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March-May 2012  | Spring Issue  | Vol. 8, No. 24

What Is Bestial Law?

    Just what is bestial law, and how does it relate to our modern day and age?

    There is a lot more here than meets the casual eye of today's religious teachers, and secular leaders!

    Not only that, it is happening right under the noses of everyone, and few are taking notice, much less preparing spiritually for the major disasters about to hit the earth with a proverbial vengeance.

The Prophetic Foundation

    The coming beast power was prophesied in the 13th, 17th and 19th chapters of the scriptural book of Revelation nearly two thousand years ago.

    This prophecy parallels another, more ancient, prophecy concerning the same individual and ruling power in the scriptural book of Daniel.

    There we read that this is a ruler ("king") who: "...will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every mighty one and will say unheard of things against the Almighty One of mighty ones. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place.

    "He will show no regard for the mighty ones of his fathers or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any mighty one, but will exalt himself above them all. Instead of them he will honor a mighty one of fortresses; a mighty one unknown to his fathers he will honor with gold and silver, and precious stones and costly gifts.

    "He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign mighty one and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price" (Daniel 11:36-39).

The Secular Reality

    Several things are apparent here, which inform us about the sort of government the beast will rule over.

    First, it is apparent that no law now existing in relation to property rights will be honored under such a ruler. For that to happen, anywhere on earth today, such laws must be suspended, along with the civil or legal authorities who administer them.

    Secondly, it is also apparent that no military power (ostensibly represented by the term fortresses, or forts in the modern vernacular; but more about another, more modern meaning and intent of this prophetic metaphor later) will be safe from attack, in that the rulers of entire countries will be brought down and executed along with their children (the usual way, historically, to prevent them or their heirs from ever regaining power).

    Thereafter the countries subjected to such attacks are ruled over by military armies of occupation.

    In this last point several countries that have already suffered such attacks in modern history, include Czarist Russia, Palestine, Germany, Iraq and Libya.

    Military rule is also known, historically, as martial law.

    Here is what the legal textbook, known as Black's Law Dictionary has to reveal about this form of "law" -- disclosing what the beast truly represents:

    "MARTIAL LAW. Exists when military authorities carry on government or exercise various degrees of control over civilians or civilian authorities in domestic territory.... A system of law, obtaining only in time of actual war and growing out of exigencies thereof, arbitrary in its character, and depending only on the will of the commander of an army, which is established and administered in a place or district of hostile territory held in belligerent possession, or, sometimes, in places occupied or pervaded by insurgents or mobs, and which suspends all existing civil laws, as well as the civil authority and the ordinary administration of justice.... See, also, Military Law."

    The incursion into and military occupation of Afghanistan is another modern example of this sort of "law," however this is not by that country's military forces, but rather by foreign occupying forces in an undeclared "war" that the legal authorities of the invading countries (such as the American Congress) have never formally (or lawfully) declared.

What Is Real Martial Law?

    Quoting Blackstone's Commentaries, this legal reference adds: "'Martial law, which is built upon no settled principles, but is entirely arbitrary in its decisions, is in truth and reality no law, but something indulged rather than allowed as a law. The necessity of order and discipline in an army is the only thing which can give it countenance, and therefore it ought not to be permitted in time of peace, when the king's [sic; ruling authority's] courts are open for all persons to receive justice according to the laws of the land.'...

    "'Martial law is neither more nor less than the will of the general who commands the army. It overrides and suppresses all existing civil laws, civil officers, and civil authorities, by the arbitrary exercise of military power; and every citizen or subject -- in other words, the entire population of the country, within the confines of its power -- is subjected to the mere will or caprice of the commander. He holds the lives, liberty, and property of all in the palm of his hand.'"

    Here we see the underpinnings of the beast's rule over property, by which he seizes and takes what belongs to anyone and distributes it to whomsoever he wills. Notice also that it is the commander of the army who is in control over everything and everyone.

