The Pure Truth Restored

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Jan.-Apr. 2010  | Spring Issue  | Vol. 6, No. 18

Tithing Today - The Blessed Alternative

    Tithing is an ancient scriptural law that 10% of everything you earn, over and above expenses, belongs to your Creator and that He requires it to be used to support His ministry (not just any religious effort, but that of the pure truth specifically).

    His blessing of abundance is promised to those who obey Him, yet today most ignore or misapply this law (by supporting heretical religions and ministers, pastors, etc.), and the results are rather obvious.

    Poverty abounds in our modern world, and even in the "richest nation on earth," America, more than 85% of the workforce reach retirement age totally destitute and dependent on some form of government assistance, "health care" or other "welfare" for basic survival.

    You also live in a world where escalating, oppressive taxation is a way of "life" for all but the super wealthy.

    They are those who manipulate government from within -- the lawyers, judges, legislators and presidents (or those lawlessly posing as such, via rigged "elections" and faked backgrounds, etc.) -- for their own enrichment.

    Some know how to never pay out a single cent of their "fair share," while everyone else is burdened with so many taxes, fees, fines, penalties and such that they can barely keep their heads above water financially.

    The vast majority "retire" -- after reaching the age where they can no longer labor to earn a "living" -- in utter and absolute poverty, ending their lives in misery and anguish, unable to afford even the simplest of necessities, much less any luxuries.

    Many in this world live their entire lives never having known any simple luxuries.

    How did this all come about, and what is the solution to all the financial woes in this world of perk, advantage and wealth in the face of massive poverty, private suffering and quiet desperation?

Basic Financial Laws

    Sin is the transgression of spiritual Law (I "John" 3:4), and both accumulated wealth for the few and ceaseless troubles or poverty for the rest is the result of such evils coming home to roost, not just upon the heads of the guilty, but also for the innocent victims of these evils.

    Governments live beyond their means, and police forces are used mainly to force taxes, fees, fines, and penalties down the throats of even those unable to pay.

    All the insanity we call "modern living" is, in fact, avoidable and solvable, simply by learning the basic financial laws of your Creator.

    His Law, whether or not you believe in Him, is what runs or ruins your life -- and the lives of many others (including the mega-wealthy, eventually).

    You don't live in a vacuum. Everything you do has far-reaching effects on thousands, if not millions, of others.

    Like the constant and continuous law of gravity, day and night, the seasons and similar laws of nature, His spiritual Law will either make or break you.

    The choice is entirely in your hands.

    Some think this Law is "antiquated" -- as if gravity could ever cease to exist, and the world keep on sustaining and supporting all life upon it -- just because it is revealed in ancient inspired scriptures.

    Others accuse anyone who chooses to live by that Law of "inventing" it, as if acknowledging the only sane alternative in an out-of-control and insane world is somehow delusional.

    You might as well accuse someone who respects gravity and fears hurtling through the air in a thin metal, glass and plastic missile with wings, enough to avoid flying altogether, with delusional paranoia (if the hundreds of thousands who have died since the invention of air travel could speak and choose, one wonders how they might live their lives differently if given another day with the knowledge of what they could have avoided).

Subjective or Objective Reality?

    You live in a private world of your own imagination, not all of which conforms with what is best for yourself or others.

    Your subjective "reality" is not necessarily the same thing as objective reality.

    Everyone is "delusional" in their own way, only with some this is more obvious and evident than others, so what you need is a guide to live your life by that leads to the most blessings and the least curses, troubles or sorrows.

    Tithing is just such a Law you must learn, know, and follow if you want to truly prosper!

    Prosperity, of course, doesn't necessarily mean rich -- but neither does it mean desperately poor -- and in this world, thieves, rust and moths eat away at anything of value, while only generosity through faith stores up treasures in heaven toward a new life in the world to come ("Matthew" 6:19-20; Hebrews 11:24-26).

    Tithing is giving a tenth of your increase (what is left after taxes and work-related expenses are deducted) from the fruits of your labors back to your Creator, whose world and everything in it these are, along with a second tithe for celebrating the feasts and yearly spiritual observances commanded in scripture, while offerings are additional funds given to either the poor or the ministry over and above tithes.

    While most might think it impossible to give up what actually belongs to their Creator (the keeping and private use of which is actually stealing from your Creator what in fact belongs to He who has given you the ability to work and earn in the first place; see: Malachi 3:6-9), by doing so you can find blessings and rewards beyond your ability to conceive (verses 10-12).

    Many of those blessings are otherwise invisible intangibles, such as freedom from costly illness, misery and death...

    Like good health, you never truly know how valuable it is until you no longer have it.

Tithing Despite No Levitical Priesthood

    Some may wonder if tithing is still required today, since there is no Levitical priesthood in place to receive such tithes.

    Such thinking is short-sighted and perhaps deliberately obtuse.

    The ministry of pure truth is your means of learning about the Laws and Commandments of your Creator, which in turn define and secure the blessings in life you are seeking -- even life beyond your present physical, mortal existence.

    Those who teach you these things are worthy of "double honor" in terms of financial support (cf. I Timothy 5:17), because he/they are a lay-priesthood ministry of faith and depend upon your financial contributions to sustain and maintain their efforts, on your and others' behalf.

    Those who labor in the Master's vineyard are allowed to partake of the fruit they have nourished and nurtured, protected and kept until fully ripe for the coming harvest (i.e. the "ox" grinding the "corn" ought not be muzzled; Deuteronomy 20:6, 25:4; Luke 10:7; I Corinthians 9:7-12; I Timothy 5:18).

    Even the Apostles knew and followed this Law to preserve and support their ministries to some small degree, although some -- Like Paul -- also worked at regular labor jobs when they could (which wasn't always possible) to support themselves (cf. Acts 18:1-3; II Thessalonians 3:7-10).

    If you gain any spiritual insight from the ministry of the pure truth you are obligated to support it even above and beyond the call of duty (first tithes), with generous gifts and offerings, just as you are expected to help and assist the poor and impoverished who cannot help themselves, to the best of your ability.

    Anything less does result in curses for disobedience to this Law of prosperity through generosity (I "John" 2:15-17).

    Which is the one thing this world needs a lot less of in this selfish and definitely cursed modern age.

Well-Rewarded Faith

    Granted, it takes stepping out on faith to do what seems counter-intuitive, financially.

    But as Creator Yahveh implores those willing to listen: "'Test me in this,' says Yahveh of hosts, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough to receive it'" (Malachi 3:10).

    What is the sole condition for you to receive such a blessing?

    "'Bring the entire tithe into the storehouse, so there is food in my house'" (op. cit.), is all He requires of you.

    A storehouse, in modern terms, is actually the ministry that feeds you strong and healthy spiritual meat in due season (cf. "Matthew" 13:52; NIV)!

    All you must do is determine where that is located, and pay His tithes to support His ministry accordingly, and then wait patiently for His abundant blessings to find you.

    As an old proverb goes, your cannot receive with a closed fist, only with an open and generous hand.

    In other words, you cannot expect to receive blessings unless you are first willing to give blessings to those deserving of them.

    Do these things, and your life will be fulfilled and so full of the Creator's blessings you won't ever regret the sacrifices required of you to live such a blessed and rewarding life.

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