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Jan.-Apr. 2010  | Spring Issue  | Vol. 6, No. 18

"The Cancer Enigma ...Solved!" Part 3

    The history of cancer research, particularly in America, is rife with deceit, concealment, fraud and misrepresentation.

    Nowhere is this more true than in the actual causes of cancer and the one safe, almost miracle cure so far discovered, and then hastily suppressed (along with many other promising cures over the past century).

    Both the cause and cure for cancer are directly linked, since cancer cannot exist -- and eventually kill -- without a cause, the absence of which effectively halts or hinders, if not totally cures cancer.

    Of course, better than mere absence of the cause, are nutritional or other methods to actually reverse and shrink cancer, until it disappears entirely.

    Amazing as it may seem, the scientific and medical literature are already over-flowing with case histories of such seemingly miraculous remissions.

Deadly RFID and Other Related Causes of Cancer

    Chief among the causes of cancerous mutations of living cells, as discovered by such researchers as Robert O. Becker, among others, is the constant stress caused by irradiation from harmful magnetic or electromagnetic waves...

    Especially those produced by electrical power transmission lines, microwaves (especially those related to heavy cell phone coverage), radio and other broadcast waves in close proximity to the body, produced by cordless phones and similar devices, and even WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) technology in WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks) in most homes and businesses today.

    For instance, presently concealed from the public are the rapidly-growing, fatal cancers associated with Radio Frequency I.D. (RFID) chips, which are being implanted into animals and pets, and even some foolish people.

    Within two years of implantation, cancers that quickly kill the hosts of such chips have appeared -- in pet dogs, for instance -- at the site of the chip, with the RFID chip embedded in the very heart of the cancer (actually the cancer grows around the chips, which are the very source of the cancerous growths)!

    Some hosts naturally succumb more quickly than others, to be sure, but such cases ought to be openly reported, rather than largely ignored -- or deliberately suppressed -- as the alarming harbingers of yet another major science-created crisis, caused by proponents of tracking and controlling everything and everyone, who are pulling out all the stops toward the total proliferation of this questionably "necessary" but entirely unsafe new technology, while the press casts a mostly blind eye of approval.

    What else should we expect from those beholden to whoever pays their salaries, which happen to be the very same corporate interests pushing this disastrous "innovation" on a largely gullible and ignorant public?

    Take imbedding the grain of rice-sized RFID chips into the tags of clothing, which is then worn -- unaware of the potential dangers -- next to the skin for prolonged periods of time, for instance, as just one of many potential hazards of the rapid and pervasive spread of this largely untested new technology.

    Dishonest and deliberately skewed and falsified "research" has been touted by RFID chip promoters -- and a mostly culpable press, which is pushing this technology to the forefront, as a "great" way to track the location of pets, and even children -- while the mounting evidence of very real dangers are minimized and buried.

A Suppressed Cure For Cancer?

    None of this is new, in fact.

    The exact same sort of repression has been used against a proven cure for most cancers, one of many that have been similarly suppressed over the past century.

    The cancer industry -- which thrives on research money, predicated upon the continued suffering and tortuous deaths of massive numbers of cancer victims each year (the number one leading cause of death, in actuality; see: America's REAL #1 Killer!, from Issue #14) -- simply could not long survive without quickly and mercilessly squelching this one shining ray of hope for cancer sufferers.

    All this was done through fear-mongering, misrepresentation, suppression of valid research and experimental results, by undermining and repeating the experiments until the desired results were obtained.

    Then those deliberately falsified results were announced and trumpeted to the public, while the results from all the valid studies was concealed from scrutiny, allowing only the skewed data results to be disclosed.

    That is precisely how laetrile, or amygdalin, was treated in the 1970s -- by none other than the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute -- soon after its discovery as a potent cancer fighter and even preventative (the chief researcher, Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura, after five years of research from 1972 through 1977 proving this, resigned in protest after being ordered to release false information concerning the results of these trials by his superiors).

