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May-June 2013  | Expanded Pentecost Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 30

Science -- Fiction or Fact?

    So many things scientists think they know today are just plain wrong.

    Take the fiction of a big ball of gas that supposedly burns in the vacuum of space to explain what is actually an electrical star we call the sun, that manages to heat the earth through cold millions of miles of distant space.

    Or how the light of stars may not reach the earth at the same speed of light, but in some regions of space where conditions differ from those in our local universe, this may actually be faster than the speed of light, making closer objects appear to be more distant.

    Much like light can actually bend around objects such as suns, might it not also behave much like light through a prism or magnifying lens under other conditions about which we presently know little or nothing?

    Then there is the quintessential fiction of radioactive dating.

A Solution To Radioactivity?

    The assumption has been made, but not proven, that all radioactive elements decay at a fixed rate by which whatever contains such elements can be accurately dated, resulting in the idea that life on earth is millions, rather than a mere decade of thousands of years old.

    How could this possibly be?

    It has been recently discovered, but is not yet generally admitted, that radioactive elements, when exposed to other stronger radioactivity, can actually be transmuted into different radioactive elements, with much shorter decay rates, often converting a radioactive element that takes thousands of years of half-life to decay into the sort of radioactive element that decays in a matter of a few months, or even days!

    This is a known method to process and get rid of harmful radioactive isotopes without the worry and bother of long term storage of dangerous, deadly radioactive waste products from nuclear fission.

    All it would take is a shift in the radioactive environment, by means of a volcanic eruption, or perhaps a major solar flare incident, to bring about such radical changes as to account for ice ages and warm periods when Antarctica was practically a tropical paradise, which core samples and ancient sea maps prove has been the case several times in recent recorded history.

    Not millions or even hundreds of thousands of years, as current radioactive decay dating seems to indicate, but far more recently and often than suspected or believed by most modern scientists.

Non-Scientific Nonsense Or Not?

    In reality, much of what science thinks it knows of the world, the universe, and beyond, is complete nonsense in the actual creation, which changes much like the seasons of the year, or the length of day and night throughout a year.

    Such cyclical patterns indicate other, far less mundane and more exotic -- even esoteric -- changes climatically and otherwise, yet to be discovered or recognized for what they actually are.

    What this all indicates is that, just as modern science has no clue or reasonable explanation for how so-called megalithic structures, edifices and monuments actually came to exist, it in truth likewise understands very little about the world in which we now live, or how it can all change seemingly in a heartbeat of time.

    Otherwise unexplainable mass extinctions, migrations and the like, in recorded human as well as plant and animal history, simply cannot be unraveled, understood or untangled from the morass of "evolutionary" so-called "scientific" knowledge which, in reality, is actually fiction rather than fact, masquerading as erudite wisdom.

    For instance, so-called cro-magnon and neanderthal "men" were, in actual fact, not ancestors of you or I at all, but were and are truthfully the ancestors of upright hominids or primates, related to apes and chimpanzees, that have been seen and attested in many regions of the earth -- included throughout the United States -- called variously Sasquatch, Yeti, Abominable Snowman, or Big Foot.

    Similarly, human footprints are found alongside and even inside dinosaur footprints in Texas and other areas, showing they existed contemporaneously.

    Despite this, and Babylonian records of a dinosaur (or dragon) captured in Africa and kept on display in ancient Babel (as depicted on the walls of that bygone city), or records of such creatures in many other far-flung lands, from China to Ireland and beyond, and ancient artifacts -- such as a sword bearing an ancient "Hebrew" inscription found at a site near Tucson, Arizona with a dinosaur depicted on the hilt -- or even "prehistoric" fish found alive and thriving today in the unexplored ocean depths, you have been deceived and told that no evidence exists for such creatures existing in recorded human history.

Yet More Modern Science Myths

    The next time you are tempted to listen to such drivel with the unquestioning credulousness of a pre-schooler, stop and recall how little any of us actually knows about the most commonplace miracles of life, the cosmos, and the hidden, unexplored recesses of the earth immediately underfoot, including ocean depths as yet unseen.

    Comets are not simply dirty ice balls traveling though space, leaving behind a trail of icy dust.

    If that were true, what would possibly explain how the tails of comets always veer away from what is actually an electrically opposite charged solar orb?

    There's much more going on, even within our own part of the galaxy, than scientists either know or can explain satisfactorily.

    Consider the fact that craters on the moon and Mars almost always contain a peak located dead center, which cannot be explained by meteorite impacts, but can certainly be explained by electrical arcing, and has been reproduced in miniature by such means on various metallic and other surfaces in the laboratory.

Science Fiction vs. Hidden Fact

    How much more is the general ignorance of so-called science evident concerning the farthest reaches of outer space, or the interior of the earth itself?

    Is it possible the earth does not actually have a molten core, and that volcanoes are more attributable to chemical reactions between elements in the earth and the catalyst of salt from sea water, which is always within a short but accessible distance of volcanically active areas?

    Could it be that what you think has been "scientifically proven" with an air tight, closed and shut certainty, is really mere science fiction posing arrogantly as supposedly solid "proven" fact?

    Consider it carefully, because your life might very well depend on an accurate answer to these seemingly "nonsensical" questions some day very soon!

    In a world where government-imposed lies pose as legal "truth" -- where monetary, medical, military and miseducation fraud deceive, disempower, impoverish and kill millions -- can you truthfully say you "know" better?

    What more could we expect from an age in which science fiction poses as fact, and hidden fact is denigrated as wild speculation or, even worse, as lunatic ravings of mad men and women.

    So have all, who refused to buckle under to a science heresy status quo, often been accused and mistreated. Our "modern" era is no less carnal, corrupt or cultic.

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