The Pure Truth Restored

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Mar-May 1985 A.R. (2015) | Spring Feast Issue | Vol. 11, No. 39

How To Save Yourself!

    Your life is in mortal danger!

    Natural or man-made disasters can erupt anywhere at any time, without warning.

    And there is only one way you can save yourself, even while those around you perish...

A Vital Lesson...

    If there is one thing natural disasters like the Indian Ocean or Thailand tsunami of 2004, or hurricane Katrina’s devastation of New Orleans in 2005, have in common it’s this:

    People of different races and religions are affected the same. Christians, Muslims, practitioners of oriental religions, Jews, and secularists with no religious affiliation, alike are victims of these and other disasters, such as man-made evils like wars, ethnic or racial skirmishes around the world, and similar death-dealing catastrophes.

    It doesn’t matter how loudly a government or religion trumpets its pledge to keep you “safe” and “protected,” this is simply not always possible because the matter of your personal safety is not entirely in their hands.

The Only Safe Way!

    There is only one person on earth who can guarantee your safety against such malevolent forces. And that, dear reader, is YOU!

    Not that you need to run away from home and become a survivalist hermit in the woods, armed to the teeth against any encroaching animals or people.

    Even there disaster often awaits the unwary, who are unprepared for the one enemy that lurks just around the future for all of us eventually, death itself.

    You see, there is only one way to save yourself in this lifetime, and that is to be on the right side -- and in the good graces -- of the Creator who alone determines who lives and who dies, and even once dead when and where you will live again, and for how long!

Inevitable Judgment

    Despite hollow protestations by all the popular religious movements today, you cannot find this sort of relationship through any of their corrupted, paganized versions of “truth.”

    They are ignorant of one main verity that reveals their total lack of authority in helping you avoid the penalty of death that your own sin has brought to life in your resulting brief and terminal existence.

    That is the fact that the truth of salvation was hidden away from rebellious and willfully disobedient “religious” and secular people long ago, and has awaited the end time, just before utter devastation and disasters -- unparalleled in earth’s entire history -- are set to strike a disobedient and corrupt generation without warning, destroying a vast majority of earth’s present population.

The Only Ageless Law

    Environmentalist luddites and population “control” murderers or their apologists need not rejoice over this possibility, simply because they will also be counted among the victims of this coming holocaust!

    Only one type of person will survive it all in the end, and that is those who are innocent of wrongdoing -- in the Creator’s and not man’s eyes -- who are genuinely humble, teachable and willing to accept His Laws and Commandments as the ultimate rule of conduct over their lives.

    Those are the Laws and Commandments given through Moses, but to date not understood or obeyed as intended, even by those who claim to be his modern-day disciples, people or followers of the “only true” religion.

One Unique Source Of Pure Truth!

    What the majority of those claiming the mantle of supposed religious authority have ignored for centuries is the yet-to-be-fulfilled prophecies proclaiming that all things would need to be restored before the pure truth would once again be taught, just before the Messiah’s second coming!

    At which time there will again be horrific plagues, similar to those that afflicted the disobedient Egyptians in Moses' age, that will wreck havoc on all of earth’s present-day rebellious and Lawless inhabitants.

    And for you to save yourself, you must first learn about this from the only source teaching it today, restoring long-lost knowledge of wisdom and truth, in light of the original understanding about how to obey the Commandments, Statutes and Judgments of your Creator in any age.

    Otherwise, how could you claim the protection available only to those who repent of their sins, since you would never know what they are without this vital, life-saving truth?

    That protection can save you from all the calamities ahead, and preserve your life even through death, via the first resurrection from the dead, which will take place during the lifetimes of many now on earth.

Real Salvation -- What Is It?

    Salvation is more than simply a matter of faith, but rather faith built upon correct works, thoughts and actions, that reveals your dedication to the pure truth against all falsehoods and lies which have posed as “truth” over the centuries.

    Unless you stand -- armed only with the fruits of the Spirit -- bravely in opposition to all deceitful liars and destructive false accusers, violent predators and survivalists, armies, teams, militias, extremist murderers, armed forces and the like, you have no right to claim salvation and cannot obtain it, no matter how desperately you believe otherwise!

    This doesn’t mean rebelling against authority, but rather not allowing yourself to abandon your beliefs in the face of opposition, persecution, threats or actual violent assaults by those who pretend to have authority in the name of any religious or secular idol, including any so-called “government” of man.

    It means adhering to what you know is right and true in spite of every attempt to coerce you into saying or acting in any way inimical to the pure truth.

You Can Only Save Yourself!

    You should never take violent action yourself, knowing that the Creator is far more powerful than any enemy of His, and is quite capable of keeping you safe from harm, regardless of the situation or condition of those around you.

    This is a personal, one-on-one relationship and cannot include anyone who is not so dedicated, no matter what they mean to you.

    You can only make the choice of saving yourself, because this choice resides in each one of us individually, under the guise of free will and personal decision.

    The only thing you can do for anyone else is strive to convince them to make the right choice, but in the long run whether or not they heed the warnings of scripture or others remains their individual responsibility.

    Just as it is your responsibility to accept and believe the teaching of the pure truth, through heartfelt and sorrowful repentance, and thereby save yourself from this evil and rebellious end-time generation!

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