    At least one murder of a prominent figure -- actor Steve McQueen, who was cured of his cancer by laetrile and threatened to "blow the whistle" on the entire cancer "treatment" scam of radiation, chemo (toxic drugs) and surgery -- among similar travesties, have been perpetrated to keep money flowing into one of the most corrupt and deadly games of cat-and-mouse ever devised.

    There is, in fact, a very long history -- spanning more than 70 years -- of similar suppressions (including murder, arson, lawsuits to bankrupt and ruin researchers, from Royal Raymond Rife and William Kelly to Phillip Benzel, John A. Richardson, Johanna Budwig, Aubrey Keith Brewer, Ernst T. Krebs Sr. and Jr., John Beard and Harry M. Hoxsey, among others).

A Wealth of Research Proving Cancer Cures

    The literature of alternative cancer researchers and experimenters abounds with the many and varied personal stories of success, followed quickly by oppression, opposition and suppression of their proven cancer cures.

    Among the excellent offerings I have personally researched are the following:

    Alive and Well, One Doctor's Experience with Nutrition in the Treatment of Cancer Patients, by Philip E. Benzel, Jr. M.D.

    How to Fight Cancer & Win, Scientific guidelines and documented facts for the successful treatment and prevention of cancer and other related health problems, by William L. Fischer

    Outsmart Your Cancer, Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work, by Tanya Harter Pierce

    World Without Cancer, The Story of Vitamin B17, by G. Edward Griffin

    World Without Cancer, The Story of Laetrile, DVD, by G. Edward Griffin

    The Science and Politics of Cancer, a discourse, DVD, by G. Edward Griffin

    Understanding MMS, Conversation with Jim Humble, with bonus video by Dr. Larry Jenson and an interview with Dr. John Humiston, DVD

    Hoxsey, the Quack (?) Who Cured Cancer?, DVD, by The Reality Zone

    Monopoly Medicine, How Big Pharma takes your money and makes you sick, by Mike Adams

    Are Vaccines Safe?, DVD, by Mary Tocco

    The Encyclopedia of Medical Breakthroughs & Forbidden Treatments, by Medical Research Associates, LLC

    Laetrile Case Histories, The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience, by John A. Richardson, M.D. and Patricia Irving Griffin, R.N., B.S.

The Discovery of Amygdalin

    Cancer is, in fact, the mutation of the body's own healing mechanisms, the same thing that causes scar tissue to form and repair a cut or scratch.

    Only the immune system's build-in safeguard against over-producing such repair cells, without ceasing, has either been damaged or suppressed, allowing the "repair" attempt to get out of control, even spreading and metastasizing into healthy bones, organs and tissues.

    Left unchecked, such cancerous growths often soon threaten, and then succeed in taking, the lives of those inflicted with this dreaded condition.

    Cancer is therefore less a disease than it is a faulty response to disease, contamination, stress, or any other source of contagion or attack upon the immune system or body.

    Cancer only results from a breakdown in the immune system's ability to cope with a constant or continuous onslaught by any of many different health threats, from bad diet or malnutrition to chemicals, heavy metals, parasites, or other toxins or toxic byproducts, and from various diseases or pathogenic organisms, from bacteria and viruses to fungi, molds and certain pollens, resins or other possibly caustic substances.

    Basically, as discovered by pioneer embryologist John Beard, at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland in 1902, cancer is similar to the trophoblast cells that form the placenta and umbilical cord during early pregnancy, the formation of which is halted at exactly 8 weeks from impregnation by the first release of pancreatic enzymes.

    Such enzymes, the body's first line of defense against cancer, are the reason that the first foot or so of the colon has historically never been found to be cancerous, the incidence of which increases the further away from the pancreas the location of cancer development occurs.

    The digestion of meat requires these same enzymes, so the more heavy meat you eat, the less of these cancer-preventative enzymes are able to be absorbed into the body to fight or help prevent cancer.

    Following this discovery by Beard, Drs. Ernst T. Krebbs, Sr. and Jr. finally discovered the body's second line of defense against cancer, Vitamin B17, or amygdalin.

