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Apr.-July 2009  | Summer Issue  | Vol. 5, No. 16

"The Cancer Enigma ...Solved!" Part 1

    If you're a person who believes that "meds" (medicine) is the way to good health and well-being, well...

    You've got a big problem, and you've also got a lot to learn!

    Modern medicine is nothing more than an extension of the robber barons' money and power perpetuating scheme in all its bestial beguilement.

    It all started long before federal regulation of the medical field, that came about only as a result of the successful implementation of this heartless effort.

The Flexner Inflexability

    When anti-trust fever was at its height, the owners of the major pharmaceutical companies hired some public relations people to spin their deceitful webs and concoct a "philanthropic"  subterfuge, whereby their masters could get fame and even more fortune by appearing to "give away" their wealth -- but with ropes and chains attached.

    Basically, one of these major troublemakers, by the name of Abraham Flexner, stirred up the cauldron with a concocted report/book on the need for medical education reform.

    Published in 1910 under the aegis of the Carnegie foundation, Flexner's report was used to stir up a lot of public controversy through congressional lobby pressure, instigated by the same drug company interests.

    Flexner, who never studied medicine himself (whose older brother Simon was a physician, and the first director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 1901-'35), was next funded by the Rockfeller foundation to restructure America's medical schools, and after that, Europe's institutions of supposedly "higher" medical training.

    (Flexner's younger brother Bernard, a New York lawyer and a prominent member of the Zionist Organization of America, served as counsel for the Zionist delegation to the Paris Peace Conference in 1918-'19, was president of the Palestine Economic Corporation, and also was one of the chief founders of the nefarious Council on Foreign Relations, a Rockefeller-conspired control group that haunts the pinnacles of power in Washington D.C. to this day.)

    The idea -- since the owners of these foundations (working on behalf of their masters, the Rothschilds of Europe) were also the chief owners of the major drug companies -- was to take complete control of these educational institutions via grants for "reform," with the proviso that the schools so co-opted must accept on their boards of directors or governing bodies of these universities and medical schools, representatives of their "benefactors," and give them a controlling voice in the means and manner of education to be permitted thenceforth.

    Schools that refused this "benevolence" were soon marginalized and kept out of the money flow, and were thus forced to close their doors (thereby quietly and quickly getting rid of all competition), due to the unfair disadvantage they faced.

    From then on, medical trainees were taught only the allopathic (drug), radiation and surgery approach -- to the exclusion of all else -- as they followed the captious curriculum of their new "philanthropic" masters, whose drug company, blood money, profits were thus assured.

Fishbein's Falsity

    This tainted money also flowed into and infested the major medical journals and "peer"-reviewed publications in the form of advertising clout, and by the promotion of the most toady, greedy and corrupt servants of these infil-traitors to control such groups as the AMA (American Medical Association), and its CME (Council on Medical Education), among others.

    Chief among these was Morris Fishbein, editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) from 1924 to 1950, and years later founding editor of Medical World News, a magazine for doctors. Fishbein's racket was to offer to buy a controlling interest of any new medical breakthrough, particularly in relation to curing cancer.

    When the discoverers refused on the principle that such control could be used to suppress their clinically-proven and effective treatments, Fishbein then threw the AMA's full weight and that of the FDA, his cohort in crime, against the recalcitrant researchers; hauling them into jail and court again and again, defaming them as "quacks," "charlatans" and worse in JAMA, and other gangster-like activities, including thefts, acts of arson by burning down their laboratories, and even bribing or poisoning key doctors helping research and spread the word about these miraculous cures.

    Two of those so mercilessly attacked by Fishbein, who were both eventually ruined financially by court costs to defend themselves, ironically won their cases in courts that refused to reimburse them for their losses (Royal Raymond Rife and Harry Hoxsey, who was awarded $2 by the court in his libel and slander case against Fishbein and the Hearst newspaper chain).

    The only benefit being that Fishbein was finally forced to resign from the AMA due to his conspiracy in restraint of trade (an issue finally heard and decided by the United States Supreme Court).

    Finally, in 1953, a U.S. Senate committee commissioned a report (the Fitzgerald Report) which "concluded that organized medicine had conspired to suppress the Hoxsey therapy and at least a dozen other promising cancer treatments" (Options by Richard Walters, p. 100; Outsmart Your Cancer by Tanya Harter Pierce, p. 62).

Corporate Government Partners in Crime

    Since the Flexner Report in 1915, right down to the present day, the allo-pathetic blinders have been on the entire medical profession, especially since the AMA's enforcement arm, the federal government's FDA (Food and Drug Administration) got into the act, enforcing the allopathic tyranny over the thereafter facetiously named "health care" industry.

