The Pure Truth Restored

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June-August 2012  | Summer Issue  | Vol. 8, No. 25

How Patriotic Are You?

    Patriotism implies loyalty to the government of your country.

    Nobody likes to think their government or country could be bad, but you should know that -- just as Americans see many other countries as being "evil" or misguided -- the citizens of other countries may see yours as being troublesome, erring, or even evil as well.

    Just as you tend to whitewash your own character flaws, while focusing intently on the peccadilloes or foibles of others -- usually complete strangers, but this can also be close relatives or even mates -- even so, others are seeing you in an entirely different light than the reflection you see looking back at you from the mirror each day.

    Given what prophetic scripture warns us about the coming bestial world-ruling dictatorship soon to enthrall (enslave) the world, you should carefully question your government loyalty/patriotism, and check to see how you measure up to the standard revealed in inspired scripture, of blind, toady servitude to a truly evil regime that will blind and fascinate almost the entire world.

Origin of All Evil

    What if you already live in such a country, where patriotic myths abound, but the hidden realities are so frighteningly and starkly obvious to any who dare look under the patriotic veneer?

    Is it possible that you might be rooting for a truly evil regime without even knowing it? If so, how could you tell, or discover the pure truth about what's really what, and who you should trust, or distrust, loyally hear and follow, or abhor and avoid with disgust?

    The devil, as they say, often masquerades as an "angel of light," as even the scriptures teach us (cf. II Corinthians 11:14), while "the true light" ("John" 1:9; I "John" 2:8) is often viewed by worldly people with suspicion, distrust and even outright hatred.

    The servants of the false accuser and master adversary, and his agents in power in every nation on earth today, in one way or another masquerade as "righteous" or above reproach, while their actual actions shout -- louder than mere words can describe -- the enormous evil that is currently overtaking and engulfing the earth in violence, war, famine, death and misery (II Corinthians 11:15).

Quid Pro Quo?

    Is your stamp of approval reserved for such evils, posing as patriotic duty, national "security," or under some other rash, ruthless rubric written red with the blood of innocents?

    Do you harshly judge cultures and peoples you know absolutely nothing about, other than what some government propagandist, or their willing stooges in the press -- including political cartoonists and others who pass fast but fallacious judgments off as "wise" and "learned" criticism -- deign to tell you?

    Are you supporting foreign wars for hidden agendas (oil, drug or fiat currency profits or thefts, for instance), without knowing it?

    If you support "regime change" and the murder of leaders of other countries, do you also admit the possible need for such drastic actions in your own country, by foreign governments that see the world through different patriotic or religious eyes?

    That which is good for the "rulers of darkness of this world" (Ephesians 6:12), that seems so obvious to you, is also good for those who masquerade as bringers of (false) light with lying promises of change for the better (while delivering only more of the same, or worse)!

Patriotic Lies

    In this modern world, all nations are presently following -- to one degree or another -- the "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (op. cit.), so loyalty and patriotism to these forces for evil in the world stems solely from the wicked, hurtful, lustful and deceitful desires of every "loyal citizen" who accepts and condones political lies, half-truths, and prevarications.

    It is best to remember the English language root of the word patriot, which is pater, meaning "father," in light of the following warning and advise from the true Messiah (coming King of kings and Priest of priests), Yahvsave:

    "You are doing the things your own father does.... You belong to your father the false accuser, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for is a liar and the father of lies" ("John" 8:41, 44).

    No surprise, then, that political lies abound in patriotic-minded countries, including the USA.

The Coming True Almighty Prince...

    This evil spiritual being is presently the "prince of this world," but he will soon be driven out ("John" 12:31), who "stands condemned" ("John" 16:11), and will be punished with destruction in the Lake of Fire -- along with all his deceitful heads of nations, who follow in his greedy, rapacious paths -- come Judgment Day (Revelation 19:20, 20:10).

    Only then, once all nations finally submit to the rule of the true Prince (Revelation 1:5), when "the kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our Sovereign and of His Messiah" (Revelation 11:15), will patriotic evil finally end.

    Before that, the kings, rulers, princes, presidents, legislators, judges, corporate heads, and military generals -- mostly the rich and the powerful of this present world, among others -- will all hide and cower in caves and pray for the mountains and their boulders to fall down and crush them, rather than submit to the rule of peace and prosperity of this worthy Prince (Revelation 6:15-16)!

    Will you be counted among the worthy, elect few who will then patriotically prefer the Prince of Peace, and His Father, the Father of all children of the true light (cf. Luke 16:8; "John" 12:35-36; Ephesians 5:8-10; I Thessalonians 5:5, 9; "James" 1:17-18)?

    I'm praying you will be able to see the light in time, and openly confess "the Lamb, slain from the founding of the world" (Revelation 13:8, cf. 5:12), before the dreadful days of coming trial and tribulation begin in earnest (see: "Matthew" 24:21-22, 30; Mark 13:19-20, 26; Luke 21:23-28).

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