    Starting in 1918, during the great flu epidemic, Dr. Krebs Sr. discovered and successfully used the first (naturally derived) antibiotic, made from a wild parsley-like plant called Leptotaenia Dissecta.

    Another 30 years would pass before Leptonin was rediscovered by two researchers at the Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio -- after such antibiotics were declared "preposterous" in 1920, by the Journal of the American Medical Association, despite Dr. Krebs' near 100% cure rate of the deadly respiratory flu outbreak two years previously.

    Following his father's initial interest in what was then called "the white man's disease," or cancer, Dr. Ernst Krebs Jr. authored many scientific papers, most notably: The Unitarian or Trophoblast Thesis of Cancer, and Nitrilosides in Plants and Animals.

    Krebs Jr. was the discoverer of Vitamin B15, Pangamic Acid, and by 1950 had identified and isolated Vitamin B17 into a crystalline or synthetic form, which he named Laetrile.

    In proving Laetrile's safety for human use, after extensive animal testing, Krebs injected himself with absolutely no harmful or painful side effects, and he then carried on his extensive research directly with cancer patients.

    The miracle of amygdalin, or Vitamin B17, was thus discovered and understood more than half a century ago -- but after exploding onto the scientific research scene in the early 1970s, it was just as quickly and mercilessly attacked, demonized and suppressed.

    How this all happened is a case study in ignorance, combined with arrogant presumption, deceitful misrepresentation and deliberate vilification of a proven cancer cure, through intimidation, fear-mongering, and the use of government suppression to "protect the public" by outlawing a true and proven cure for cancer!

Vitamin B17 -- The Miracle Cure and How It Works

    Amygdalin, or Vitamin B17, is a naturally occurring substance found in many common foods -- such as fruits (strawberries, raspberries, peaches, apricots, plums or prunes, cherries, wild blackberries, apples, etc.), some whole grains (particularly buckwheat, millet and flax), and a few beans (black beans and black-eyed peas).

    Amygdalin is particularly high in some fruit seeds, including those from apples, cherries, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums and apricots.

    In fact, apricot pits have been dubbed "bitter almonds," and the word amygdalin itself means: "like an almond," due to the abundance of Vitamin B17 in the seeds of the apricot fruit.

    Also many natural grasses (and ruminant animals that consume these) are high in such natural nitrilosides, "...which occurs abundantly in nature in over twelve-hundred edible plants and found virtually in every part of the world. It is particularly prevalent in seeds of those fruits in the Prunus Rosacea family (bitter almond, apricot, blackthorn, cherry, nectarine, peach, and plum), but also contained in grasses, maize, sorghum, millet, casava, linseed, apple seeds, and many other foods that, generally, have been deleted from the menus of modern civilization" (World Without Cancer, Part One, Chapter 3, An Apple A Day, p. 56).

    Vitamin B17 is composed of two units of glucose (a natural form of sugar), one unit of organic hydrogen cyanide, and one unit of benzaldehyde.

    These last two, as inorganic elements, are two of the most toxic compounds (other than mercury) known to man.

    And this, then, is the source of all the false fear-mongering over Laetrile treatments, despite decades of safe use and being listed among the American pharmacopoeia for more than a century as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe).

    In the body, the symbiotic relationship of amygdalin with good health is a remarkable proof of your Creator's existence, and of His proactive hand in assisting us in maintaining good health and vibrant well-being (absent the harmful substances and practices of modern science).

    So long as these four molecules are locked together, neither the cyanide nor the benzaldehyde can cause any harm, and only one thing -- one substance -- can unlock and release these molecules in the body.

    That is the enzyme called beta-glucoronidase, otherwise known as the "unlocking enzyme."

    This unlocking enzyme is found in your body chiefly in cancer cells, where it exists in excess of 100 times the levels found in any normal cellular tissues.

