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July-Aug 2013  | Special Summer Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 31

Void For Vagueness, Or Vague For Volatility?

    The law is void when it is vague.

    All the legal texts and precedents say this is so.

    Yet today the legal profession literally thrives on vagueness!

    For instance...

    "Contrast the shades of grey in the private sector with the same phenomenon in the public sector. There is a huge range of government-created rules that are notoriously unclear:

    "Insider trading rules (all profits are based on inside knowledge in some sense)

    "Antitrust laws (how big is too big?)

    "Money laundering (who is to say that a person intends to hide from the state or just exercise privacy)

    "Discrimination (business actors are left to guess what will be considered evil and what will be considered legitimate)

    "So it goes with a million regulations that live on the fence: regulations on accounting, environmental protection, tax shelters, and on and on. The law depends not on the letter of the law but on the whim of enforcers.

    "When dealing with the state, we need certain rules, not grey areas— the less discretion the better. But the state doesn’t like certainty. There is an obvious advantage to vagueness for the government. It keeps everyone living in a state of fear. The arbitrariness of it all makes us nervous and constantly aware of who or what is in charge.

    "But to what end? It’s not like the olive bar run by the grocery store, where rule ambiguity is concocted with the final goal of serving us. When the state creates legal ambiguity—and it does so with deliberation—it is for the purpose of allowing them to trap us, tax us, coerce us, keep us on edge and living in fear....

    "Freedom lovers often rally around the idea of the rule of law. But the private sector, where freedom thrives, doesn’t always give us that. Sometimes the rule of conscience and guesswork is enough, provided it is administered by a private sector that wants to serve you rather than a state that wants to control you.

    "Let the private sector live on the fence. But the state should be required to live on one side or the other." (It's A Jetson's World -- Private Miracles and Public Crimes, by Jeffrey A. Tucker; bold emphasis added).

What's A True Vatic?

    This all assumes, of course, that the "private sector" always plays fairly, or that it is inhabited by people more inherently honest, less dishonest, more altruistic, innocuous and less prone to violence than those who comprise the government or its police and military forces.

    You should be aware that this is simply not the case!

    The "private sector" is now filled with neighbors who spy on you suspiciously (and perhaps enviously as well) to report you to their companions in crime inside the government, whose intent may well be to rob or incarcerate you for imagined "crimes" against the state.

    The "state" being that largely fictional construct in the minds of most brainwashed public school fooled people, is a product of idolatry and rejection of a benevolent Creator's more humane rule and justice.

    Of course, the carnal world sees this sort of instant judgment through the belligerent eyes of fear, hatred and rebellion, accusing their Creator of all their own secret, hidden motives.

    They fail to see the Creator's merciful patience and trials or tests to prove us, often over many years, in the hope we will repent or change our minds, attitudes and actions.

    When he sends a true vatic (Latin: prophet) among us, if we stubbornly and insolently persist and refuse to be merciful, kind, helpful, considerate, generous, patient, peaceful, caring, or self-controlled, do we really have any excuse left to gainsay our Creator's just judgments?

FLaw (False Law) Is A Major False Religion

    The often deliberate arbitrariness, prejudicial, biased, vague, vacuous and belligerent minions of so-called "law enforcement" of "the state" is, by contrast, far more harmful, hurtful, selfishly greedy and grasping, cruel, unmerciful, dishonest, remorseless, criminally insane, without honor yet demanding "respect" for even its most abusive decrees, without peer.

    After such things go to an extreme, as they always tend toward in an ever-worsening spiral down into the smokey dungeon of tortuous "reasoning" to "justify" worse abuses than were previously the "norm," the private sector tends to become volatile.

    Shifting sometimes rapidly from its usual changeable, fickle demeanor, society is apt to break out into violence in the face of judicial oppressions, while the state often overreacts by arming and equipping its violence-prone agents, officers and military against its own citizenry with every tortuous to lethal weapon of mayhem and destruction at its disposal.

    Brute force, in the hands of such tyrants as have always arisen to "lead" nations into disastrous conflicts, internally and externally, always results in violent opposition both from within the country and from without, by interventionists, opportunists, aggressors and the like.

    Political unrest as a consequence rarely results in the election of any more capable leadership than that already firmly ensconced in the seats of power, authority (often authoritarian), and control within the bureaucratic halls of government.

    The monuments or temples called legislatures, capitols and courthouses of government, with their ornate and expensive trappings, are likely to contrast sharply with the general impoverishment of so many in the private sector who are befuddled, befouled, besmirched, bedraggled, beggared, and beaten by their alleged "bettors" in government.

The Only Sane Solution!

    Testaments to the adage that power corrupts, and absolute power (in the hands of carnal people at the behest and direction from rebellious angels) tends to corrupt absolutely, somehow rebellious humanity refuses to acknowledge the errors of our ways, yet then puzzles over the increasing disasters, troubles, conflicts, plagues and judgments we must all either flee or deal with daily.

    Not content to accept the legitimate blame for our own conduct and ways, wicked and evil people cast accusations and curses toward heaven, decrying their own provident Creator as being somehow guilty for their suffering.

    Either vague laws are disposed of, by honest and capable judges and juries, as void and unenforceable, or deliberate congressional vagueness will ultimately lead to volatility and violence; not at the hands of the largely vulnerable and powerless private sector, but rather at the hands of a vengeful and volcanic Creator whose long-suffering patience is already almost exhausted.

    Man's rule over man must finally be voluntarily rejected in favor of a far more just and caring, blessed rule by Creative edict, or else the halls of injustice stained crimson with the blood of martyrs to man's worst wicked tendencies will fall into ruin and decay, abandoned following the curses of plagues and judgments about to exact righteous vengeance against all the wicked powers of this largely demon-possessed and criminally insane system of injustice, and the world it vexes.

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