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May-June 2013  | Expanded Pentecost Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 30

Prosperity - Why Appearances Are Deceiving

    Things change.

    That's the best way to sum up the economy.

    But what does this mean for you?

    Regardless of how the economy is treating you, do you understand where it will be tomorrow?

    Despite all the bad things that happen in this world, and the bad people who make them happen, there is only one person who is totally to blame for you falling victim to them.

    That person, of course, is you!

    And the only way -- the sole viable sane solution to all the world's ills -- is for you to claim the promises for obedience to the Sovereign Almighty Creator's will and purpose for having created you in the first place (unless, of course, you were meant to serve a different purpose; that of being an object lesson for those who are wise enough to heed).

Personal Economic Experiences

    If there's one thing that is true it is that you and I really don't know each other.

    You have no idea of my background, other than what I choose to share of it, any more than I know where you are coming from, although I can probably make a fairly good guess based on my wide and prolonged personal experience (from age and changing circumstances).

    How I know about the economy and prosperity is that I have lived in the equivalent of mansions, with expensive furnishings and collections, while a virtual pauper (not as a servant either, rather as a guest), and I have lived as a virtual street urchin in search of anything that could be easily converted into ready cash (such as "pop" bottles for their deposits, which during my youth were discarded along roadsides even more often than aluminum cans are these days).

    Thanks to searching diligence I once discovered an item in a second-hand store that today is worth over $1,000,000 (several million by now, perhaps), which I purchased for just 5¢ (one shiny nickel).

    However, due to inability to find sufficiently-paid work during a recession, I was forced to sell my acquisition before it reached its full present-day value within a few years of obtaining it, for $100 to help fund my education (still a 2,000% return on my investment just the same, so I'm not complaining).

    I've lived most of my adult life without well-paid work, while working my tail off, most of the time -- unless hounded by out-of-control governmental flaw (false law) enfarcement types -- in a manner better than many kings of ages past.

    I have spent time in prisons, where I was persecuted, tortured and nearly died several times, for the crimes of others, after a rigged trial where false evidence, perjured testimony, and denial of defense counsel was used to convict the innocent in a victimless "white collar" felony show trial.

    And I've have spent time in a small town sheriff's jail, along with my wife -- where I was once again abused and nearly starved -- without a lawful warrant from a court of proper jurisdiction, under a false accusation that was never indicted or brought to trial.

    Twice this adversely affected my attempts to start a business to cure chronic adverse financial circumstances imposed by a failed community of property predators and failing economy.

    Our personal property -- a van and our only means of travel in a county where this once existed, now devoid of any public transportation in or out of the county -- was stolen from our home, by local lawless sheriffs, along with a new lawnmower from our unprotected home during my wive's and my false incarceration, neither of which we could afford to replace.

    This resulted in our family being torn apart, by the lawless court system, and our youngest children being kept hundreds of miles away, far removed from their parents, as we have been made virtual prisoners in our own rural home, for more than three years so far.

    So trust me on this...

    No matter what you perceive the economy to be, it is far, far worse for some than it is for others.

    And most of the time the real root cause for those whose personal economy has been shattered and wrecked by circumstances beyond their control, has been an out-of-control government and the judicial system it rode in on!

Injudicious Judiciary

    Lawless judges who allow their lawyer compatriots in crime to literally get away with murder, not to forget the twisting, torturing and maiming of the English language for their own perverse pleasure and profit, are the chief tyrants in the fearful new world of cowed, humiliated, harassed and attacked Americans, seemingly powerless to defend themselves against the growing despotism in our midst.

    Tyranny attempts to outlaw everything good, decent and once sacrosanct about the American dream, now turning rapidly into a national nightmare of a private prison-for-hire, open air concentration camp run by heartless, cruel or feckless fools no longer able, or utterly unwilling, to buck "the system" to do what is right, decent, honorable and courageous.

    Standing for truth, true justice, freedom and liberty is now mostly a pipe dream myth of a bygone day, when such values still held some meaning for a majority that no longer lives, which it allowed to silently and stealthily steal away, one stinking, rotten legislative law and judicial fiat -- or judge-initiated -- so-called "law" at a time.

    Little wonder, then, that even the supposed "booming" economic times are, in reality, merely preludes to yet more and far worse economic ruination ahead.

    Rises in all commodities and goods prices signaling hidden hyperinflation festering under the surface, is forestalled only by wars of aggression against largely undefended poor countries with rich natural resources, to be plundered at will by corporate bandits, who ride into power under the imperialistic guise of "fighting terrorism," while creating just that for the local inhabitants and their lawful political leaders, who are soon dethroned and executed with or without rigged trials by opportunistic "rebel forces" that, in reality, are vile paid mercenaries hell-bent on raping, pillaging, plundering and looting; all paid for by their corporate-controlled demon-cratic sponsors.

    When the well runs dry and the land of the fee and home of the bribe can no longer afford to continue its better than 140 different wars around the world (at present), when the cost of an aggressive military can no longer be afforded, and when their abuses at home will no longer be tolerated by an irate and armed citizenry, the full impact of the true ongoing economic bankruptcy and dependency of the majority, upon governmental "welfare" (stolen from others), will lead to either the internal collapse, or the external attack of vindictive and vengeful nations against a once proud, but finally derelict nation.

