The Pure Truth Restored

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Sept-Nov 1984 A.R. (2014) | Fall | Vol. 10, No. 37

How Are All Men Created Equal?

    In some respects, all men are created equal, in terms of Creator granted rights (to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; i.e. inviolate private ownership of property used in ways that do not infringe upon the rights of others to these same blessings, either morally or physically).

    Yet in many other ways, we are not all created equal in nearly every other respect.

    There are differences of sex, age, income, locality, family size, home environment, society, culture, language, physical, mental and emotional makeup, and so on.

    Each of these, or all of them combined, can create drastic differences in the level, ability, or perceived ability, to succeed, prosper, and live life fully, or not.

Unequal In Many Ways

    For some the amount of disposable budget for food, clothing and other necessities is practically unlimited, while their sense of what is healthy or appropriate attire might be entirely lacking, while others may wisely choose to eat and dress better while being unable to afford it, or provide for the best quantity or quality in one area or the other, or both.

    For those raised as single children the home environment and social dynamic is much different from those who have multiple siblings, while males in families where female siblings outnumber them are in an entirely different sort of environment than are females in families where male children are predominant.

    A lot also depends upon the personality and temperament of the father and mother, as well as the dynamic between the two in relation to each other, and toward their children.

    In school, one locality differs from another, just as one teacher or style of teaching is different from another, so that no two children can be said to have precisely the same educational opportunity as any other, since whether or not teachers or teaching styles match or resonate with their own individual personalities and character traits, or not, is yet another determining factor in the overall success or failure of the educational experience.

Anti-Social Schooling And Lives

    Social standing by age and income level is another factor established, accentuated, and perpetuated by schools, where older children either tend to help, or more likely burden, intimidate and abuse younger children, while some are promoted and seem more popular, from teacher's pets to student body supposed leaders, just as the faculty are kept separate from the mass of students during meal times, and before or after school opens and closes.

    Students almost never see nor know how or where their teachers live, or anything else about their personal history, background, qualifications, or real world activities outside of the classroom.

    In the world at large, there are likewise many differences, such as those between employer and employee, those working in government-related positions compared with those who are self-employed, contractors, investors, and the like, in the private sector.

    Officers and boards of directors rarely meet with investors, while the employees almost never mingle with those who make the business decisions that can either make or break their companies, thereby affecting the job security and future employability of those working under them.

    This is, of course, an entirely different environment and circumstance from a company that is employee owned and run.

    So no matter where you look around you, differences abound and are more the norm than so-called equality has ever been.

    Men and women are different based upon the things they learn and how they apply themselves to earning a living.

Different Authorities

    Everyone knows the importance of firemen, for instance, whose lives are often on the line attempting to save the homes and property of individuals and businesses when fire disaster strikes without warning.

    The same can be said for other emergency responders, whether the emergency results from inclement weather (hurricane, tornado, ice storm, drought, wild fires) or other "natural" disasters (tsunami, earthquake, meteor or comet damage), etc..

    The officers of law are supposed to help control and resolve man-made situations such as crime, accidents and the like (yet can often be the cause of these), while doctors and nurses are supposed to help repair and heal injuries, illness and the like (although they more often are the cause of worse things, thanks to their incomplete knowledge and deficient education in natural cures, remedies and healing processes).

    Dentists are supposed to do the same for oral hygiene and health due to dental problems, but just as often are a major source of troubles thanks to their unwise use of toxic metals, plastics and other substances that can and often do have an enormous impact on whole body health, just as the medical profession rarely suspects or accounts for the impact of oral infections on overall health, that can even swiftly kill if not timely treated adequately.

    Financially, advisers, consultants, accountants and the like are looked upon as necessary expenses to ensure the fiscal well-being of individuals and businesses alike, even though they are usually the only ones to profit from every trade or investment made.

A Disrespected Profession

    There is another profession which is rarely respected today, mainly due to it being so often wrong, misdirected and errant, which is far more important than all of these other vocations combined.

    The ministry, if it teaches solely the pure truth, is and should be dedicated to avoiding the need for all the rest.

    You see, true guidance in spiritual matters, and the repentant humility of those so guided, is essential to avoid all these evils or curses, as well as an effective security and protection against acts of war, aggression, violence and the like, up to and including all kinds of disasters, natural or man-made.

    The ministry that is truly and totally correct in its guidance can even be a more certain and complete means of total healing for physical, mental and emotional injuries (in addition to avoiding these to start with), which is something neither the professions of medicine, surgery, psychiatry, hypnosis, and chiropractic combined could ever hope to accomplish.

    This makes the most disrespected profession in the modern age, by the majority, the most essential, life-saving, protecting and even healing resource of all, provided the advice and direction given by truly inspired servants of the Creator -- who alone is responsible for all that exists -- is respected, heeded and obeyed.

    The reason for this has nothing whatever to do with the individual(s) chosen to assume this often hated and despised task down through history (the messenger often being accused and blamed for the inevitable results of stubborn refusal to hear and obey the prophetic warnings in advance conveyed by such servants).

Spiritual Inequalities

    In fact, it is the Creator's choice and prerogative to select those He alone knows are the best possible candidates to fulfill the roles of prophet, inspired teacher, or minister.

    It isn't a matter of some school's training, although this could help if rightly directed and inspired by someone with the direct connection to the source of inspiration, and not just some award, accolade or degree passed along by other equally carnal, but uninspired, men or women.

    It is a matter of election, which simply means not all men or women are created equal, any more than women are the equal of men in some areas, or men are the equal of women in other areas.

    We are all equal in having a span of time upon this good earth to accomplish what we were put here to do, although even here there is inequality, as the lifespan of some is pitifully short while that of others is long, while still others -- being stillborn -- must await a future resurrection for their time to finally arrive to enjoin the fruits of life here on earth.

How We Are All Created Equal

    Just as often, length of life does not always go to those who are the most deserving, nor is shortness of days necessarily any indication of being less deserving or accursed, thanks to the inequities artificially imposed by the wickedness of greed, hoarding, avarice and injustice posing as jurisprudence among men and women.

    Each of us has our role and place to fulfill, if we but recognize and admit into our hearts and lives the Creator's wise guidance and direction, in obedience to His perfect will.

    Those who do so are created equal in regard to the hope and promise of salvation, even though it is apparent that not everyone can qualify or occupy just any role in that future reality, other than that for which they are the most qualified and capable, according to the gifts and talents they have been blessed with, and actively nurtured, developed and perfected during our brief lifespans here on earth.

    For all those who qualify to enjoy the blessing of life beyond the resurrection from the dead, there will be equal joy, prosperity and peace for all!

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