The Pure Truth Restored

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Apr.-July 2009  | Summer Issue  | Vol. 5, No. 16

"Survival of the Meekest"

Will you be Counted Among the Number of the
Elect Few to Survive the Coming Armageddon?

    In our age of supposed "heroism" there are many would-be "saviors" who will tell you just what you want to hear.

    They do this while encouraging (often even forcing) you to pay them for all their lies and false promises of good times, prosperity, peace and tranquility.

    In reality, we face a war-torn world where rising and threatened violent change and deadly social upheaval are becoming more the norm than you, or most, might be willing to admit.

    Yet anyone daring to truthfully warn you to beware the common arrogance and ignorance of self-willed egotism and its inevitable results -- the ultimate disaster of a violent end in fiery judgment -- seems too "nutty" to endure, much less hear.

    You don't like being told you're wrong, but what if it could save you from a world of trouble, grief and destruction, provided you listen, learn and act humbly and repentantly as a result?

    Wouldn't you like to save yourself from this present evil age, in which "security" is nothing more than an illusion leading you to an ultimate crisis, when the raging full force of self-imposed ignorance meets the inevitable objective of a tolerant and merciful, briefly wrathful vengeance of a justly angry sovereign Creator?

Coming Alien Attack?

    Yes, we "moderns" (like most in the ancient world) might mistake all this as the "unjust" attack of "evil alien" races, but despite appearances and misinterpretations fostered by fictional "entertainments," mankind is not some sovereign, righteous, united front of innocents with solely peaceful intentions.

    Humanity, the human inhabitants of earth, are not the "good neighbors" in an evolution-driven cosmos faced with an inevitable encroaching, enslaving, evil alien attack.

    Rather, we are collectively the loose cannons, live wires and explosive mines, destructive laser beams, and atomic contamination in the local galactic environment of earth and its solar system, threatening to break out upon the universe.

    And there are already present here on earth -- as there have been for thousands of years already, ever since humanity first appeared on the world scene -- malevolent, evil, corrupting alien forces.

    These largely unseen and unacknowledged (by most "scientific"-minded, evolution-deluded ignoramuses) demonic entities have always misguided and misled humanity into doomed, self-destructive paths.

    These adversarial spirit beings, dedicated to ways of death, violence and the ultimate destruction of humanity, are truly alien presences in our midst.

    These unseen electrical-energy demonic entities often inhabit or possess key individuals, working their destructive plans in their attempt to destroy all humanity -- indeed, all life on earth -- in a final fiery conflagration.

    Their human hosts, in turn, are used to deceive mostly gullible, self-righteous, "well"-meaning but selfish, foolish and ignorant (and also usually devoutly religious) people, who become willing dupes in their evil schemes.

    This ongoing alien attack has already spanned centuries and generations, leading nations into countless costly wars continually, through the siren songs of patriotism, national pride, "security" and political arrogance.

    Their commonplace lies of "evolutionary survival of the fittest," of militaristic "might makes right," and false religious faiths in utterly false doctrines and concepts, all lead inevitably to conflict, violence and death.

Domestic Enemies Among Us

    Pain, anguish and misery are the ultimate end results of most attempts to avoid suffering, and gain peace at any cost.

    Nowhere is this more true than in the false saviors of government and modern medicine, known as allopathy (drug-based treatments), a word the very etymology of which boils down to meaning: "different or other suffering," in reality!

    Thus -- unless we are wise -- we create the seeds of our own defeat, self-destruction and collective angst leading ultimately to a personal armageddon of our own devising.

    We have allowed ourselves to be deceived by our media, and "news"-driven "need" to know all the latest dirt, gossip, or alleged "advancements" of modern science (which rarely amount to anything, and often disappoint).

    We've allowed our children to be indoctrinated by government-created and controlled schools, where ignorance of all but the generally accepted "orthodoxy" of the present generation is strenuously enforced, and individual thinking is opposed and discouraged.

    Only that which misleads us down the primrose path composed of false promises, of a rosy and prosperous future that is largely fictional, are allowed.

    We have further deceived ourselves and our children with mindless "entertainments" that often delude and misinform an increasingly gullible and ignorant, yet equally arrogant, public.

    We have forced ourselves to fit into a stressful existence, exposing ourselves to every contamination and toxin in our personal and public environments imaginable (most of which is entirely unsuspected by the majority).

    We also force feed ourselves every chemical contaminant, poison and adulterated so-called "foods" we manufacture to become addictive, harmful, illness and disease producing compounds that sicken and destroy us from within.

    We even create and encourage an environment of distrust, suspicion and hatred toward our neighbors, often spying out their liberties in the attempt to rob them of whatever few freedoms or possessions they might have; including their wives and children, out of fear, greed, or envy, spite and contempt of anyone even slightly different or "odd."

