganda in the "news" media mills, churning out mostly whatever the government du jure deems acceptable.

    That is sprouting. Feared because of the minimal, faint possibility of contamination from e-coli (more likely to be found in fruits and vegetables grown with grey water and even raw human waste and sewage converted into "fertilizer"), the almost nonexistent numbers of people hurt or harmed from a provable source related to growing your own sprouts is seen to "outweigh" the tens to hundreds of thousands injured and killed by allopathic and "generally recognized as safe" food processing, storage, cooking and preparation, every year.

    Due to the enzyme-depleted nature of most foods today, it is best to start each meal with a salad that consists mainly of fresh sprouts, to provide needed enzymes for the proper digestion of other foods, particularly those that are cooked or otherwise prepared, to aide in proper digestion and assimilation of what nutrients there are left to obtain.

The Actual Cause of Most Ill Health

    Sadly, so many buy into the big medical lies and major con game of so-called "health care" today, manipulated, prompted and promoted mostly by the major pharmaceutical companies and the American Medical Association of quacks posing as doctors, that there is little wonder so many suffer and die needlessly, without a clue as to the real causes of their conditions.

    Or any idea that the real "cure" begins with waking up, opening your eyes and ears, taking personal responsibility for your own education, beliefs and faith, by withholding the latter from anyone whose main concern is authoritarian control, brainwashing, and abuse disguised as "treatments," often forced on unwilling recipients by courts that are as entirely incapable of rightly judging such matters as is the general public.

    It's long past time for intelligent people to snap out of their hypnotic trances of "patriotism" and undeserved trust, to realize that nothing pushed in the form of pills, from largely organic original sources, but just as often from inorganic, non-assimilable, harmful substances -- but taken apart and put back together in patentable form -- is better for you than the original organic source.

    Nothing man-made, or concocted under harmful, often chemically-assisted, abusively treated and mechanically, or otherwise unnaturally altered substances can actually ever be good or beneficial.

    If it doesn't grow naturally (which means without being genetically modified and tampered with, to produce dangerous hybrids -- the full repercussions of which will not be fully known until major harm is done, far to many have suffered, and massive numbers of deaths result), it simply isn't healthy for you to imbibe, ingest, or even inhale!

Where It All Ends

    In prophetic scriptures thousands of years old, all these "modern" evils were foretold, and the ultimate solution revealed to this entire morass.

    Before all is said and done, the massive harm to the environment caused by current practices, could very well threaten the extinction of all life on earth, unless the Creator of everything first intervenes to prevent this.

    Even then, the time is coming when it will become necessary to remove all of the contaminates in the only way it is possible to safely, effectively and permanently rid the earth of their destructive presence.

    That entails the destruction by fire, to cleanse and purify what remains, so that out of the ashes a new creation can thrive, as depicted in the final Revelation of scripture (see: Revelation 21:1; cf. II "Peter" 3:10-13).

    This is a promise for all who seek to live a life devoid of causing harm to themselves or others, even should they suffer at the hands or behest of those who could care less whether you live or die.

    In the false belief they are "saving the world" for their own selfish ends and use, these false "saviors" will one day be seen for what they actually are, one or another of the four deadly horsemen of the apocalypse (Revelation 6:1-8), which are:

  1. False religions imposing their "faith" by conquest and force upon largely unwilling peoples (Revelation 6:2).
  2. Warmongering governments and the illegal "profession" of courts of "justice" (entirely lacking in real justice) leading directly to loss of freedoms, imprisonments and famines (Revelation 6:4).
  3. Rapacious and swindling corporations -- from banks to international and local businesses more concerned with "profits" at any cost, than with health, safety and responsibility toward others, resulting in poverty, hunger and privation (Revelation 6:5-6).
  4.     And finally:

  5. A murderous and voracious "scientific" and medical aristocracy of hypocrisy, bringing massive death and destruction in its wake, disguised behind foundations, research institutes, and hospitals of alleged "mercy," whose end result -- and close, profitable association with elderly prison camps (known facetiously as "rest homes"), corpse dissecting schools, morgues, mortuaries, crematories and cemeteries -- is largely hidden from sight, unacknowledged and mostly ignored by the general public (Revelation 6:8).

    There will literally be "hell to pay" for all the abuses and harm being perpetrated, all in the name of false "security" as the world seeks "salvation" from those whose actual, true purpose (realized and admitted or not) is to maim, harm, kill or destroy.

    Cancer is just the tip of the dirty iceberg that is about to sink the Titanic "one world government" swindle, about to be foisted off on a far too gullible, willingly deceived public!

To Be Continued

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