The Pure Truth Restored

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Apr.-July 2009  | Summer Issue  | Vol. 5, No. 16

"Noah's Dilemma"

    Imagine what Noah's life before the flood must have been like.

    Can you picture a man building not just a boat, but an ark big enough to house a large zoo, on dry land?

    Noah must have sacrificed everything he had in this world to accomplish that monumental task with only his wife, their three sons, and their wives, to help.

    And with all the ridicule they doubtless faced, before one drop of rain began to fall, how easy it might have been for Noah's wife to undermine his every effort and authority, or for their children to accuse their dad of creating problems for his family.

    It's easy for us, with the clarity of 100% "perfect" hindsight, to read the account and suppose this was all somehow "easy" or that everyone -- including Noah's daughters-in-law -- was supportive of his "crazy" project.

    Just think what their families, and Noah's neighbors, must have thought about it.

    Then there doubtless were the troublemakers.

    Those noisome "do-gooders" with a jaunticed eye toward others, whose every effort was doubtless to get the "authorities" involved at every imagined stage, accusing Noah of wife or child "abuse" perhaps. or of squandering all their earthly resources on his "insane" effort, when there was "obviously" no need whatever for it.

Meanwhile, Deep In Space...

    How could anyone on earth have known what was coming, if they refused to listen to Noah?

    Besides, Noah's entire work -- the building of an ark big enough only to hold just his immediate family and a representative number of every type of land and avian animal -- presupposed that only they would survive.

    What kind of ministry was that for an inspired man anyway?

    Noah didn't have some big congregation of "true believers" following him.

    Nobody listened to anything he had to say!

    How were they to know the strange events that were about to develop, as a curious comet (later to be dubbed the planet Venus) appeared in the skies, like an omen of evil about to ensue.

    If there were astronomers of any talent -- and there were doubtless great and amazing technological wonders in the world of that age, in which people lived not tens of years, but hundreds of years on earth; about ten times longer than presently -- they must have gaped in awestruck wonder as Venus bypassed earth.

    Then, when Venus displaced the second planet, throwing it out of its orbit, into its present location as the fourth planet in our present solar system, while the impact of some large secondary meteor or cometary fragment on Mars literally blew most of its surface water into space....

    The bulk of that water then invisibly floated, doubtless as frozen ice, in earth's near-future orbital path, where it would finally deluge the earth for 40 days and nights -- with so much water, in fact, it covered every hill and mountain and destroyed all life from the planet -- killing all except Noah and his family, eight people in all, and all the animals other than marine life with them in the ark.

Misinterpreting the Past

    So much water deluged the planet earth, in fact, that it would take the better part of a year for vast underground caverns and the like to absorb enough of it to uncover dry land once again!

    Many of the monumental megalithic stone structures, buildings and even cities of Noah's pre-flood (Atlantean) age, remain as stark testimony of this epochal event that changed world history -- many lying still submerged off the coasts of nearly every continent on earth -- from the Americas to India, Africa, and even Japan.

    Deep in the Mediterranean Sea, off the Island of Crete, are the remains of a once above-ground city, and so it goes everywhere on earth, where entire civilizations once existed and lived on dry ground, that now lies under many fathoms of water.

    Callous and cynical scientists today, thinking the present-day earth is the result of only painfully slow and steady changes over countless aeons of time, sniff at the very idea of catrastrophism.

    That simply doesn't fit their "evolutionist" world view.

    The implications of admitting such evidence, including skeletons of giants once buried under enormous mounds -- small hills, in fact -- in the Eastern United States, is so mind-shatteringly unimaginable that it is either ignored entirely, or swiftly and silently concealed and moved, destroyed or hidden, if possible, and quickly forgotten.

    Clever hoaxes were even designed to add incredulity to the likelihood of any claims to the contrary, while other hoaxes have egged on the mistaken notions of "evolutionary" development, with nary a shred of any proof for all the intermediary stages that would have to exist in profuse abundance otherwise.

