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April-May 2014 | Spring | Vol. 10, No. 35

The Anti-Cancer Diet

    Yes, it really is possible to prevent, and heal, cancer based upon the type of diet you have.

    Cancer has long been known, among those astute enough to admit the pure truth, as a disease of malnourishment.

    In other words, certain commonplace (these days) dietary choices result in cancer, or actually feed and nurture it along.

    Cancer can be caused by many different things; stress, radioactivity, microwave and cell-phone electromagnetic radiation, poisonous chemicals and environmental toxins, among others.

A Dietary Approach To Cancer

    The lack of dietary protections that overcome and defeat cancer certainly helps contribute to the yearly death toll from this major modern illness that only a century ago was actually quite rare.

    Despite the explosion in the occurrence of cancer in recent memory, some areas of the planet are still fairly immune, particularly those that still cling to more traditional native cuisine and diet, as opposed to those now consuming mainly a processed, western-style fast, convenience sort of diet.

    Just as in families, where similar diet leads to related health issues (incorrectly thought to be "hereditary"), entire cultures are more or less blinded by proximity to the problem from seeing the actual cause and effect relationship between unhealthy dietary choices and cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and similar now pervasive illnesses that once were almost nonexistent.

    So let's explore what a few rare individuals are proving, among those brave enough to risk bucking the social "norm" artificially imposed by fear, peer pressure, miseducation, corporate and government malfeasance, cunning deception and greed, to name but a few reasons the problem of cancer prevails, and is waxing worse with every passing generation.

Breaking Ranks With The Enemy

    Science, medical or otherwise, will never find the solution to cancer, and other debilitating diseases, so long as they steadfastly refuse to see the obvious and admit all the facts into their biased consideration.

    It's long past due for the blinders to be removed, the mental fog to lift, and denial to take a back seat to anecdotal and clinical evidence that will never pass the test of jaded skepticism, cognitive refusal and dissonance, or deliberate deception founded in false religious faith and the profit at any cost motive.

    The time has come to lift the veil of ignorance-imposed secrecy that has shrouded the pure truth far too long, costing countless lives, untold suffering, grief and anguish, and massive loss of financial stability resulting from the perpetual, never succeeding battle in a life-or-death struggle that can never be won by joining ranks with the enemy, as so many unwittingly do every day!

    So what, exactly, does an anti-cancer diet look like?

Anti-Cancer Diet Short List

    Generally, if it comes in a can, bottle, packaged with a label listing ingredients, from a fast-food style restaurant (or most other restaurants for that matter), and is largely processed, cooked (especially microwaved), over-cooked, grain-fed or caged, lot-raised produce, contains pesticides, genetically modified organisms, or is otherwise manipulated by the manufactured "food" industry today, it's probably something you want to avoid in your anti-cancer diet.

    On the other hand, if it contains quality organically raised produce, spices, herbs, was grass fed, or free range livestock, and is fresh as compared with shelved, frozen, or prepared immediately before consumption, these are things you must look for to ensure your body has the best possible resources to thrive and survive on.

    There are some specific items you'll want to include in your diet that may presently seem a bit new, different or perhaps even "odd," that are proving to be potent protections against cancers of all kinds; powerful healing agents capable of combating and defeating already existing cancers.

    A short list includes things such as the spice turmeric or curcumin (which is found in curry), cumin, and the unrelated so-called black cumin (Nigella Sativa) which is not commonly used as a spice, organic chia seeds, manuka honey (made by bees from a flowering plant in New Zealand), virgin cold-pressed coconut oil, fresh grown seed sprouts of every sort and variety, including nuts, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli (especially sprouted broccoli seeds), and green tea, to name but a few.

Deceptive, Harmful Ingredients To Avoid

    Even if something is labeled "natural flavors" or "enriched" you should be aware that these, and phrases such as "all natural," "pure" and the like, are simply deceptive advertising slogans and coined phrases, disguising a multitude of harmful ingredients.

    For instance, all of the so-called "vitamins" adulterating "enriched" grain products are, in reality, inorganic chemicals or minerals that are not suitable for consumption or nourishment.

    The same is true of all the mainly petroleum-based colorings, flavorings, chemical additives, preservatives, and various other adulterants commonly found in most packaged "foods" sold today, mainly for the convenience of the grocer to prolong the time a product can sit on a shelf before being sold.

    Generally speaking, the longer the so-called "shelf life," the less healthy it is to consume.

    In fact, nearly all of these manufactured "foods" have been so overheated, over-cooked, taken apart and put back together with artificial ingredients, treated with preservatives, or packaged in containers containing toxic chemicals to prolong the time they can sit on a shelf, their actual healthy "use by" date expired long before they ever reach your local grocery store!

    The same goes for most "fresh" fruits and vegetables sold at the supermarket. What isn't so "super" is the fact that these are generally treated (or mistreated) with various chemical sprays, coatings and the like, to try and prevent mold, rot and wilting, to avoid spoilage before they reach the store, and while they sit there waiting to be purchased.

    The harmful chemicals, pesticides, and other forms of "preservatives" used on non-organic produce are so bad that grocers must be trained in how to avoid particular items coming into contact with other different items, to avoid toxic reactions of the various agents, chemicals and unnatural ingredients.

