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May-June 2013  | Expanded Pentecost Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 30

The Missing Link To Vibrant Good Health

    Yes, there really is a "missing link" to vibrant good health and well-being.

    It is something that is generally ignored by the medical establishment, while another related type of "health" profession totally divorced from what most think of as associated with general health and well-being, causes so much harm to your mental, physical and emotional fitness and health, without you -- or those responsible -- even realizing it.

    Your teeth are often seen as some sort of separate, autonomous part of your body -- sort of like the mythical vestigial organ; something supposedly unnecessary and removable without any contrary consequences -- which can be extracted, filled, root-canaled, or otherwise mistreated, all in the name of modern dentistry.

    The fact this often leads to disastrous consequences -- such as by putting different metals into the mouth, where they combine with oral acid that creates cognitive and nerve-impairing destructive electrical energy -- is blithely ignored or unacknowledged.

    Yet dentistry has largely escaped notice by the supposed health watch-dogs in government and media alike, much less close scrutiny by the medical profession itself, which is equally responsible and guilty of a great many health atrocities and troubles of its own unique creation.

The "Cure" That Kills

    Beware of the "cure" that kills, for instance -- in relation to cancer mistreatments -- this being just one of a long list of examples that could be cited.

    The arrogant presumption of medical, like most other so-called "science" today, is that evolutionary-warped training looks for and sees "evidence" where there is none, while ignoring proof positive and explaining it away as some alleged anomaly or miscalculation.

    Without proper moral or other bearings to know what is permissible or allowable, minds long enthralled by various forms of idolatry, presume and assume that because they can think of a thing as "true" therefore it must be, that to conceive of a course of action is sufficient to engage in various danger-laden activities, and that belief is all the license required to act.

    In such a false paradigm world in which we all live -- most without ever suspecting anything is amiss or awry despite every indication to the contrary -- the "status quo" is always assumed to be the "norm," while even proven modalities are suspect, disparaged, or rejected outright without a second thought, and condemned remorselessly.

    Such has been the attitude and actions against such professions as chiropractic, homeopathy, herbalists and particularly natural food fanciers, among others in a long list of healing arts or proclivities.

    Because a means or method is not understood at some level, this is taken as reason enough to reject it as invalid, scorn it as unnecessary -- perhaps even accuse it of being "harmful" or dangerous -- all the while blithely ignoring and rejecting even the barest hint of a notion that these might indeed be the end result of choosing a contrary course of action.

What Is Higher Law?

    If something is not readily immediately harmful, despite its actual long-term effects -- which are nearly always ignored, downplayed or rejected as superstitious fears to be "overcome" -- it is permitted, encouraged and even enforced at the point of some man-made flaw (false law).

    While actual cures, remedies and preventatives are easily and readily suppressed, condemned and outlawed, especially if something has a gradual but long-term value that is not instantly recognized or "authorized" by some ignorant judge (or group of semi-senile magistrates) -- whose ideas on the subject are based more on political lies pandering to gullible, easily swayed and deceived minds -- or worse yet, easily corrupted and bribed into supporting a favored crony, co-conspirator or lawless rebellion against any and all spiritual law, in favor of man's constantly changing opinions du jour (of the day).

    Legal precedents are often merely fancy verbal footwork displaying the entirely vapid and clueless proclivity to dance on points of pins without rhyme or reason, just because they believe they can or should.

    Reference to higher Law does not exist in the current climate of so-called juris-imprudence and impudence, while committing some of the most heinous and dastardly injustices, in the false and arrogant notion that somehow this is all "good" for us.

    Lawyers are practiced liars whose ignorance and distortions of fact, and support of finagling fanciful falsehoods, are freely and flippantly flung upon all too willing ears and minds, with frivolous and facetious abandon.

    Little wonder then that truly dangerous and psychopathic medical miscreants often get away with literal murder -- perhaps even mass-murder, unscathed, unsullied and unsuspected -- while the public unwisely and imprudently lines up to be served their own dose of poisons in needles, bottles, pills, and panacea potions of little worth, at great cost; often with disastrous or deadly results.

False Flag Patsies

    Meanwhile massively harmful and inherently unsafe, unsound and unsavory poisonous practices, chemicals and monstrous genetic "manipulations" (dangerous distortions, deadly diseases, and dastardly attempts to dominate and destroy nature) are dogmatically permitted to ravage the environment, almost without opposition or recourse, by any who oppose such suppression and repression.

    While the natural order is wounded and weeps over its lost vitality, languishing under the unwise whip of its cruel masters, every thought of the hearts of humanity -- driven onward toward the precipice of its own choosing -- increasingly emboldens them to more absurd and heedless abandon, while partying, games playing, and pandering to perverse pleasures like some pestilent, prideful procession, without providence to guide or protect us from our own devices.

    Devoid of any truly sane impulse or direction, like unruly children with no supervision, destructive acts are either ignored and permitted -- or once the consequences can no longer be denied, rejected or disbelieved, the tendency is to cast aspersions and blame, often at those entirely innocent of any real wrongdoing -- while those most guilty are often ignored, or even rewarded, for their alleged "foresight" or supposed self-control.

    Only the most egregious and blatant, undeniably crassly criminal, deceitful and flagrantly foolish are ever caught, condemned or punished, while the vast majority of like-minded, and behaviorally similar, co-connivers run and scurry under the cover of judicial collusion; thereby escaping the glaring light of public disapproval.

    Just as often sacrificial lambs and scapegoats are paraded like patsies before a gullible and easily pacified public, as the "sole" or "lone" actor or actors, in what were actually conspiratorial acts of criminally insane governmental agents, often under the cover of simulations, war "games," or false flag operations designed and operated to besmirch and accuse individuals, entire groups, political opponents, or even entirely fictional enemies.

Irrational Fears

    Easily herded by the prod of irrational fears into demanding increasing suppression and oppression, under the false rubric of "security," most of the public blithely ignores the very real danger to their own liberty, so long as their acquiescence in the face of actual evil does not yet impact or effect themselves personally, even if it should engulf or devour a close neighbor, or passing acquaintance.

    The tendency is to blame the accused victims of dictators and tyrants, until their criminal natures can no longer be denied, at which point they have amassed abusive power, control and deadly force under martial -- or in reality no -- law other than their own whim and usually wanton, warlike will.

    Entire societies, and once world-ruling nations such as the United Kingdom, have followed such false "saviors" to their own eventual destruction.

    Only those most unwary, obtuse and ignorant of historical precedent deny or refuse to consider that it could happen to them.

    Sadly today, this seems to increasingly describe the vast majority of every supposed world "power" in existence, or likely to arise as a result of purely carnal human "wisdom," reasoning and will.

A Medical Maverick

    You should instead learn to be a medical maverick, just as this author did.

    Once upon a time I was thought to be an idiot by medical "professionals," who said there was no such thing as the pre-diabetic condition known as hypoglycemia.

    Now it is they who would be seen as idiotic, for rejecting the existence of such a disease, which has finally become a well-known condition.

    There are many other countless ways in which the present state of knowledge leaves much to be learned, that are unrecognized and unacknowledged by those whose opinions seem the most authoritative today.

    The missing link to vibrant good health is to step away from the world's present status quo, after realizing it for the enemy of health, well-being and vitality that it truly is, in far too many ways.

    The only way to do this is to embrace Creator Yahveh's perfect creation, and His revealed will disclosed in the health statutes and other Laws, laid out and revealed in inspired scripture.

    Far from dusty, old outdated words of a bygone age, they are as fresh, new and vibrant as their Creator, whose existence and merciful grace gives you every breath of life, and new day under the sun, on His good earth!

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