The Pure Truth Restored

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Nov. 2011-Feb. 2012  | Fall-Winter Issue  | Vol. 7, No. 23

The Great Deal?

    Imagine you own a farm out in the country, grow your own food, and take the rest of your produce to market each season, to trade for things you don't have the time to make yourself, such as certain items of clothing, linens, curtains, rugs, cooking utensils and foods you don't make, grow or raise yourself.

    Then you hear about a neighbor who owns a farm just like yours, whose cook, driver, maid and hired foreman of his laborers decided to join together with some traveling salesmen to offer him a "great deal."

    The servants/employees got the idea from a group of itinerant salesmen, who encouraged them to complain about how fairly they were being treated, paid, and the conditions under which they had to work.

    Every time one group of employees/servants won another concession, another group felt like they were being unfairly treated in comparison, and were encouraged by the salesmen to complain, withhold their best efforts, or perhaps even subtly sabotage their work, to "prove" how much they needed better treatment, compensation or other perks, benefits, shorter work hours, etc..

    In return for delivering over the right to control all of his produce, food pantry, home and furnishings, implements of husbandry, tools, recreational and sporting equipment and facilities, pickup truck and the family car, and everything else of value, the farmer was promised by the salesmen they would keep everything in tip top shape, buy and sell whatever was needed for him and his family, and run the farmer's farm and home for him, with little or no guidance, input, help or direction from him.

    All the farmer and his family needed to do was sit back, relax, take it easy, and let the salesmen and the workers/servants do everything for him and his family... no more worries, headaches about when or what to grow, what, how much and when to buy or trade, or any of the other myriad details involved in running the farm and home.

    In return, the farmer promised to accept coupons from the salesmen, or plastic cards that only the salesmen, employees/servants, and the farmer or his family could use, each with their own private account and limits, representing their share of the property, produce, profits, benefits or proceeds of the farm.

    These coupons or credits, as the cards were called, could be used at any time to obtain use of any of the assets of the farm -- each room, cabinet, door, including the refrigerator, pantry and individual food item dispensers, and each piece of furniture, sports (including game hunting and fishing), recreational and other equipment, tools, toys, games, computer and vehicle access, etc., were fitted with hatches, locks, bars and other devices to ensure -- the farmer was told -- that everybody got their fair share of the great deal.

    This seemed fair enough to the farmer, so he agreed to let the salesmen have full control, so that they and his employees/servants could take care of everything for him and his family, in return for which the salesmen also promised that they would make the coupon and credit system fair and flexible, or elastic enough to provide the needs of the farmer, every member of his family, as well as every employee, servant or laborer.

Hidden Costs

    What's not to like about a great deal such as this?

    Let's begin with the fact that the coupons are on loan to the salesman (government) from the real owners of the coupons (a banking association/creditor, with its name printed at the top of each coupon, that people assume represents the salesman/debtor, whose name appears below the name of the true owner of the coupons/debt instruments).

    Then let's throw in the small fact that each coupon is really nothing more than an IOU, signed by officers of the salesman (Treasurer and Secretary of the Treasury) as evidences of the salesman's indebtedness.

    Add the fact that the courts treat this like any other such contract, meaning the true owner of the coupons has a hidden liability or lien on whatever they are traded for, until this debt is paid in full.

    In other words, every single transaction involving those coupons involves the original owner of the coupons as a creditor with a lien on whatever the coupons are traded for (real property, labor, etc.) until the debt is satisfied by paying real substance in return for these intangible coupons with no substance backing them (they cannot be redeemed with the borrower or debtor for anything of real substance).

    This includes court judgments, all of which are owned by and involve the hidden creditor or owner of the coupons, when those judgments are required to be paid in these same coupons!

    Another complication arises when repayment of that debt requires real valuable substance the salesman doesn't have (gold, silver, working "capital" or labor, natural resources, military and weapons, police, income and property tax agencies, and especially the courts, etc.).

    Also the additional fact that every coupon loaned requires the repayment of the amount borrowed plus additional coupons not borrowed, or loaned into circulation, eventually requires that some borrowers must go bankrupt and lose their collateral real property, because there are not enough intangible or real coupons in circulation to repay such debts.

    There are also virtual coupons being created and loaned many times the actual physical paper coupons by other private coupon traders (banks), all requiring repayment in still more coupons than ever "loaned" to borrowers (as if electronic ledger entries could be proven to actually exist, and retain the same lien as "real" coupons).

    Finally, coupons are also required as payments to the original debtor/borrower salesman in return for mostly nothing but empty promises, in the form of open and hidden license fees, fines, penalties and taxes, as a means of removing excess coupons from circulation.

