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Sept-Nov 2013  | Feast Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 32

Making A Killing In The Medical Business

    How does someone make a killing in the medical business these days?

    Take career political candidates as a case in point.

    How do they manage to rack up millions in property and other assets over a mere few years' time, on public servants' pay?

    Under the table bribes, backdoor deals, and taking advantage of insider knowledge (often spoon-fed by corporate lobby interests, in return for concessions, perks and onus laws for the rest of us, that favor these rich and powerful, ofter supra-national interests) come immediately to mind.

    Although you might be one of those who would like to believe "your" doctor is above all this, the corrupting influence of the drug cartel -- and lack of ethics once embodied in the Hippocratic oath, but long since edited out, that a physician must first do no harm, and must look to natural means including diet primarily, to create healthy conditions for patients to recover (which can also prevent illness and sickness in the first place) -- runs deep and affects more than you could ever know.

    How does a private practice physician "earn" over a million dollars a year, without being some highly sought-after surgeon?

    Simple really.

    They cut out the pharmacy middleman by buying chemo and other deadly drugs wholesale, and then charge the government-operated and other health-care providers, including insurance providers (who pass these costs on to their policy holders) top dollar.

    Take a drug that costs the doctor a mere 14% of what they are billing their clients, or their health insurance providers, and you have a corrupt and extremely profitable practice (for the independent doctors, and hospitals, to enrich and gorge themselves upon), which sickens and poisons their patients into early graves!

    All the more so when you discover that it isn't what is in the patients' best interests that are being prescribed, but rather what makes the medical profiteers the most blood money.

Big Easy "Blood Money" Profits

    Given the fact that such drugs create the very conditions, illnesses and life-threatening disorders they allegedly "cure" (but never do, in reality), and this malignant medical business can create new clientele -- and mega-profits -- on demand, even as they feed crematoriums a steady stream of corpses, and fill cemeteries to overflowing.

    In fact, some physicians -- lured by the big, easy profits to be gained by twisting the system and government-led efforts to throw money after bad "solutions" that solve or gain nothing, other than a continuation of the problem status quo -- have taken to creating "cancer" victims out of perfectly normal, healthy people who are deliberately misdiagnosed, and thereafter subjected to expensive cancerous chemotherapy drugs, radiation or even surgery.

    The "victims" of this entire charade are often willing participants, looking upon their malefactors like a religious fanatic adores, venerates and worships their idols.

    And this is precisely what the medical business likes to engender in the hearts and minds of their foolishly trusting customers, a sort of religious worship that sees as "saviors" those who are actually abusing, harming and killing their clients with their so-called care and treatments.

    In fact, most physicians probably justify what they are doing under the same deluded and mistaken assumption, that they are somehow magically healing those they sicken and kill.

    This includes those who tumors shrink, along with the rest of their emaciated bodies, until they are pronounced "cured" of cancer, just before their inevitable demise, because by just these means they have also been "cured" of life itself.

    Such physicians are also the first to decry, denounce and demonize any natural, non-medical actual cures that exist, from dietary to changes in environment -- from abnormal, man-made and adulterated to that which is pure, wholesome, unpolluted and unsullied.

Aided And Abetted

    Monopolizing, corrupting and domineering the vocabulary that makes all this backwards insanity possible is the legal profession, with its glut of liar lawyers and jabbering judges who are as knowledgeable about health issues as they are about the as-yet undiscovered creatures that inhabit the unexplored reaches of the ocean's depths.

    So it has come to pass that accurate claims of benefits, even actual cures, cannot be labeled or called such, in advertising or product labels, while the massively harmful and deadly medical business is given total carte blanch to infest and afflict untold countless victims, with such clinical chicanery and greedy profiteering off the misplaced trust of the general public, in the falsely assumed legitimacy and often misused authority wielded by such tyrants to detain, drug and drive insane perfectly normal victims of the mental and cancer "health" industries, in particular.

    Given the sad and decrepit state of the courts and equally harmful, mismanaged, corrupt legal profession, the public is not likely to awaken any time soon to their own monstrous creations, even as they rampage out of control, cleverly concealing their violent crimes behind the closed doors of judges' chambers, prisons, asylums, laboratories, offices, clinics, hospitals, and operating rooms.

    Little wonder, then, that there are a growing clique of "privileged" and powerful tyrants who are quite literally making a killing in the medical business profession daily, to the ultimate hurt and harm of everyone else.

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