Coming Soon To A Country Near You!

    Here, in the United States, the supreme commander of the Army (including the Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, border guards, Forest Rangers, and all other similar authorities) is the President, or whatever putative (supposed, generally but erroneously thought to be) leader is in charge of the administrative branch of the federal government, such as the current occupant of the White House, although he is a foreigner and not constitutionally qualified to sit or act as a President of the United States.

    Under the current state of affairs, America has in fact been leaderless for several years, and is itself under a form of occupation government, albeit one with all the trappings and deceptive appearance of a legitimate constitutional government.

    Continuing with Blackstone's definition of martial law:

    "'Martial law is regulated by no known or established system or code of laws, as it is over and above all of them. The commander is the legislator, judge, and executioner....'"

    In other words, the commander in chief exalts himself over all other authorities, powers (including Congress and judges in all courts), or "mighty ones" on earth!

    And herein we see the true source of the coming beast's claim to rulership over all nations on earth (including the United States), which by necessity would mean the eventual suspension of all laws and civilian authorities, or at the very least a military presence and control over them.

    Bestial law is, in fact, military or martial law, which in truth is no law at all, only the arbitrary will of a dictator in charge of a military force of occupation.

Historical Roots -- Modern Equivalents

    Believe it or not there is an established precedent, beginning with President Lincoln, in America that sets the stage for just such a military/chief executive coup over all branches of the government, and in fact over all Americans, which the courts in their infinite stupidity have failed to overrule as unjust and unlawful (unconstitutional), when applied anywhere outside the limited realm of the executive branch's true authority and reach.

    That vehicle is known as "executive orders," which a president issues and -- without the approval of Congress, or the will of the people -- have often attempted to establish broad and sweeping authority over every nook and cranny of life in America, whether federal, state, county, local, governmental, military or civilian in nature.

    This is nothing more nor less than martial law raising its ugly specter even in times of relative peace.

    Of course any "national emergency" -- or pretext and pretense thereof -- can be used as the excuse to impose such draconian decrees at any time.

    Only a true would-be dictator would declare justification for such sweeping controls and over grasping authority in peace time. We now have such an individual occupying the "highest seat of authority" over America, who recently issued an "Executive Order" on March 16, 2012, titled "National Defense Resources Preparedness."

    This flaw (false law) purports to authorize a sweeping takeover by what is, in effect, a putative "chief executive" coop over all food and farm supplies, implements of husbandry, food sources (farms), processors, storage and distribution facilities (your local grocery included), means of public and private travel or transport, stored foods (including everything in your home cupboard), seeds, all water resources (including privately owned wells), labor, metals and all their mining and production facilities, etc., even in peacetime!

    This is nothing less than a pretext -- under the guise of controlling all commerce -- setting the stage for a bestial power, contingent only upon another "national emergency" big enough to "justify" a dictatorial seizure of everything and everyone in America, thereby swiftly spreading its bestial tentacles from there over every other nation on earth!

A "Justifiable" Pretext?

    Another free election in America is highly unlikely, since the adversary and his children plan to move swiftly and decisively to finally take control over all nations on earth. Another planned false flag "attack" on America is all it would take, something like a nuclear bomb exploding in some large city for instance, well in advance of the coming federal election.

    Such an event would certainly leave few, if any, traces of the true culprits, and uncovering the truth behind such an atrocity would be extremely hazardous -- probably fatal -- for anyone to attempt under the type of regime to be imposed as a result, now long planned and merely awaiting a "justifiable" pretext.

    Perhaps soon after such an event, there will apparently be an assassination attempt upon the beast, which will result in a grievous head wound, followed by a supposed miraculous recovery, probably using the modern technology -- now well developed, which I have said or prophesied since 1985 -- of animatronic/robotic and/or animated special effects images (the image of the beast) as "proof" of this (Revelation 13:12, 15).

    Can Creator Yahveh's promised Kingdom be very far away, given these current or soon to occur events?

