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Sept-Nov 2013  | Feast Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 32

The Shocking Truth About Secular Science

    Elevating itself above, and directly opposing what it sees as false religious faith, so-called science today has become the secular religion of choice.

    Just as idols carved from stone are fake "mighty ones" that can neither see, hear nor act, the popular idol of secular science, evolution and all its permutations, is just another false idol largely cast in celluloid, digital imagery, and the warped imaginations of so-called scientists and the public.

Nothing New...

    Genetic manipulation is daily proving the absurd belief in evolution to be a major false faith of "biblical" proportions.

    By tearing apart and reassembling the genetic code and makeup of various species, scientists are thereby proving -- in the worst possible way, with potentially deadly consequences -- the fact that a creative, manipulative hand is required to develop new forms of life (or death) never before seen.


    In truth, such manipulations have taken place in the ancient past, when human, animal and alien DNA were combined in monstrous ways, with predictably vile and deadly results.

    This is the true source and origin of all mythological creatures that are assumed to have never existed, but that at one time were a violent reality for earth's natural indigenous inhabitants.

    There actually were, for example, giants far taller than the average height, towering over puny humanity and dominating them with disastrous results.

    At first walled cities, then castles, fortresses and now towering skyscrapers that infest city landscapes like the giants of old, give silent testimony to the perceived need by ancient generations of our forebears for protection against supposedly "superior" enemies otherwise capable of decimating entire populations.

    Of course, the cleverness of humanity to turn strengths into weaknesses, by besieging and starving inhabitants of such protected areas into submission, led to an ever escalating technology and arms race that is ongoing today.

Origin Of Demons

    Those ancient giants were the result of earth's first exploration into genetic manipulation, combining alien and human genes to produce a hybrid of the two that seemed superior in every way, but which predictably had its inevitable and deadly flaws.

    Chief among these were the violent and cannibalistic tendencies of such monstrous miscreant mis-creations.

    Secondary to this, and little understood even by the vast majority of misleading and false religious faiths today, was the long-range evils arising from the deaths of such creatures, whose invisible but very real demonic spirits still infest the earth, often entering and dominating the minds of those who become demon possessed, or at the very least which attach themselves to the energetic auras of the fearful, deceived and disobedient, to influence, corrupt and plague their lives in every evil, vile and wicked way imaginable.

    Not even so-called science (a word that is supposed to indicate knowledge or wisdom) accepts or understands the true nature of the majority of creation on this earth, including such things as demons or even the aliens that spawned them, using genetic manipulation and implantation into, and later harvesting from, human female hosts.

    Yet this is precisely what genetic scientists are right now engaged in doing to every species they can get their manipulative, clueless hands on -- including humanity -- to experiment with, pollute and corrupt in whatever ways their lawless hearts imagine and desire.

The Coming Purge

    Just as mockumentary filmmakers invent the illusion of nonexistent, fraudulent "wonders" of nature that may or (more likely) do not actually exist (such as some recent efforts aimed at "revealing" the existence of mermaids, with actors posing as marine biologists, and similar so-called "authorities"), in like manner evolutionary geneticists are attempting to create a world that otherwise exists solely in their evolution-indoctrinated, warped imaginations.

    That is proven by the fact that they feel the necessity to carry out such experiments in the first place, in a world that actually opposes, and has many safeguards in place to prevent such cross-species breeding and corruptions of the gene pool.

    The fact that new species appear to spontaneously arise and suddenly appear with no known transitional, supposed "evolutionary" development, is proof positive against this flawed and utterly false paradigm, in favor of an unseen and largely unrecognized creative hand that is constantly at work in our world, protecting the diverse lifeforms thereby created to populate their respective regions of the earth, with infinite care and wise insight into the indigenous needs for symbiotic diversity and inter-reliance.

    When one day soon they are forced to face the justly angry and vengeful wrath of their Creator, it would be little wonder to see such arrogant, soulless scientists shaking their defiant fists at heaven, as they curse the intervention that must inevitably follow, to purge the disastrous results of genetic tampering with the environments and species, to purify and protect the sanctity and continuation of precious life on earth as originally intended.

Monumental Ignorance

    The shocking truth about secular "science" is its utter ignorance of these facts of the creative world we all share with every other natural species on earth, which are increasingly being threatened by the heedless, inane, and even insane manipulations of genetics "engineers," who haven't a clue about the sustaining architecture or blueprint of interrelatedness between all species, and how this relates to the very existence of life itself, much less the master plan overview of the Creator's overriding purpose that underlies His wondrous and remarkable creation.

    The shocking truth about secular "science" so-called is the reality of creation versus the total fiction of evolution, whether or not supposed present-day "intellectuals" care to ever admit these facts!

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