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Aug.-Dec. 2009  | Fall-Winter Issue  | Vol. 5, No. 17

"The Cancer Enigma ...Solved!" Part 2

    Just what is cancer -- really?

    "Medical" establishment "doctors" (who do not cure, heal or teach anything but misunderstanding on the subject) don't actually know.

    ...They think the tumor is cancer, so they attack it with a vengeance.

    So long as the tumor shrinks or is cut away (often at the cost of a patient's life) they think the cancer has been successfully treated.

    If a patient lives one day beyond the five-year arbitrary mark following diagnosis, but dies the next day from their cancer, they were "cured" by the opinion of all that is called "orthodox medicine".

    And if a patient dies of their cancer (or from the new experimental drug du jour) during a clinical treatment trial, they are not counted as a failure for the drug or treatment, because they did not finish the full course usually arbitrarily prescribed in the flawed plan of the experimenters.

Cancer's True Face

    Cancer is, in reality, a combination of different things.

    First, cancer is the body's own immune system gone out of control. It is a natural reaction to continued, repeated stress, toxicity from poisons, and poisonous emotions gone berserk...

    The healing mechanism, thanks to the repetitious nature of these assaults against the body, mind or heart of any person, does not have any control mechanism to halt it.

    Cancer is like scar tissue from a small cut or lesion that continues developing until it finally replaces a vital organ's natural tissues.

    Why does cancer get so out of control?

    What feeds the process?

    ...One simple answer: Malnutrition!

    In our world of manufactured abundance of adulterated "foods", what could be more ironic than the fact of so much consumption leading inevitably to the consumptive plague called cancer?


    Your body has two available natural means of defense against cancer, one internal and the other external.

    The pancreas produces enzymes such as trypsin and chymotrypsin, in an inactive form called zymogens, within the pancreas gland.

    Not until they reach the small intestine direct from the pancreas are zymogens converted into their active protein digesting form.

    Some of these are absorbed into the blood stream, where they can attack cancer cells, which consist of cells with a protein coating carrying a negative electrostatic charge.

    Normal immune system lymphocytes and monocytes are the body's usual first line of defense against invading organisms.

    White blood cells also carry a negative electrostatic charge and are therefore repelled by cancer cells, which in reality are trophoblast or so-called "embryonic" cells.

    These cells are called "embryonic" because they are the same cells that form a developing fetus in the womb, and are particularly involved in forming the placenta and umbilical cord.

    In fact, both the placenta and umbilical cord suddenly stop developing or growing in the eighth week of pregnancy because that is precisely when the baby's pancreas begins to function, releasing the enzymes that in turn halt the uncontrolled proliferation of such embryonic cells.

The Hazards of Strong Meat

    So why don't these same pancreatic enzymes work so well once you have left the womb?

    ...It all depends upon how much strong meat you eat.

    Because you have a limited supply of the pancreatic-produced enzymes that can control unrestricted trophoblast/cancer cells -- which are not activated in the pancreas, and therefore cannot halt pancreatic cancer -- and because they are used mainly in the gut for digesting proteins (particularly strong meat), it stands to reason that too much meat consumption literally overwhelms your natural immune defense system's protections against cancer.

    These enzymes work so well, in fact, that the only part of the colon, or digestive tract (gut) that never gets cancer is the first foot or so of the small intestine; the part immediately attached to the pancreas.

    As the distance increases from the pancreas to the end of the descending colon (or big intestine), cancers also increase in frequency and severity.

    In view of this, daily consumption of strong meat (not fish, chicken or other fowl), much less at every meal -- considering the fact it takes approximately seven hours in general to digest such complex proteins -- is extremely unwise, and potentially deadly!

    Longer digestion times, in which proteins remain undigested or only partially digested in the gut, can take days and lead to putrifaction and the overgrowth of bad bacteria, displacing good bacteria in the gut.

    Bloating, flatulence, malnutrition and eventually cancer are the end results of overwhelming the digestive tract with too much protein -- particularly from strong meat -- too often.

A Most Harmful Substance!

    Thankfully, there is yet another source of control against trophoblast cell proliferation, before it becomes tumorous.

    It is a nutritional factor few today know about, or if so recognize as safe, effective and innocuous -- due to a false and malicious propaganda campaign against this life-saving nutrient.