    This effectively bankrupts still more borrowers, just as inflating the amount of coupons in circulation only benefits the first in line to receive them, while those last in line pay for these borrowers' "free ride" when their savings, fixed incomes or retirement payments, paid in these coupons, are devalued as prices and costs escalate to compensate for this glut of inflation-cheapened coupons in the marketplace.

    Does all this sound like such a "great deal" to you now?

The Real Deal

    The scriptural admonition is to: "Care for your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18; "Matthew" 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27; Romans 13:9; Galatians 5:14; "James" 2:8), or: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" ("Matthew" 7:12; Luke 6:31).

    However, the wicked of this world twist this into: "Do not to your neighbor what you would not have your neighbor do unto you."

    Can you perceive the subtle difference?

    Caring and doing for your neighbor is proactive, action and intention oriented, while not doing anything is simply lazy, indifferent or even a bit hostile.

    While many today talk about their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (which includes the rights to property, travel, etc.), very few are focused on helping secure these same rights for their neighbors!

    For instance, if you see your "neighbor" -- which could be a total stranger on the street, or at a crowded airport -- being accosted and abused unlawfully by flaw enfarcers, who are committing treasonous acts of violence or injustices "in the name of the law," are you willing to come to the aid and rescue of the victim?

    If you see your neighbor being evicted from their home because of property taxes they cannot pay, or starving and in tattered clothing, because inflation has robbed them of their ability to pay for these necessities, do you make a personal effort to help and assist them?

    Or do you simply stand idly by, thankful it isn't happening to your or yours (yet)?

    Surely you have made sacrifices to get where you are, to have what you do, and to have whatever freedoms and liberty you enjoy. Are you willing to make any similar sacrifices on behalf of your neighbor, when they are in trouble and need help?

    Or do you assume some nebulous alleged entity, such as "the government," will take care of everything, and help them (without first robbing you, through inflation and taxes, to "assist" mainly the lazy, indifferent, indolent and undeserving)?

A Complication

    There is one thing the original creditors have forgotten, as they strive to keep the masses of people impoverished by their attempts to control and profit from every transaction or activity of those made poor by their corrupt laws and hidden liens.

    You always get back more of what you give (reap what you sow)!

    So when a minority strive to live in luxury on the backs of struggling poor people's labor, without sharing the luxuries and privileges they enjoy with those they consider beneath their social level -- by keeping these poor people ill-educated, miseducated, and ignorant of the way things really are -- there will come a day of reckoning.

    That may involve natural disasters, wars, attacks by wild animals, or other similar seemingly unavoidable calamities, often one after another, affecting everyone, everywhere negatively.

    This is just what such a debt coupon system, and the courts' enforcement of its hidden debtor's liens, does to the majority of the population, in the form of an ongoing, ever-worsening financial catastrophe!

The Only Way Of Escape

    How can all these evils be avoided, in a world where everyone is convinced that these coupons are the most desirable and must-have items to possess, where everything is "valued" in terms of these easily inflatable coupons, making things such as real property appear to appreciate in value (and require higher taxes each year) that have actually deteriorated in real value?

    What can you do to stop dealing in such coupons and prevent the hidden liabilities or liens, demands of the main debtor/borrower salesman to pay his fees (taxes, fines, penalties, license fees, etc.), by not passing on to others these debtor's coupons (not paying your debts, but only discharging them like a bankrupt, while passing off the hidden liability or lien that accompanies each coupon, to hurt and entrap others into and with this same something for nothing scheme)?

    There are no easy answers, until enough people know the truth about these coupons and why they are so dangerous, corrupt and a hidden economic trap!

    So the first solution is to pass this knowledge along to others, so they can learn the real secret behind how the "great deal" works and why we should all avoid its deceitful lures and beckoning enticements like the economic drug and addiction they truly are.

    For economic addicts to kick their bad habit of coupon (i.e. "dollar") addiction they must first realize and admit, to themselves and others, they are addicts dependent on their next coupon "fix," until the high wears off with sickening or even deadly results.

    Once they see the salesmen (government, the media, religious leaders) for the pushers of their daily miseries, they can learn to avoid and thwart them at every turn, by recognizing the hidden costs and concealed liens, and actively avoiding them.

    This can only really be done by overthrowing the "laws" that seemingly entrap us, by exposing the lies and fraud upon which they are based, and establishing in their place the only real Law that leads to true liberty and freedom for all, the Creator's righteous commandments, statutes and judgments!

    Education in these basics of real prosperity is the singular best, and in fact only, way to escape the ravenous maw of the bestial all-controlling but fraudulent, illegitimate economic and social power that is presently enslaving the entire world in its despotic grasp.

    This "great deal" is certainly a steal, but one best avoided at all costs!

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