    Government being composed mainly of self-serving (and often corrupt, even power-mad usurpers, in far too many cases) elitist, political individuals who think their way is the only way, the idea that such racketeers are going to protect the public, rather than their true special interest lobby masters, is not only ludicrous but also dangerous to the very concept or continuation of liberty.

    Whenever an actual cure for a major moneymaker disease threatens to slash allopathic profits, grants or political funding and "support" (e.g., control), it is quickly and effectively squelched, stymied, ostracized or criminalized into near-total obscurity.

    So-called medical "professionals" who rely solely on their medical training and peer-reviewed publications have, with this insider's club mentality, given their patients over to the not so tender "care" of the drug salesmen who frequent (indeed, often inhabit) their offices, often offering immense bribes, perks and other inducements to get their willing cooperation as an allopathic shill for the pharmaceutical monopolies.

    At the heart and core of all drugs, contrary to the Hippocratic Oath which all medical students learn and take, but apparently then soon forget ("First, do no harm.") is the fact that harm is mostly what all pharmaceuticals always do!

Cancer Cure Suppressed Again

    Proving Flexner and Fishbein were not mere isolated cases, but instead were symptoms of an ongoing conspiracy against the public health and welfare, the cause and cure for cancer was discovered, known and quickly censored again in the mid-1980s.

    With the death of discoverer, physicist A. Keith Brewer (at the age of 92, from pneumonia) shortly after his breakthrough cancer cure discovery, Brewer's treatment and the science behind it were soon marginalized, ignored and suppressed.

    More than that, the actual genesis of cancer, understood for perhaps the first time at its most basic root cause -- the revelation of which could have prevented so many needless deaths in the following decades -- was also soon bypassed, discarded and forgotten.

    The book Cancer Coverup, by Kathleen Deoul (2001), details one of the many ways this actual cure was viciously repressed.

    Kathleen's husband, Neal (d. Dec. 2003, age 72) -- who sold no alleged cancer cure himself, but merely provided financing for a company which sold safe natural dietary supplements as a distributor which, coincidentally, were curing hundreds of people with cancer and even benefiting AIDs victims -- without a single consumer complaint, was hauled into court in 1996 in a blatant attempt to suppress and deny a clinically proven cancer cure to the suffering public.

    Neal Deoul never received any profits from the sales, yet the attempt was made to destroy him financially through a prolonged court battle so as to cut the foundation out from under the company distributing the supplements, an underhanded and devious misuse of the courts in aiding and abetting the enemies of health and well-being -- posing as our only "benefactors" -- in the ongoing health war where thousands, indeed most, are losing the battle daily.

    Neal, a physicist (but not a medical doctor; Deoul was one of the nation's leading experts in microwave technology, who played a major role in developing many of America's most advanced defense systems) and a lawyer himself, also never received a fair public trial before his peers, but instead only an administrative law court hearing where set rules of evidence and the right to a jury trial did not exist.

    Indeed, the ultimate irony is that in January 1999, while still battling his case in court, Neal was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and immediately began taking the supplements himself, with the result that by October of that same year his cancer was completely gone!

    The court, unswayed by the lack of any evidence of an actual crime (other than perpetrated by it and the plaintiffs against Deoul to the tune of several million dollars in defense costs), found Neal "guilty" of violating Maryland's consumer protection statutes for "distributing deceptive promotional literature."

    Apparently "consumer" in Maryland means only those who consume exclusively all the media and pharmaceutical corporation lies, half-truths and other distorted propaganda, along with their murderous drugs, radiation and surgeries.

    Despite all the false accusations and lack of evidence, upheld by a corrupt administrative court decision, the Maryland Attorney General, who hauled Deoul into court, never forced the removal of the supplements from the market, since there was no proof whatever that they ever harmed anyone.

    The entire idea was to suppress any public claims they could cure anyone of anything, despite the fact they clearly and evidently do! 

The Curse of Ignorance

    The human body is far more complex and intricate than even most modern biologists and physicists realize.

    Much is lacking in the knowledge-base of modern medicine, mainly due to allopathic profits from patented medication blinders placed upon medical schools, "peer review" publications, and the press (via drug advertising).

    Most people fail to realize how easily information can be controlled by means of just a few bottlenecks, and through the age-old tactics of fear, social ostracism (by controlling what everyone thinks or believes, according to how the "majority" behave), by means of a massively corrupt and largely ignorant judiciary.

    Allopathy is responsible for the mass murder of multiple millions, in the world's largest yet "silent" holocaust, at least so far as the media lapdogs are concerned.

    Like all other major life-threatening diseases today, there is no cure for the ignorant, particularly those who willfully remain so by placing blind faith in the "high priests" of modern medicine.