    Still ancient, and more modern, legends and accounts, where some stray bits of evidence still exist but rarely come to light, yet never in any blatantly public manner, threaten to turn our "normal" world upside-down and inside-out, should the general populace ever learn of them in any open or organized fashion.

    So the choice most have made, as each new generation largely ignorantly arrogates to itself the presumption of authority, knowledge beyond our ken, and whimsical "wisdom" which reinvents history in our own image, is to misinterpret the past and recast it like the work of fiction it has largely become.

    In such a world, where even the words "based on a true story" imply more imaginary and mythical content than most might care to admit, how else could a factual, truthful and very real event of history -- such as Noah and the worldwide flood -- be viewed?

A Strange Paradox!

    Certainly everyone in Noah's pre-diluvium world thought everything about Noah smacked of caprice, peculiarity and absurdity, if not criminal mischief.

    Nothing in their previous experience could possibly have prepared them for the earth-shattering events about to unfold to their utter horror; unexpectedly, violently, and fatally!

    How much more unlikely is it, in our present day and age, for a truly inspired man -- whose work likewise foreshadows an ominous and cataclysmic end to our "modern" era of error, and "civilization" as we know it -- to be seen in a true light, even by his own family or country?

    Noah's dilemma must have included convincing his own family -- his wife, children, and his daughter's-in-law -- about the very real possibility that, unless they all worked and pulled together to accomplish his strange, costly and apparently "ludicrous" and "crazy" work of building the ark, they would all likewise perish.

    How odd that idea must have seemed, before a single drop of that final rain began to fall; all the more so as they sealed themselves inside what all the gawkers and onlookers must have assumed would become their own tomb.

    The rest, as they say, was history; unfolding and impacting the world in entirely unforeseen ways for the incredulous, disbelieving public at large.

    Even as the water began to fall as never before, due to doubt and denial and the total lack of anything like it in their previous experience, nothing could have helped those people understand what was actually happening.

    This must have left all those people, about to perish in that greatest of all past tragedies, dumbfounded and dazed, stunned and astounded.

What Would You Have Done?

    For those who knew of Noah's "folly" -- as it was no doubt broadcast and gossiped about in every nook and cranny of the pre-debacle world -- it must have been difficult to admit he was right...

    ...even as they gasped their last breath of life in the swirling, raging tumult, while desperately clawing their way to the highest ground they could find nearby.

    Perhaps a small glimmer of the truth finally slammed home, in their befuddled brains, as they sank into the dark, miry depths to their own personal oblivion.

    All of which begs the question: If you faced a similar dilemma today, how would you act and what would you do?

    Would you be a steadfast, faithful and trustworthy steward, to prepare in advance for what nobody else cares to see, acknowledge or admit?

    Could you do so even, it need be, despite a swirl of adversity, opposition and manic accusations?

    Or would you be like the gullible, deceived and deluded general public who almost always belittle, mock and ridicule what they simply refuse to understand?

You Face Just Such a Choice Now!

    Yes, you do; no matter what you might believe.

    Because you are presently confronted by "Noah's dilemma" in this day and age, and what you decide to do about it will determine the course of you life or death in the very near future, if you survive that long.

    Are you capable of making the right choice which alone can save you from the swiftly approaching disaster?

    Perhaps it won't happen this year, or next. Maybe not even for a few more decades yet (depending on when you are reading this).

    But sooner than you realize the end of this world age will arrive, in an entirely unanticipated and novel manner the likes of which only the ancient prophets -- and precious few moderns -- foresaw and urgently warned us about in advance, through their life-consuming writings and often "tragic" lives.

    Will you hear or ignore them?

    Are you even capable of saving yourself from this evil age?

    Only you can answer that with any certainty (and only your Creator can answer it with any finality).

    I sincerely hope, for your sake, that you can overcome the dilemma of doubt, uncertainty and fear to grasp hold of the only truth (the pure truth) that can save you from otherwise certain destruction!

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