The Pure Truth Restored

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Dec-Feb 1984 A.R. (2014-15) | Expanded Winter Issue | Vol. 10, No. 38

The Wisdom Of Separation

    Everywhere you look today, humanity is going against the grain, violating the natural order of creation, blindly destroying what ages of the efforts of our ancestors built.

    Thinking we are so smart, superior to and above all those who preceded us, we have become conceited in our own foolish, self-destructive arrogance.

    How have we done this? Why are we in the very process of destroying the world and everything in it, in our mad rush toward the precipice of social disorder, chaos and anarchy?

    Against what and whom are we railing, in antagonistic rebellion, and why?

    Not one among us seems capable of honest answers to these piercing and vital questions. Not because they are foolish and dangerous, as some of the bolder, more daring among us accuse.

    Rather, it is fear that holds us back from the realizations that would indicate a breakthrough in the insanity that permeates this age, like a dirty bog muddies the once crystal clear stream that meanders into it, to be swallowed up and lost in the endless marshes, swamps and quicksand pits beyond.

Social Proof Or Social Stigma?

    If you stand above the fray, living your life simply in obedience to the order of Creation, of course those who defy this will spy your difference from their reactionary, rebellious insanity, and will seek to target you for elimination.

    Regardless, before all is done with this age, those who oppose and rebel against the simple pure truth will find themselves in the lethal range of the sword of true justice, as it cuts them off from among the living in swift and final retribution.

    What is this pure truth that so many -- indeed most -- today cannot fathom, accept or stomach? Will you be able to hear it, much less internalize the reality of the evidence for its truth that you see all around you, while remaining mostly blind and oblivious to its existence?

    Look no further than the nearest zoo for positive proof, or at nature in any of its myriad guises, and you will find the evidence you need, if you are capable of accepting and processing it, through your defective education-numbed carnal mind and heart.

    Why are you, like so many, doubtless scared, frightened or intimidated into acquiescing and rejecting all the evidence, in favor of the social pressures from every side to conform to the unnatural, the perverse, or the self-destructive?

The Disevolutionary Truth

    Begin with dolphins, as a prime example.

    How many dolphins do you see swimming with predatory sharks?

    For that matter, how many sharks are found in the company of killer whales?

    Do giraffes leave their tower (the name given to a group of these animals) to hang out and mate with elk, antelope or deer?

    Even a herd or flock of sheep does not intermingle with a tribe or trip of goats.

    These are just some of the interesting words used to describe different groups of distinctive types of animals, indicating the natural order and separation of one from another, like a bloat of hippos are and remain distinct from a crash of rhinos.

    A pride of lions remain separate and distinct from a leap of leopards, just as a horde of crows does not intermingle with a dule of doves, and both remain aloof from kits of pigeons.

    Everywhere you look in nature, from the oceans, lakes and rivers, to the farthest reaches of land and sky, you will find this to be the universally coherent and sane order of creation.

    Everywhere, that is, except among modern mankind.

Science Flawed

    The ancient elders knew about and followed this wise and natural order, else the different races and regionally diverse peoples of the world never would have existed, and we would all be one homogenous mass of nondescript sameness wherever you look or go in the world.

    Instead we see the many unique and some utterly distinct races, nations, languages and peoples, everywhere.

    Even in the “big melting pot” of America, foreigners from other countries, migrating to its cities and towns, have always tended to group together into unique communities of their own kind, keeping their own distinctive traditions, cultures and races alive, until they are forced -- mainly through schooling -- to socialize and mingle amongst other nationalities, indiscriminately.

    To see where all this will lead, as it inevitably must, you need only consider what sort of zoo would take away the barriers between the different types of animals under its care and protection, forcing them to all share the same habitat with one another.

    Given the nature of certain beasts toward predation, and of others to be easy prey, along with the limitations of such an environment, the resulting chaos and destruction of the habitat most expect from a zoo would be inevitable.

    This would not be a very nice place to take the family to see the animals as they really are, “in the wild” so to speak, in an unnatural enclosure where they cannot easily separate to coexist, without the eventual annihilation of one and all.

    For if the lion eventually ate all the sheep, goats, and other easily accessible animals within the confines of the zoo, without the unnatural intervention of keepers to provide them with a fresh daily supply of red meat, they also would soon perish from starvation.

    Some animals would doubtless find a way to survive, those most adapted or adaptable to the conditions prevalent, while most obviously would not.

Inevitable Divisions Among Peoples

    Only among the human races do we now see a growing ignorance of the need and wisdom for separating the various races, languages, cultures and peoples into their own distinctive localities, inviolate from outside influences and interference.

    Your ancestors knew better than this, which is the only reason why your uniquely different racial identity, culture and language came to exist as it originally was, not more than a century or so previous to the present generation.

    Remove the socialist influences, that have so warped, distorted and corrupted society for the last century, and things would naturally revert to this cultural norm everywhere, absent militaristic incursions, occupations and forced imposition of foreign laws and ways, making you into an enemy in your own country and among your own people, in perpetual conflicts with those entirely different and opposed to everything your country and people are, or naturally seek to be.

    What is true here is just as true in every other region, country, people, language and tribe.