    When released by the unlocking enzyme, by contact with cancerous cells, the hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde work together synergistically -- with more than 100 times the poisonous effect either would have separately -- but only against the cancerous cells, where the benzaldehyde actually behaves as a natural pain-killer, while the cancer is neutralized and the dead cancer cells are reabsorbed by the body and replaced by healthy, normal tissues.

    Normal cells conversely contain a substance, another enzyme called rhodanese -- also known as the "protecting enzyme" -- not found in cancerous cells.

    This protecting enzyme neutralizes hydrogen cyanide and converts it into by-products that are actually beneficial and essential to your health and well-being.

    Although the unlocking enzyme is found everywhere in your body -- being especially prevalent in the healthy liver, spleen and endocrine organs -- there is also an abundance of the protecting enzyme rhodanese in these cells, so that amygdalin or Vitamin B17 is not unlocked to cause any harm to these healthy cells.

    The abundant presence of the protecting enzyme, in effect, therefore neutralizes the presence of the unlocking enzyme, except when malignant cells are present, where the protecting enzyme is lacking -- making only these cells vulnerable to the toxic release of the organic hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde.

    And should any of the benzaldehyde reach healthy tissues, because they are aerobic (utilize oxygen, whereas cancer cells are anaerobic, or devoid of oxygen), the benzaldehyde becomes oxygenated and is thereby converted into harmless benzoic acid, which is known for its antiseptic, anti-rheumatic and analgesic (waking pain relief) properties.

    In this way the intense pain otherwise associated with cancer growth is relieved by the presence of sufficient Vitamin B17 to combat the cancer.

A Rich Man's Affliction

    Cancer is truly a malady suffered by mainly western-world, more affluent societies, the result of a proliferation of malnourishing, mostly manufactured and "fast" food diets, lacking in essential nutrients such as enzymes (which are destroyed by heat in food cooking and processing) and essential vitamins, including B17.

    So long as medical "science" examines every possible substance other than those normally ingested (or which would be, given a more natural diet), researchers will continue to fail discovering a real and effective cure for cancer.

    And just so long as daily meals are lacking in such vital, life-sustaining dietary sources of substances such as nitrilosides, amygdalin or Vitamin B17, the solution to cancer will remain an ever-elusive chimera, while cancerous symptoms of the many stressful causes of disease and illness continue claiming the lives of young and old alike.

    Even then, cancer will not be entirely eradicated until harmful practices -- such as the explosion in the environmental exposure to harmful radio frequency, microwave, WiFi, and other related electromagnetic pollution -- and other sources of continuous and unremitting stress, including emotional stressors caused by war, divorce, etc., are finally brought under control.

    But to do that we need just the opposite of yet another "wonder" drug toxin, or treatment modality, causing more harm than good -- or even a new scientific discovery with as yet unforeseen negative consequences -- or similar byproducts of our heedless "modern" world.

    What is truly needed is a complete and intelligent understanding of exactly what leads to and causes cancer, and the simplest solution for eliminating the conditions that permit it to exist in the first place.

The Limits of Science

    There really is such a simple, and cheap (albeit) priceless solution, which not one in ten thousand doctors knows about or could discover -- given their training and foundation in the treatment solely of symptoms without ever examining and curing the causes of such major illness as cancer.

    ...Little wonder the solution remains more elusive than ever!

    If modern man and woman kind would only heed scripture, they would have known what science has failed to reveal to us:

    "Then the Almighty One said, 'I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth, and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They [i.e., including the seeds] will be yours for food'" (Genesis 1:29).

    "Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but care for your neighbor as you do for yourself..." (Leviticus 19:18); and:

    "Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor's life" (verse 16).

    Science is simply limited in its ability to understand the way this world is intended to work, blinded by its arrogant assumption of the attempted role of "creator," as it flagrantly violates the true Creator's everlasting covenant:

    "The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant" ("Isaiah" 24:5).

    That covenant is with all of creation, to sustain all life upon this planet as intended and created, and not as vainly conceived by the fevered and wicked imaginations of "evolutionary" science fiction and science fraud.

To be continued...

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