Modern Fulfillments?

    Consider the following facts that may shock you with the realization that most of these prophecies are even now already well underway toward their final fulfillment...

    The present occupant of the White House, ostensible "president" of the United States, by the name of "Obama" (actual name, Barry Soetoro, a non-U.S. citizen, or illegal resident), is reputed and reported by one source to have said: "I am king, I am G-d" and, in relation to threats of impeachment for financial crimes, "You can't charge me, besides, the House and Senate would never go along with it because they are just as guilty as I am," who takes out "loans" he never intends to repay, allegedly collateralized with forged signatures of members of Congress, to give kickbacks and pay bribes to judges and to gain unwarranted support for his many other illegalities.

    This individual has reportedly said, in reference to the American people and public he pretends to serve, "They are scum and trash and they do not need or deserve this money."

    Reacting to threats of impeachment, and worried banks fearing they are being set up to suffer unrecoverable, perhaps even fatal, losses as a result of these loans, "Obama" showed his true colors and intentions, when he responded:

    "...As long as I am president, which will be for another 12 or 18 years or whatever I decide, because I am the RULER, you will never get this money and eventually I will get all of it, one way or another."

    Keep in mind that another modern type of the prophetic metaphor "fort" can also refer to vaults where massive amounts of precious metals, such as gold and silver, precious stones or jewels, and other valuables, including property deeds, are often stored in banks, the largest of which in the world is itself called a fort (Fort Knox).

    It has further been reported that, before he took the office of president, and since, "Obama" has been involved in one after another attempted and actual raids of privately held funds, such as the March 2009 theft of funds held by the Bank of International Settlements, and when informed that the theft of these funds was an impeachable offense, is said to have replied: "You cannot touch me, I am above it" (the law). "We knew where it was, so we took it."

    "Obama" has further conspired with a foreign "mighty one," the president of China -- now in putative charge of American agriculture and industry, thanks to economic debt of America to the Chinese -- and even with Queen Elizabeth, in various attempts to loot other foreign held trust funds.

    This same individual, just before the 2008 election, unsuccessfully tried to extort large sums of cash from various charitable funds, and has threatened to personally abscond with the lion's share of the proposed national "health care" initiative, should it succeed.

    All these events amazingly reflect and fulfill the ancient prophecies of Daniel and Revelation in remarkable detail, once you recognize and understand how the beast personage comes into possession of so much gold, silver, precious jewels, other valuables, and even land or property deeds!

    The bestial war against ancient forts, or strongholds and storehouses of wealth, has become a rout during the early years of this misadministration, leading to the closure or merging of many formerly giant financial institutions, with the constant threat of many more to follow, headed by a massively arrogant, duplicitous and enormously evil man who apparently exalts himself above even the Creator of heaven and earth Himself!

The End Of All Anarchy!

    The only question you must answer is: Are you prepared for what is about to transpire, and will you qualify to survive, or take place in the first resurrection, as one of your Creator's chosen Elect, obedient children?

    Anything (government), or anyone, that does not submit to Yahveh's commandments and revealed will must be eventually eradicated from the earth, purged by the fiery time of tribulation and trouble soon to erupt over all nations.

    These are indeed times that will try men's spirits, sifting the wheat from the chaff, in the prophesied Harvest at the end of this age of man's evil self-rule.

    Nothing that offends or transgresses will remain standing when the darkness dissipates finally, in the searing heat and light of the new day that is about to dawn over this presently wicked world.

    The prophesied "time of wrath" ("Isaiah" 10:25, 26:20-21; Daniel 11:36) is about to begin! The bestial "law" of chaos and rebellion will end almost as soon as it begins, in utter ruin and total defeat.

    Bestial law is anarchy, and all anarchy must be destroyed for true peace, safety and prosperity to finally prevail.

    Where will you stand, and on which side of the great divide will you find yourself, at the conclusion of these horrendously evil times in which we now exist?

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