    Before explaining the true nature of these miraculous substances, and where they can both be easily obtained, you must first explore the inner nature of cancer cells -- how they actually function and operate -- and the anti-nutrient poison so popularly ingested that literally feeds the cancerous process.

    Cancer cells, unlike normal cells, exist in a highly acidic, low oxygen (anarobic) state, deriving energy from a fermentation process that produces toxic wastes.

    Protected from attack by the immune system, by the negative electrostatic charge of their own protein coating, cancer cells reproduce and grow with the usual DNA protection against unhindered growth disabled.

    Most nutrients and oxygen are also blocked from entering cancer cells, which permit only glucose and little else to enter. This fuels the fermentation process, that feeds the growth of cancer cells.

    Refined sugar, mainly, and highly refined, processed starches easily converted into sugar (or glucose) in the body, therefore are a prime mechanism upon which cancer feeds and grows.

    Normal cells utilize or burn oxygen to produce energy, so cancer cells are anaerobic, or lacking the oxygen needed to produce energy normally.

    Refined sugar, then, is one of the most harmful substances -- short of toxic chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals -- you can ingest, which causes cancer to start and grow rapidly, threatening and ending the lives of multiple millions every year, in painful agony and anguish.

Your Second Line of Defense

    There are two vital vitamin nutrients that are generally lacking in most modern western world diets, which in sufficient amounts can and do actually attack and destroy cancer cells.

    One of these vitamins, related closely to vitamin B12, is found in fresh fruits -- such as blackberries, blueberries and strawberries -- but is found in more concentrated amounts in certain fruit seeds (such as apples, apricots and peaches).

    It is also found in good quantities in millet (a grain once a staple, but now generally replaced by wheat and rice, which have little or none of this vital life-saving nutrient).

    Both nutrients/vitamins are also found in bean sprouts, lima beans and macadamia nuts, but generally a sufficient amount of zinc and Vitamin C are also required as a transport mechanism into the cells, and to rebuild healthy tissues, respectively.

    Peach and apricot pits are particularly high in both of these vital vitamins.

    What are these mystery vitamins? -- Vitamins B15 and B17 (otherwise known as pangamic acid and amygdalin, respectively).

    B15 both helps detoxify the liver, as a transmethylating agent (a chemical reaction in which a methyl group is transferred from one compound to another), and also increases the oxygen uptake potential of body tissues, while B17 contains a compound of two substances which are deadly to cancer cells but generally harmless to normal cells.

    In their inorganic form, however, both of those substances contained in B17 would be highly toxic -- even deadly -- but are not the least bit dangerous, when used in moderation in their organic form.

    These are, in fact, your body's second line of defense against cancer, provided you can obtain them through your diet in sufficient quantities.

    However, generally today not even meat -- once a good second-hand source of these and other life-imparting nutrients, such as Omega 3 fatty acids -- provides sufficient, if any, of these nutrients, due to the grains fed to livestock to fatten it for market.

Fearful Propaganda

    In a corrupt attempt to stiffle and suppress these life-preserving nutrients, drug company sponsored propaganda has been leveled with a vicious vengeance, accusing these natural nutrients of being life-threatening and injurious; the exact opposite of the truth.

    That is largely due to a scientific misunderstanding of the real nature of both organic cyanide and benzaldehyde.

    Attempting to vilify mainly organic cyanide with the taint of its highly poisonous inorganic twin, most people have been literally scared away from one of the most beneficial, life-saving and harmless nutrients imaginable.

    As proof, Vitamin B12, or cyanocobalamin, commonly recognized as essential to good health, also contains organic cyanide as as major constituent, as evidenced by the prefacing term "cyano" (short for cyanogen, a colorless and highly poisonous gas).

    Using unreasoning fear-mongering tactics, the anti-amygdalin (or its chemically identical laboratory-produced cousin, laetrile -- known and proven clinically safe for over two centuries) propaganda campaign has generally succeeded in scaring off most public, and even medical investigation into this necessary nutrient.

    Amygdalin, or Vitamin B17 is, in fact, found in some of the most common food sources, a few of which were listed previously.

    How amagdalin (organic cyanide and benzaldehyde) works to preserve health and prevent -- even heal -- cancer, is truly one of the more interesting investigations into how fearfully and wonderfully we are made!

To be continued...

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