    The only thing keeping such a country going so far has been the merciful intervention and protection of a benevolent if invisible Creator in human affairs, slowly but surely -- then quickly and disastrously -- being removed from an increasingly hedonistic public, ever more deserving of fatal judgment for their crimes against society and their fellow humanity, or for their apathy and unwillingness to intervene on behalf of others being wronged, hurt, abused and destroyed by a heartless, cruel, despotic, out-of-control system.

    Prosperity cannot be long-held, or enjoyed at all, in such an "all laws -- no matter how insane, unusual or cruel -- are made to be enforced" climate of fear, intimidation, incarceration, prejudice and judgmental bigotry!

"Pecking Order" Tyranny

    First to be sacrificed are those falling outside the "normal" designation of the mob (the so-called "majority" who happen to be a minority in control of all the forms of communication and interaction they can get their sticky -- IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS and similar -- thieving or dictatorial fingers into or on).

    Next to go will be those groups vilified and unfavored by the mob in control, up to and eventually including their political opponents (this has already happened to militia and patriot groups, infiltrated by government-sent terrorists to instigate public-decried violence against fellow citizens).

    The retirement savings and bank accounts of foolishly trusting people will either be seriously compromised -- with most of the funds stolen -- or entirely confiscated by thieving government gangsters, to be replaced with worthless or worth little government-issued bonds that will rarely or never be redeemable.

    Your healthcare (such as it presently is, under a regime of medical quackery and tyranny against any and everything natural, holistic and truly healing, in favor of debilitating, unhealthy, health-destroying interventions, drugs, surgeries and irradiations) will soon be replaced by a new scheme of hell-care (to hell with your health), if socialist demonic and adversary-inspired forces in our midst finally get their way, as it presently appears they will.

    Finally, a militaristic, undisciplined, abusive, murderous and truly evil dictatorship will emerge, the likes of which this tired old world has ever yet seen or suffered under, cheered on by the gutless, clueless, heartless majority whose opposition to everything wholesome, decent and lasting is matched only by their increasing depravity, lust, gluttony (and resulting obesity), and viciousness.

    So much so that, whenever any sort of just opposition rears its welcome head, they will become hated "terrorist" targets of hit squads, swat teams, paramilitary and military attacks of attrition and conquest, even on a worldwide scale, while millions who don't or won't conform to the new violent scheme of the ages will be summarily executed to prevent further opposition, and to control those who remain through terror and fear, contrived by terrorists in control of their own "duly elected" government (more likely than not, through rigged, duplicitous, faked election results).

    Oh wait, that's already happened, while a deaf, dumb and mute "news" media snoozes on, apparently unaware or complicitly unwilling to speak out and expose these high crimes and misdemeanors by criminally motivated political and related actors!

Skewed News Blues

    Revealing investigative true news stories are soon squelched and made to disappear into the dark hole of public consciousness, through the active intervention of governmental goons, judicial coverup con artists, and their private sector corporate partners in crime.

    Those journalists and reporters who refuse to tow the party line, no matter how unpopular, are soon forced out, "retired," vilified by some scandal, bribed or otherwise silenced.

    Efforts are underway to control everything you see and hear, even online, where controversial contrary views are soon stifled and obliterated from public access (believe this; it's already happened, and happening even as you read this).

    This is not an economy where less is more, but rather a glut of bad and worse, undermining true prosperity and threatening to rob life and limb itself from all who refuse to comply or do as ordered, whenever the petty and prominent tyrants amongst us bark their orders or demands, and issue their decrees, accusations or edicts (such as so-called "executive orders").

    Those who appear prosperous may well be living off the dole of largesse stolen from truly productive members of society, until they are driven to abandon and expatriate from their own country, seeking true freedom elsewhere.

    When the unproductive, lazy and lethargic, ne'er-do-well populace outnumbers those who are productive, hard-working, entrepreneurial, inventive and resourceful, such a society will not long stand or prosper.

    Despite all deceptive appearance currently being promulgated by the media masters among us, attempting to run (rather ruin) everything, the present economy is no exception to this inviolate rule that ultimately governs all true prosperity!

The Poverty Cure

    If you are presently poor, must you remain so, and will this never change for you?

    Even if you are currently "on top of the world," and not one of the countless majority being "snowed under" by downward trending markets and economies, will you always remain rich and in need of nothing?

    There is only one way for you to know the answers to these poignant questions.

    That is to go to and learn all about, and from, the sole source for good times and bad, for all blessings and curses.

    That source is Creator Yahveh. And the only way to reach Him is through His Son, and your Savior (if you will have Him), whose name is Yahvsave.

    Yet you've probably never heard that name before, if you were raised in any sort of modern religion, or especially if you have bought into the utter lie of materialistic, fictional "evolutionary" mythical-mindset humanism, or something similar or even worse.

    Such willing, even eagerly-indulged deceptions, are rife and commonplace today, in the new dark ages of "educated" conceit and practiced deceit.

    Even if you have no religious views one way or the other, your ignorance of these facts can and will adversely affect your future and life drastically in the days and years immediately ahead.

    For it is only those who glorify, praise and honor the name of this Son of Man who will truly prosper when all the dust finally settles, in the not too distant future.

    This is the only real answer and cure for poverty, the only way to ensure prosperity both now and in the otherwise uncertain, quite possibly ruinous future for all who fail to heed, or refuse to humbly conform to a world where such blessings will be as commonplace as economic uncertainty and fiscal mishaps are foreordained today.

    What else could you expect when every appearance of presumed prosperity is deceiving, and calculated to impoverish all the "outsiders," who are left with little or no personal say in their own financial or legal circumstances?

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