    Just imagine what happens when you unwittingly combine them in a salad or meal, without being informed of the possible dangers lurking in, or on, the harmless appearing produce you buy!

More Bad, And Some Good, Anti-Cancer Dietary Choices

    Other good things to avoid, in any true anti-cancer diet, are most so-called "snack" items (hot air popcorn made at home being a notable exception), and anything containing food colorings, which are mostly chemical and petroleum-based, and dangerous to consume.

    Most candies, therefore, are also off limits, other than perhaps homemade dark chocolate made from cocoa powder and cocoa butter, using honey for a sweetener.

    Some very healthy edibles you may not be able to procure or consume, which are potent cancer-fighting natural substances, depending on the local flaws (flawed laws) in your area, include hemp oil, seed, cannabis oil or extract (with the intoxicating elements removed), and a common "weed" (if not treated with common lawn herbicides and poisons) known as dandelion, particularly the root.

    Even something falsely warned against by the mainstream medical and government crowd, such as apricot kernals, can be a healthy addition to your daily diet, if you observe moderation (eating no more than you could consume of the fruit at any given time).

    Even store bought honey can be hazardous to your health and continued well-being, because many producers actually add substances such as corn syrup and overheat their commercial "honey" to keep it liquid and looking good for long shelf time, without the normal crystallization that natural honey goes through.

    Anything pasteurized, homogenized or "flavored" in any way is also best avoided.

A Major Health Hazard To Beware

    Often times what is mislabeled "natural flavor" is actually an extremely unhealthy salt substitute known as monosodium glutamate, or MSG for short.

    It is often a hidden ingredient in many processed foods, concealed under many different names on labels, from "natural flavor" to "spice," "carageen," "hydrolized protein," "vegetable protein isolate," "autolyzed yeast," "soy protein extract," or "isolate," and "free glutamate."

    MSG is found in everything from baked items, to ice cream, yogurt, butter and other dairy products, and is even found as a "growth enhancer" in a product of a major fertilizer and pesticide company.

    This is a common additive used in just about every restaurant, particularly those that serve Chinese or other oriental cuisine, where its use can be pervasive.

    MSG is a potent excitotoxin that can cause cellular damage and brain lesions, which results in various maladies from Parkinson's disease, to multiple sclerosis, asthma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, headaches and migraines, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS or amyothropic lateral sclerosis), numbness, disorientation, confusion, epilepsy, heart attack, strokes, grand mal seizures, irregular hearbeat, fatigue, stomach disorders, vomiting, nausea, depression, fatigue and, of course, cancer.

    The use of this toxic poison to "flavor" so many things sold as "food" today is so ubiquitous, it is nearly impossible to avoid, without dumping all processed, packaged or prepared fare sold by most grocers and restaurants today!

A Potent Cancer-Fighter To Embrace

    Tea made from the Artemisia plant (otherwise known as mugwort or wormwood) can fight and defeat all sorts of cancers.

    This is because cancer feeds on two main substances, one of which is sugar (especially refined), or carbohydrates that easily convert into sugar (white, starchy breads for instance).

    A second substance that all cancerous cells -- similar to the parasite that causes malaria -- crave and hoard, up to 1,000 times more than normal cells, is iron.

    So the western world mania for "enriched" grain products, especially the over-sugared breakfast cereals, which include inorganic iron particles, are very possibly the very worst offenders in the modern diet in creating the entire cancer situation!

    Artemisinin from mugwort tea releases powerful free radicals when it comes into contact with large stores of iron, which then attack the malaria parasite, and cancerous cells where large amounts of iron is stored, exploding them on contact.

    Like most other natural remedies for cancer, such as organic cyanide combined with benzaldehyde, found in amygdalin or Vitamin B17 (in apricot pits, apple seeds, and similar fruit seeds), this only affects unhealthy cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone.

Maintaining A Healthy Immune System

    The very best anti-cancer diet, after all, is that which avoids or prevents the occurrence of cancer in the first place, which increased stress levels of modern living alone can engender or create.

    Cancer is a mutation of the normal cell structure which occurs naturally, and is normally eliminated from the body by a healthy, fully-functioning immune system, which promotes apoptosis or programmed death of unhealthy or aged cells to be replaced by new, healthy ones.

    In addition to keeping your diet free from harmful pollution and adulteration (often mislabeled "enriched"), adding into your diet those healthy alternatives commonly missing from modern "science"-inspired mania for fictional "magic" pills, potions, "cures" and procedures which will never prevent or heal cancer, is your very best protection against the ravages of this silent killer!

    Only by following sane and simply dietary choices can you hope to maintain the sort of health, functional immune system that makes the anti-cancer diet so successful in fighting off, and even curing late stage, "hopeless" cancers the medical community can only dream about eliminating with the typical harmful and deadly cut, burn and poison methods.

    If you are wise, you'll avoid those like the dark-ages plague of insane, unworkable, dangerous and deadly idol worshiping false faith they in fact are, and live a blessed life instead, free and safe from the scourge of cancer.

    For more on the subject of cancer, exploring the riddle and real solutions to all cancers, be sure to read Cancers Answers Revealed (<-- clickable link) by the same author, or visit this website:

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