The Pure Truth Restored

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June-August 2014 | Summer | Vol. 10, No. 36

IRR - What It Is, And Why You Need It Now

A Video Message From the Publisher:

This is Hank Scott, for The Pure Truth Restored...

    Read the article The Salvation Almost Nobody Seeks in this issue, then ask yourself these vital questions:

    How could it be possible for this wisdom to have been suppressed?

    Why has nobody else, before now, seen or taught this?

    How could the scriptural evidence to prove this have been overlooked and misunderstood for centuries?

    The answer is that IRR has been missing, withheld from generations of rebellious humanity -- hell-bent on doing whatever seems "right" in their own eyes -- while pretending the evil they think, say and do is somehow "righteous" and acceptable.

    Unclean food is and has always been one of the adversary's major means of cementing this conduct -- his "legacy" of death, misery, self-destructive beliefs, and corruption -- from one generation to the next, in a nearly endless cycle repeated throughout human history.


    Simply because he knows a truth that humanity has little suspected all along.

    The Creator's spirit cannot and will not dwell with uncleanness, so for you to accept and receive that gift of life, healing and blessings beyond any you've ever known in this lifetime, requires you to first clean up your act starting with the basics of your diet and the attitudes it permits you to experience.

    Because attitude is everything when it comes to doing what the Creator wills, to bring peace and long life to this earth, without the poisonous interventions or drugs of medical miscreants posing as "saviors" -- the very opposite of what they actually are, and how their activities are really prolonging misery and suffering, leading to untimely death in iatrogenic (medical treatment caused) suicides by proxy.

So What Is IRR And Why Do
You Need It Now, More Than Ever?

    IRR is an acronym that stands for Inspiration, Revelation and Restoration!

    In these last days -- and most evil age of humanity's perverse existence on this good earth -- you cannot be truly saved without these three gifts of the sacred Spirit from our heavenly Father.

    And without being or becoming a clean vessel for His spirit to dwell within, through a healthy, unadulterated diet -- devoid of all the contaminants, additives, pesticides, poisonous non-organic or "organic" but corrupted chemicals, inedible, poisonous metals mislabeled by the false, lying advertising claims of "enriched," "natural" and the like -- you cannot receive this gift, or long maintain it.

    Cleanness, or purity, of body is the foundational bedrock upon which obedience to the other Laws, Statutes, Judgments, and revelation of our Creator's will must be based.

    Without this, your poisoned body and mind would soon reject the revelation of restoration that has been taking place -- almost secretly because so few are capable of hearing, heeding or accepting it in the midst of such an evil end age as now exists -- for over three and a half decades to date.

    Restoration is simply returning (repenting) back to those ancient truths and Way of righteousness long suppressed and never understood by a pagan culture of rebellion engrained by a pagan climate of uncleanness posing as "righteousness," supposed "truth," "justice" and "morality," which it is anything but, in reality.

    This is what the Savior and His Apostles, Prophets and Teachers all prophesied would take place -- indeed must take place -- before His return to establish the heavenly Creator's Kingdom over all nations here on earth!

    More than ever, if you truly wish to survive what is coming, and be able to participate in actual salvation -- to even recognize what that is, when you see it, and not fight against it like one of the wicked and doomed rebels of this end age seeking to prevent His return -- you will need to embrace this worthy, ageless truth, that restoration is needed now more than ever before.

    No church, religion or "spiritual" teacher of this age has known or understood this great revelation, because it could not be received before the time allotted for it to be given, any more than the world as a whole knew the Savior before He was sent to be born, live, die and then return to life, to show us the way to salvation!

    Knowing today what He requires of you spiritually is one thing, but being able to live up to that standard despite all the uncleanness of your heart, body, environment, and spirit, is quite another.

    It may well be one of the most difficult decisions of your entire life, to abandon all that you've ever known or thought was "good," for you to hear the sacred Spirit, the ancient of Days, who is the Father of lights, to accept and receive the gift of His inspiration, revelation and restoration.

    IRR, or true inspiration, revelation and restoration, is what thoroughly pagan, unclean Christianity lacks, and deceived by its adversarial spirit against the way of truth, has long been prevented from receiving or accepting, as evidenced by its very name.

    For Christianity does not even accept the vital pure truth about the Savior's true and only name of salvation, revealed in original "Old Testament" scriptures it mostly rejects, which is Yahvsave, meaning: "Yahveh our Savior."

    The world, in its groaning death pangs of this final, end age of unrestrained evil, needs for you to wise up and accept this pure truth now, more than ever before!

    Because then, and only then, can salvation begin to rain down upon the parched, desert of spiritually barren humanity, to bring the spring of life and a new age of blessings unbounded, for all peoples on earth, at long last.

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