The Pure Truth Restored

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July-Aug 2013  | Special Summer Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 31

Involuntary Servitude - Whose Servant Are You?

    Like most people in America today, you probably think that you're free.

    Care to reconsider?

    Whether or not you realize it, you're anything but free.

    In fact, you are living under the onerous condition of involuntary servitude, despite your belief to the contrary!

    "How's that?" you might demand to know.

    "Nobody tells me what to do!" you are probably arguing vociferously. Am I right?

    The sign of slavery is being branded with a mark of ownership.

    You are the servant of whosever mark of servitude you bear.

Tax Slaves

    Servitude is being compelled to do things you might rather avoid, such as paying a hefty chunk of your earnings to a tax man, for instance.

    What if I told you, as government agents in the know have often admitted publicly, that the income tax is entirely voluntary?

    "Then why am I compelled to pay taxes on my income?" you might inquire.

    It could be because you volunteered to become the government's slave, or at least accepted its mark of ownership over you, which your own parents had you branded with before you were old enough to know better.

    That's assuming you know better even yet, which most Americans simply and emphatically do not!

    Take the courts as a case in point, for it is they who enforce involuntary servitude upon a mostly gullible and nearly entirely ignorant public.

    They will decree that you cannot be indigent, no matter how bad the economy or low your level of supposed "income" may be, unless you "volunteer" to accept state welfare.

Currency Slaves

    Spending your money on food, when you can take it from others at the point of a weapon wielded by government tax thugs, is the height of "insanity" in the eyes of most, if not all, judges.

    They are the ones allowing dishonest currency, claiming to be "dollars" -- which are not worth a fraction of a precious metal coin real Dollar -- to rack and ruin our lives with inflation, recessions and even depressions.

    Despite this being contrary to the highest laws of the land (constitutions, which mandate honest money: "No State shall...make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts" -- United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1), courts of flaw (false law) routinely, and unlawfully, declare that fraud "Federal" Reserve note "dollars" are acceptable as payment for judgments and fines!

    This impoverishes Americans who eschew government welfare (yes, there are some few of us who reject this form of servitude, or engaging in the dishonest activity of eating without working).

    This enslaves Americans to the whims and wiles of inflation robbery, an unlawful unsanctioned and illegal taxation created by government spendthrifts with printing presses, actively engaged in the criminal act of counterfeiting daily.

    Mostly, Americans feel forced into "volunteering" large portions of their pay as "income taxes" who are actually non-taxpayers (they do not work for the federal or state government, in any privileged -- excise taxable -- activity, for any public office employer as an "employee," or for any government-related business, agency or service).

    You are quite possibly one of those who are so bamboozled, believe it or not.

Born Free?

    Where does it start?

    With state-issued birth certificates which, contrary to popular but mistaken opinion, are not mandatory under any law.

    Add to this the equally non-mandatory social security registration and enumeration, which no law can force you to obtain or use, to work or earn a living, despite all appearances and pretense to the contrary.

    That SS number, like your birthdate on an outdated pagan Roman calendar system, is actually your branding as a state slave, whether you accept this fact or not.

    No court can honestly and lawfully require you into such involuntary servitude, yet most people volunteer to be so enslaved and victimized.

    Why is that?

    Do the chains of such servitude lay lightly upon you?

    Or like most, are you feeling the pinch and the pique of this onerous situation, and the need to somehow escape from it all?

Is Freedom Now Outsourced?

    Many Americans have tried fleeing their own country, feeling oppressed and hounded by their own government "servants" turned oppressive tyrants, yet they often wind up in even worse shape in foreign countries where even less freedom is tolerated than they once believed is their heritage and right.

    How about you?

    Have you become the servant, where you should be a sovereign, involuntarily despite the high-sounding but oft vacuous patriotic platitudes to the contrary?

    You have a choice to reject the cruelties of injustice rampaging throughout the court system, and to join into voluntary servitude to your Creator, whose burden is never grievous or hard to bear!

    You have that right under freedom of religion and religious conscience.

    The only question being: Whose servant are you willing to remain or become?

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