The Pure Truth Restored

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Jan.-Feb. 2011  | Winter Issue  | Vol. 6, No. 20

Protecting Yourself and Your Children From Deadly Dangers

    Would you send your child walking anywhere you knew might expose them to a mean attack dog? Would you knowingly go there yourself, without heeding the danger?

    Even if the "junk yard dog" were asleep and apparently harmless most of the time, wouldn't you tend to warn your children to -- and insure that you also -- steer clear of the area, just to be safe?

    All the more so if that vicious predator does not bark before it bites, and tends to sneak up on its prey, attacking without warning, like a deadly cougar, panther, lion or cheetah.

    If you knew such a danger exists, what kind of parent would you be if you ignored the threat, and allowed your children free access to such an environment?

    What sort of person would you be to walk headlong into such danger yourself, unknowing, unheeding or ignoring the possible threat?

    Yet, if you are like most typical Americans, you do just that, and probably also think anyone who doesn't act likewise is somehow "strange," "weird," and perhaps even "crazy."

    What lurking vicious predator is it that most people ignore and pretend doesn't exist, until it sneaks up and attacks them from behind, often with deadly and fatal force?

    Before telling you about this very real predatory danger that's closer to your home, family and yourself than you might care to think or admit, let's look at it from a different perspective.

    Just be aware that, while you might think you are adequately protecting yourself and your children from deadly dangers, you could very well be, and most likely are, unintentionally and mistakenly doing just the opposite.

Mass Weapons of Domestic Danger

    What kind of parent leaves loaded or dangerous weapons of destruction -- guns, knives and daggers, armed crossbows, swords or the like -- laying out in the open or within easy reach of their young children?

    ...Or even other people, such as total strangers, visitors, or possible home invaders?

    Would you ever do such a thing?

    In a way you do just that, deliberately exposing yourself and your children to dangerous and potentially deadly devices daily, even spreading them out on your table regularly, handling them unknowingly, and also encouraging your children to "play" with them!

    Don't believe it?

    Allow me to dispel your clouded thoughts with a little light of searing sunshine.

    But be ready because, like a creature that's dwelt in the dark most of its nocturnal life, unused to daylight, you might be a bit blinded by the brilliant brightness coming your way.

    You and your children are literally surrounded by mass weapons of domestic danger, whether or not you are aware of it.

Hidden Dangers Lurking

    Most typical Americans are absolutely ignorant of some of the most deadly and dangerous, pernicious hidden traps waiting to ensnare them, like some unheeding dumb prey without the ability to even sense a possible threat.

    Like hypnotized zombies, most people wander through life without comprehending the hazards, perils and risks they face daily.

    Unlike sleepwalkers, however, such people -- perhaps including you and your children, if any -- are not kept safe from harmful situations by any unconscious awareness.

    Instead, most stumble headlong into jeopardy without even realizing it, with no foreboding, portent or warning of the very real menace to their life, happiness and continued well-being.

    In fact, for most, "well-being" has become a relative term fraught with constant and persistent illnesses, pains, anxieties, unreasoned fears and insecurities, without so much as a hint of the true nature or cause of most of these problems.

    The very real perils lurking within the average person's way of life (and for most, it's actually a way of slow and painful death), remain hidden and concealed behind a smokescreen of failed education, status quo "mainstream" mindset, and authoritarian angst, without perceiving the actual causes and cures for these disguised dangers.

Closing the Big Can of Worms

    Like a squeamish female afraid of creepy critters crawling out of a can and infesting her home, most people are loathe to learn what predatory prey they are, and have become, at the hands of a very clever hunter and adversary.

    Blindly trusting the source of their troubles, and the origin of their eventual demise, is a hallmark of most easily ensnared prey.

    How well do you compare, in the litmus test of life and death, with the masses who rush lemming-like over the cliffs of everyday life to their own eventual hurt and destruction?

    All that has been said, so far, about this very real and pervasive threat has been obscured behind analogy and allegory, parable and metaphor, because without these symbolic representations you might easily dismiss and roundly reject the actual threat without a further thought.

    Thereby you would be sealing the doom of yourself and all those who fall under your influence, poisoned by a viral social contagion of mob-like thought.

    Misery not only likes company, it craves, for the pernicious "proof" it apparently offers, the appearance of "right" instead of admitting the existence of very real wrong.

    This big can of worms still exists, even if the light is never turned on, and you remain "blissfully" ignorant of it, and only the light of reason and accurate information can seal it closed or protect you and your children from its parasitical contents.

Where Harm and Dangers Lurk, Waiting...

    Modern "education" is sorely lacking in some of the most fundamental and vital areas of life, without the knowledge of which you are, or can easily become, prey for the predator.

    These subjects include the law, health and spiritually correct morality, in reverse order to their effect, influence and vital importance in and over your life.

    Most today know almost nothing about the code of correct conduct represented by the Law known as the Ten Commandments, for instance, or the remainder of the scriptural Law that alone teaches righteous standards, honesty, integrity and decency.

    The majority elects to follow and practice popular pagan lies, holidays that corruptly lead them into covert, evil, selfish and prideful habits that ingrain pernicious and dangerous thought patterns, rebellion, or love of falsehoods at the very core of their personalities.

    As a result, true observances that lead to peace, prosperity and protection against all harmful events, things, people and predators, are instead avoided like a plague.

    Lacking this vital upbringing, children are next exposed to very real health threats which attack body, mind and spirit, with pernicious influences that blind and deceive like drugs do an addict, leading to a (possibly short) lifetime of aches, pains, troubles and complaints.

