The Pure Truth Restored

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Mar-May 1985 A.R. (2015) | Spring Feast Issue | Vol. 11, No. 39

Real World Monopoly

A Video Message From the Publisher:

This is Hank Scott, for The Pure Truth Restored...

    Imagine a real world game of monopoly where the hidden powers are represented more honestly than in the popular board game of this name.

    Whatever version of the game you have ever seen or played, there are some key missing ingredients that make it into a fairly fictional view of real-world monopoly.

    For instance, although government agencies are represented in the form of local “community chest” and law enforcement fines and jail, where are the feds and their multi-agency armed-to-the-teeth agents, from the FBI to the FDA, IRS, ATF, CIA, NSA, and a slew of other alphabet-soup potential (or very real) tyrants of various size, shape and description?

    And although bankers are represented outside the game board, in the form of the player who distributes money to all the players each turn around the board, where is the private “Federal” Reserve, or the IMF represented?

    Also missing or under-represented are educational institutions of all levels, and their associated costs and expenses, along with the ever-expanding costs and health-threatening influences of grocers, big agra and chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical, and the costly realities of children and aging.

A Realistic Example

    Finally, the really big omissions in all games of monopoly are those of corruption from aging, infestation, rusting, or losses due to theft, along with armies and warfare, and all religious faiths that often instigate, provoke or justify these destructive and costly endeavors.

    Let’s look at just one real world example to see how a more realistic “game” of monopoly might work...

    Each game comes with a limited amount of paper “money” to distribute among the players.

    To be more realistic, imagine a game in which the money supply is suddenly doubled, tripled, or quadrupled by combining the supply from several games, whenever and in whatever amount the banker wishes, to represent real world inflation of the “money” supply by the “Fed.”

The Inevitable End Results

    To add another dash of realism to the game, designate another player to represent politicians who take away a percentage of a player’s funds in the form of taxes, and give it to other players who apply for “benefits” such as veterans, welfare, or special lobby interests (who in turn bribe the politicians for special treatment or favored legislation.

    Then, as the game plays on, nothing printed on the board or property and other cards as costs remains the same, because of the extra paper bills circulating amongst the players, so they would need stickers with ever-increasing price-tags to place over these, to represent the real world effects of monetary inflation.

    Of course the players that will benefit the most from this will be those who are first in line to get special treatment or “freebies” from the government, which in turn will be in hock to the banker for interest on the “loans” of monopoly paper “money” supplied to it by the banker.

    This will include players with the most “money” and property along with those who have no property and very little currency, while those who try to play the game without taking from others will be the ones made to “pay” the most in taxes, fines, interest and losses from inflation, theft, asset forfeitures, seizures for non-payment of crushing property and “income” taxes, and the like.

A Loser's Game!

    Eventually this real world “game” of monopoly would result in a few elitists with all the “money,” property and control over the politicians, and the banker(s) who send in the government’s troops and police state tyrants to kill or eliminate from the game the majority of players no longer able to afford all the taxes, fines, penalties, and costing the government to feed, house and clothe them, usually in the jail or prisons, where they’ll be confined for most of the game.

    New players will then take their place, representing the next generation unlearned in the rules of the game, most of whom will eventually suffer the same humiliating and eventually fatal consequences of playing real world monopoly.

    In this game of attrition, the actual losers will always be the "winners," whose predations will be recompensed one day, in a coming cataclysmic judgment against all such practices, including all those who seem to thrive in this age by dragging others down and keeping them impoverished, or by murdering the unprotected, who don't want to play this greedy game of real-world monopoly.

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