    For instance, most women since the 1950s have blindly followed the advice of their doctors, who have ignorantly mistreated menopausal complaints with synthetic hormones, particularly estrogen made from pregnant mare (horse) urine (collected under cruel conditions).

    The result has been many deaths and disabilities from stroke, heart disease, cancer and the like, particularly breast, ovarian and uterine cancers (although only breast cancer has thus far been begrudgingly admitted).

    When it finally became clear the massive damage and harm being inflicted by such "therapy," and that estrogen dominance was largely to blame, the medical "answer" has been to ignore healthy and beneficial cancer-protective natural progesterone (which could not be patented as a drug, for the exclusive benefit of pharmaceutical company profits).

    Instead, natural progesterone-suppressing and thus cancer-causing patentable, and therefore enormously profitable, unnatural synthetic progesterone became the "treatment" (mistreatment) of choice.

    As one rarely knowledgeable doctor, John R. Lee, put it: "Prescribing a progestin to a menopausal woman should be considered medical malpractice" (Outsmart Your Cancer, p. 290, "What Women Must Know About Hormones").

    Instead of good healthy medical advice and treatment, it's business as usual.

    Where doctors should be a blessing, saving lives with natural, entirely beneficial protective anti-cancer nutrients -- such as the progesterone-mimicking ingredient of Wild Yams -- they are cursing their clients with illness, cancer and death -- due to cancer, heart disease and stroke -- all in the name of pharmaceutical's greedy profits.

    And foolishly trusting women, under the blinding curse of ignorance and blind worship at the blood-stained altar of modern medicine, flock to enrich their murderers!

Harsh But Just Condemnation

    Now natural, dietary and exercise discipline may or may not cure any particular individual -- it all depending on such individualistic factors as personal discipline, chemical and other adulterant exposure, and the length of time before finally giving up on the failed murderous medical paradigm, and the amount of damage suffered as a result.

    The way of life is the solution and a blessing, but it is certainly no cure for all those who refuse to utterly and totally abandon their ignorance and blind faith in the false "saviors" of allopathy, and thus give up the true cause of most of their curses!

    Men and women who, for instance (like most medical schools and their trainees), ignore the vital role that good nutrition and diet has in maintaining, preserving and even recreating vibrant health and well-being, are doomed to suffer eventually for their self-destructive crimes against life and freedom from pain, suffering, and eventually, often a lingering miserable death.

    Nowhere in the Hippocratic Oath is there anything about promoting or prolonging misery, suffering and resulting mortality for the sake of pharmaceutical profits!

    However, that doesn't seem to stop murderous medicine from practicing such a vile paradigm.

    For instance, the Hippocratic Oath doesn't seem to prevent most medical doctors from behaving and acting as drug-pushers and middlemen for the giant drug cartels.

    All drugs and unnatural synthetics given to people to ingest, or shot into them with needles (a modern "sword of Damocles" if ever there was one), degenerate and destroy health and well-being, in often subtly slow and painful ways -- as they literally poison your system from within and without.

    Drugs do their dirty work while masking pain temporarily (often through numbing and befuddling the mind), by toxicating and poisoning the pancreas, kidneys, liver, and by weakening the heart, primarily.

Real Child Abuse

    What is true of estrogen-caused cancers and heart disease is true of all cancer and heart disease, unhappily.

    The vast majority of professing "health care professionals" either cause, worsen or prolong all such disease with their allopathic modalities.

    Name any modern mass-killer disease, such as diabetes, heart disease,  AIDS, cancer, etc., and you will discover after careful investigation the exact same sad state of affairs.

    It is a fact of life that those who survive or live longest, despite the usual dire-to-fatal predictions of such allopathic "professionals," are those who either abandon or entirely forego conventional treatments, therapies, medical interventions, drugs, radiation exposure and surgery (otherwise known as the "poison, slash and burn" approach).

    And heaven help the child who comes under their often inept, incompetent, uncaring and callous power -- for any man or woman, who still have this right themselves, who tries to stop or prevent such abuses on behalf of any child is quickly accused of "criminal" misconduct or "child abuse" themselves, by the very worst of all child abusers: allopathic advocates and their willing cohorts in crime among the flaw enfarcement "legal" profession!

    If you, or anyone else, would argue this is too harsh a condemnation, such an attitude or judgment is based entirely on ignorance of the factual details that most "news" media reporters and "investigative" journalists are either too incompetent or compromised and afraid to disclose.

    What else could you expect from an evening "news" broadcast on national network television, for example, sponsored by major pharmaceutical advertisements to the tune of multiple millions, if not billions, of "dollars" annually?

To be continued...


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