    Finally, those whose minds and alleged morality are befuddled by such spiritual, mental and physical poisons, often fall prey to the falsehoods and flaws of manmade laws, such as statutes or regulations that apply only to enslaved subjects, rather than free, actual sovereign men and women.

    In such a state, human "reasoning" often justifies suppressing whatever exposes these great evils, along with promoting, aiding and abetting, protecting and pushing the very causes of inequalities, insecurities, fears and very real harmful practices, without the wisdom to perceive the source of all their troubles.

    Instead, the masses are blinded by wretched rhetoric and tapestries of lies, deceit and accusations, into attacking whoever appears different, and therefore a supposed "threat," to these societal "norms" that are the true origin of all these troubles and anxieties.

    Most politicians, like cunning parasites, slowly bleed their hosts to death without alerting them that the true cause of most of our ills and troubles lies in their greedy actions and deceitful, predatory words.

    Such potential, and very real, harm and dangers lurk, waiting the unwary, around every corner, and in every "crack or crevice" of our present society.

Your Immediate Threat

    Tackling just one of these trinity of threats you face daily is a bit like turning your back on one predator only to face another.

    Predators like to surround their intended victims, to make the kill fast and certain.

    They fear facing even a wounded, cornered deer alone, which in defending its life can still strike out furiously in effective defense of its life or young offspring.

    Human predators delight in first deceiving and beguiling their victims into supporting them, thinking and acting like them, and obeying their every dictate.

    Such influences are often found in organized criminal cabals, gangs, and false religions, particularly the modern harmful and potentially deadly cult gangs known as "the government."

    And they will do anything to prevent losing control over the obedient throng or mob, known today as the "public" or "the people."

    In a world that fears harmless freedoms, and promotes harmful liberties against a Law higher than carnal man's, anyone who speaks out in opposition to this entrenched insanity faces the threat of retribution, and the wrath of protected "special" interests; third rails daring anyone to touch them with impunity.

    The immediate threat to your and your children's life and limb is very real and closer to home than you might presently imagine!

Pernicious and Pervasive Forces At Work!

    Lobbies, like the racketeers and corrupt organizations they represent, and the "generous" lobbyists they send forth like a plague of locusts, soon eat out the substance of every social foundation, leaving most on the brink of pending disaster, with barely a whisper of dissent, opposition or regret from their intended victims.

    Nowhere is this more true than in the so-called "health care" field, where "medicine" means poisons that subtly and slowly destroy lives, while offering an ever-elusive phantom of relief, "cure" and protection.

    The same can be said of a legal profession that lazily and indolently encourages any form of guilty plea ("no contest," plea "bargains" and the like), under convincing threats of worse penalties for those daring, or seeking, to prove their innocence.

    Likewise, corporate farming, manufacturing and marketing practices are guilty of dumping depleted and dangerous comestibles onto consumers' store shelves, under the misleading and deceitful title "foods," convincing most through commercials, and "peer" pressure celebrity status, that what harms -- and even kills eventually -- is somehow "good" for you!

    Those suffering blindly the ill effects of ignorantly consuming such daily fare, as they travel the broad and wide highway that ultimately leads to destruction and death, even argue with their healthier neighbors who carefully watch over their daily intake to avoid such dangers, that it's all supposedly "just good food."

    Likewise, legal traps and snares abound and await the unwary, uneducated, uninformed and ignorant public, who carefully avoid the courts and pretend that unsupervised and unregulated public "servants" will not, or never do, combine together and insinuate themselves into positions of corrupt influence, power and control.

    Regulators, tax agents, militant police forces, with an emphasis on brute force, and mindless military stooges have taken down, subjugated and enslaved under autocratic dictatorships many modern nations already, making it the height of folly to think it can never happen here!

    Such pernicious and pervasive forces are at work in the heart of the "food" industry as well, leading to a plague of deadly modern illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's, and bipolar mental illness, among a host of other ailments, ills and diseases.

Are You Protecting Yourself and Your Children?

    Deadly dangers prevail in this corrupted and deceived world, and most people blindly support and protect these great evils, under the mistaken notion that whatever they think is the "norm" is automatically "good," "right," "proper" or even "legal."

    Your best defense is knowledge, which is only gained through an open mind, freed from the distractions, distortions and misdirections of the influencers.

    These include all forms of the mass media, from television and radio, to newspapers, magazines, movies, all forms of fiction books and most "non-fiction" nonsense, including the Internet and cell phone ads!

    There's a whole lot of competition out there for your attention, belief and support.

    It is a rare wise individual who avoids most, or all, of these distractions, to seek out and find the rare and precious jewels and gems of life-saving knowledge in the fields of law, health and religion.

    It is an even rarer select few who elect to assimilate, follow and obey the truths they discover through such diligent and prayerful, humble and teachable searching, seeking and striving after this extremely valuable wisdom.

    True understanding is what most mostly lack, as they vainly ask: "What is truth?"

    Preconceived, preformed and prejudiced opinions often derail most rudimentary attempts to seek and find this difficult, often persecuted, but invigorating and vital way of life.

    Are you one who is able to stomach the pure truth?

    Or will you reject it, like most already do, in favor of a failed and doomed lie that pretends to hold authority and control over you, only so long as you allow it?

    Will you protect yourself and your children from the deadly dangers of conformity with a modern world that will soon pass from the scene?

    Or will you and they soon fall victim to its many traps, pitfalls, lurking dangers and predators instead?

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