    The nomadic Bedouin are not likely to volunteer to live in crowded cities, any more than cloistered city dwellers of New York would choose to take up husbandry in the vast plains, prairies or ranges of the midwest and southwest.

    While some might make the transition from one to another, it is certain that the majority, without outside intervention and force, will choose to continue in the existence to which their ancestors gravitated, and into which succeeding generations settled and became comfortable.

    No forced busing and mingling in public schools is able to completely eradicate or permanently alter this reality, made all the more inviolate by geographic differences and distances, despite the homogenizing influences of long distance travel, entertainment, literature, and "educational" government-instigated public fooling.

    Even there we see distinct forms and separate types emerge from the morass, to suit the tastes of their particular audiences and targeted groups of separate types.

The Aggregate Separate

    Men are not as likely to gravitate to, or appreciate, the romance literature so many females seem to crave, while women would in turn tend to loathe or avoid the macho style, ultra masculine violence and female-using or abusing type of fare many men seem to find acceptable.

    Auto mechanics rarely look through the housekeeping or baby rearing sections of the magazine racks of a bookstore, while those into knitting, crochet or the latest fashion trends would be very unlikely to browse the woodworking or race car enthusiast magazines.

    These distinct categories, like sections of the bookstore dedicated to specific topics, from family-oriented to computer programming, or business to children’s literature, exist for a reason, each catering to their own uniquely separate, distinct and different readers or markets, the same way other entertainment venues also tend to do.

    Rarely if ever is there seen a crossover, which totally ignores such conventions, that is or long remains popular and successful.

    These cliques, or niches as the marketing community likes to call them, exist for a reason and purpose.

    They reveal the reality that exists outside the political and educational confusion imposed by socialist attempts to confound, integrate and otherwise muddy the waters of the real world, in trying to force-fit everyone into the same artificial mold.

Individuality Segregates

    Different families have entirely dissimilar traditions. Some may indulge in annual reunion vacations together, while others work or play together in ongoing popular sports or other pursuits.

    Demanding everyone engage in a particular pastime automatically negates any conflicting individual interests to the extent these efforts consume the time and attention of those so engaged.

    It should be clearly evident that the reason for public schooling was never to “properly socialize” your children, but rather to desocialize them from the company and interests of their family and siblings, by segregating them into age-based pigeonholes where their brothers and sisters, and even parents for the most part, are marginalized and excluded.

    Little wonder, then, that families -- the most stable and basic building blocks of any true society -- wither and atrophy, drifting apart in so many different directions they become more or less strangers, who just happen to room together in the same boarding home.

    It is the rare family indeed that, faced with such intrusive domination over the lives of its children, manages to somehow overcome these debilitating, alienating influences -- including friends who become closer and more important than one’s own flesh and blood -- to remain close, cohesive and convivial toward one another.

    Those who would homogenize society and the world at large into one large (cess)pool of nondescript sameness are blind and missing the point of why such differences -- as we all see and must acknowledge if we are sane -- exist in the first place.

Separation The Only Path To Excellence

    Some babies have latent musical talents and abilities, while others will grow up never able to carry a tune or hit a specific note. Some will become mathematical savants, while others will be perpetually unable to balance a checkbook.

    While these traits are not specific to any one race, family, tribe or nation, there clearly are those which -- as a whole -- tend to excel in specific traits, compared to others whose range of expertise is along an entirely different line, such as those who go to sea as mariners, compared with those who grow produce and tend livestock.

    Not that one cannot learn to tolerably accomplish or perform the tasks of the other, rather their interests and innate talents tend to help them shine in the same field (sometimes literally) as their ancestors.

    Someone of stocky build will find it extremely difficult to play piano with any proficiency, due to the small spaces between some keys, hitting unintended notes and thereby muddying the resulting attempts at musical expression.

    However they might become a virtuoso at the violin, or have the inbuilt rhythm to carry the beat for other players as a drummer. And just as there are different instruments of an orchestra for many different musical talents, there are also many different professions other than music where different abilities are required, and those without a lick of musical ability are able to stand out and surpass others.

    In fact, most of the time, unhappiness results for those who, for one reason or another, find themselves attempting to work in areas for which they are neither suited nor adept.

Separate And Unequal But Apropos

    The wisdom of separation is in heeding our in-built limitations, honing our strengths and discovering the joy in being unique from others, while appreciating the talents, abilities and expertise of those whose natures take them down different paths, just as their cultural gene-pool makes them more likely to succeed in different areas of the world.

    A dark-skinned individual can, for instance, tolerate the tropical or equatorial heat and sunlight on a continual basis without harmful effect, while orientals tend to be predisposed by their physical attributes to survival in harsher cold climates of the far north or south, and their lighter-skinned brethren thrive better in the more temperate regions, where the temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold for long periods of time, with enough sunlight to provide them a required supply each year of needed melatonin while not being excessive enough to cause cancerous reactions.

    In every way, just as the various species of animals, plants and flora, you will find regions where one thrives, while another withers and dies.

    Cacti, for instance, are rarely found growing in the wild in the Atlantic coast areas, while you would be hard-pressed to find any cherry or maple tree orchards in the desert southwest.

    Nothing wrong with that, mind you. Just nature’s way of telling and showing us the wisdom of separation, according to the natural order of creation.

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