The Pure Truth Restored

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Mar. 2013 – May 2013  | Spring Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 28

"Waiter, There's A Flaw In My Law!"

    Man's law has a big flaw in it, and you are expected to do something about it...

    What can you do?

    Once you know the flaw in the law, you will understand that you must choose real Law over the flaw, no matter how much it costs!

    The Waiter is not a waiter in a restaurant as you know it, rather He is that patient Creator whose mercy allows you time in which to change (repent), so as to restore you (the original meaning of "restaurant" or restaurer in the French language) to His grace, during which He patiently waits and tests you to see which way you will go.

    As he does, this Great Waiter is in the process of restoring all things -- everything that is good, all that is pure, whatever is noble, that which is truly right, actually admirable, decent, beautiful, excellent, worthy of praise, and above all only that which is true (see: Philippians 4:8).

Pure Religion Or False Substitute?

    While restaurant food is supposed to restore your strength, by feeding your physical body, the restoration of all things restores you to the Great Waiter's grace by feeding your heart and spirit.

    What man's law calls "true" is debatable, and often just the opposite: impure surmising, speculation or tortuous attempts to "reason" without reason, ways to twist laws to selfish, carnal or wholly evil ends, to punish the innocent or free the guilty.

    The flaw is when man's law rings false, or when such false law -- or flaw for short -- presumes to take precedence even over the Creator's Law, to stand in its place, and to dictate no choice in matters of religion, conscience, or conduct.

    The original meaning of religion has been lost in the forgotten language from which the word is derived.

    The intent and definition of this word means: obligation or bond, something once made or entered into you cannot then lightly set aside later, neglect, or refuse to pay.

    Under man's law being bonded under an obligation has taken on an entirely monetary character, in which property is pledged, and lost if the bond is broken.

    Under Creator Yahveh's Law, your bond is an obligation to obey Him, and your pledge to ensure your religious vows is your very life!

Property Wrongs

    Can you now see why man's law has no right to interfere in such matters?

    Yet there are those today who presume that some group of men -- be it a legislature, a group of judges, or even a jury or local tyrant called "judge" by voters who elect him or her to this office or, worse yet, an executive or an agent who arrogates to him- or herself powers not his or hers to assume or wield by right -- have some mystical, but non-existent, power to decree away this Law with mere words they call "law."

    That is the flaw in man's law, as wicked men and women grasp at a straw to outlaw His Law, using man's false law to withdraw from His grace, as an excuse to violate oaths, bonds and obligations of a more serious nature than that of mere title to property, which does not in truth actually belong to any mere mortal.

    For if such property were truly yours to keep, you would never die, while not even trusts, foundations, corporations, or the nations whose laws (or flaws) upon which these are supposedly based, are truly capable of enduring, lasting or even existing according to the will or purpose of those who established them.

    Words that have lost their meaning and intent over time, through gradual misperception, mistake or miscreant misinterpretations, have no power to sustain anything but cold-hearted conniving, conflict and chaos in the end.

The Great Waiter Awaits You!

    Some, without perceiving the end results of their thoughts and actions, have seized upon man's and woman's flaw to arrogate to themselves powers not theirs, to ruin and destroy lives, steal property, and thereby accumulate power and wealth without right or reason.

    False law is that which corrupt minds, biased by their own participation in its ill-gotten gains of dictatorial power, control, and deception -- prejudiced against the Great Waiter, who awaits the time when the fulness of His grace is finally fulfilled, who are contrary to all that is good, pure, decent, noble, excellent, admirable, worthy of praise, and everlastingly beautiful -- bluff, bluster and bully their often cruel oppressions into the lives of innocents seemingly powerless to oppose them.

    This flaw will soon enough be corrected, as the Great Waiter of heaven and earth finally restores all things, by doing battle on behalf of the oppressed, turning our upside-down world right-side up in the process, when He finally ends this age of carnal misrule through subjugation, oppression, despotism, abuse, torment, torture, and injustice posing as law, to institute His millennial age, preparing and leading all who are allowed to survive the transition into His mercifully endless and abundantly blessed new heavens and new earth.

    Until then, meanwhile, why not admit to the Great Waiter that there is a flaw in your law, and then conform yourself by oath to a higher obligation, to bond yourself to His priceless, peaceful perfect Law instead?

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