The Light at the End of This Long Dark Tunnel

    When all is said and done, and all the dust clears and settles, it won't be the mighty warriors of the nations who stand victorious at last.

    Rather, it will be the humble and the meek (the inoffensive, gentle, poor and innocent) who will finally inherit the earth (Psalm 37:11; Matthew 5:5).

    The clever, conniving, behind-the-scenes manipulators of world rulers -- the rich and infamous, were their true nature, actions, and motives known to everyone --  will all be removed, along with every head of worldly government.

    Kings and presidents alike, along with legislators, prime ministers and all judges of man's flawful laws, all have human nature and are subject to greed, lust, vanity and even fear.

    In one way or another this makes them vulnerable to covert manipulation.

    The classic corrupt lawyer, or the dishonest judge or legislator accepting bribes, are well-known varieties of corruption, as are political cronyism and lustful vices which sometimes are exposed to public view.

    Anything that can be used to blackmail -- some sordid secret from a long-buried profligate past of a prominent official, or some present peccadillo or other -- are all a manipulator needs in such cases.

    For others, who adamantly refuse to "toe the line," there's always threats of public humiliation, disgrace and ridicule, and even assassination.

    Finally, because rulers can sometimes be so isolated, protected and have control over elite forces, weapons and other offensive and defensive capabilities, there are the twin threats of economic ruin of their country, or war, to bring them down or defeat their nation's defenses against the murder, rape and pillage of its citizenry.

Don't Think: "It Can't Happen Here!"
-- Because it Already Has...

    Hidden conspirators and manipulators have already brought America to its knees.

    It began with the Great Depression in the 1930s, and escalated through World War II, the Korean and Vietnam wars, and the removal of America from the gold standard in 1971.

    This conquest of the United States is now coming to full fruition through the "drecession" (depressing recession) of the waning days of America's baby boom generation.

    Which will end -- as it did for first France, then Russia, next Germany, and finally China -- in a bloody and destructive war ("civil" or from without) against what remains of the defiant hold-outs, who stubbornly cling to the fading memory of once-cherished liberties.

    Throughout the world's recent economic history for the past several centuries, a particular family of manipulators in Europe and America have first gained control of the currency of a nation, then "loaned" precious metals (gold, silver) at usury, and thereby bankrupted many countries, one after the other.

    When the payments on their non-repayable debts have grown too large for the flock of a nation's peoples to willingly be fleeced any longer, the warriors of war from other nations are unleashed to rid the country of old debtors, and make room for a new generation of more docile and oppressed slaves, serfs or alleged chattel (moveable, personal possessions) of the hidden manipulators.

    The only question most "authorities" seem to ask any more is which STATE are you the property of? What is your answer? Are you truly a free person?

    Today the proud, the arrogant, the haughty and the vain rule the earth, even in once free America.

    Proof this is so is that all slaves are required to carry documents that prove who their masters are. Such documents today are called "identification," starting with a birth certificate and social security card, and leading to a driver's license, etc., all always and mysteriously (except to judges and lawyers in the know) displaying names in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

    Those are pseudo or quasi-corporate NAMEs of entities (slaves) which can be sued in a corporate STATE's courts, while the real persons are fooled and tricked into standing as surety to pay for all the alleged "debts" of those monstrous creations of the hidden manipulators.

    A piece of ID can be confiscated, just as the one who stands, even witlessly, as surety for such as entity can be imprisoned for its "crimes" or debts.

Clearing the Field For Survival

    The day is soon coming when all such evil and selfish-minded men and women -- along with all their security forces, weapons (offensive and defensive), police and jailers, armies, air forces, navies, commando units and S.W.A.T. teams alike -- will finally and permanently be history.

    "Nation will not take up sword against nation, neither will they learn war any more..." (Isaiah 2:4).

    At that time and on that day the survival of the meekest will come to pass; all those untainted by the corruption and vice, who are guiltless of the guile, treachery, deviancies and devices of the carnal and spiritually criminal law breakers of the Creator's compassionate commandments among us (Psalm 22:26, 25:9, 76:9, 147:6, 149:4).

    Between truth and righteousness it is humility that creates the fulcrum of the balance which maintains each through obedience to those heavenly laws:

    "In your majesty ride forth triumphantly in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness..." (Psalm 45:4).

    First, there are three things you must seek, to fulfill your calling to join the right side of that coming conflict:

    "Gather together, gather together O shameful nation, before the appointed time arrives and that day sweeps on like chaff, before the fierce anger of Yahveh comes upon you, before the day of Yahveh's wrath comes upon you.

    "Seek Yahveh, all you humble of the land, you who do what He commands. Seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of Yahveh's anger" (Zephaniah 2:1-3).

    Then, and only then, will the survival of the meekest become a sign and a witness to all nations that their time of misrule is over, and the wicked and profane will no longer dominate the world, or take away its peace ever again.

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