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Mar-May 1985 A.R. (2015) | Spring Feast Issue | Vol. 11, No. 39

What’s Inalienable About Freedom?

    Is freedom merely a choice we make?

    Or is it something far more inherent in our lives that can never be abridged or violated with impunity?

    Is it merely inalienable, or actually ina-lien-able, and what is the difference between the two?

    Finally, what does freedom mean, encompass, and embrace, compared with what it denies, eschews, and forbids?

Defining Terms

    First, what is an alien?

    Legally speaking, an alien is someone who owes allegiance to a foreign government.

    In America it is someone born outside the United States who has not been “naturalized” under its constitution and laws.

    Naturalize means conferring citizenship upon an alien who has entered the country lawfully, renouncing all allegiance to any foreign government, who is thereafter given the same rights and privileges as a native born citizen or subject.

    When Americans speak of rights, they often use the term inalienable, without understanding the full intended meaning of this word.

    This word does not refer to aliens, but to alienation, about which you may not be entirely aware of its legal meaning.

    To alienate means to buy, sell and transfer from one person to another. Therefore, like rivers and highways, personal rights cannot be bought, sold or transferred.

    For instance, although freedoms can be lost by violating laws that carry a penalty of effective slavery (imprisonment and/or forced labor), perhaps even the death penalty for certain abhorrent and violent crimes, personal liberties or rights cannot be stolen, taken or alienated by such means.

Inherent Liberties

    What are these personal liberties?

    The rights to not be tortured, mistreated, starved, or otherwise abused are chief among these personal rights.

    Anyone misusing legal “authority” to do such things is nothing better than a criminal, along with whoever aids and abets such criminal acts; be they sheriff, police chief, prosecuting attorney, or judge, among others!

    The word inalienable, properly pronounced ina-lien-able not in-alien-able, comes from the word alien (a-lien) or aliene, meaning to transfer or make over to another; to convey or transfer the property of a thing from one person to another.

    In other words, to alienate; a term usually applied to property such as lands, tenements, or homes, by the legal system.

The Basic Flaw In "Freedom"

    There is a major flaw in the concept of freedom, however, which is allowing native born citizens to be turned into and sold as slaves in their own country, while foreigners are allowed to rise up and hold often abusive, tortuous power over them.

    By freedom, everyone pretty much assumes this means whatever they choose to think, believe or do -- that is not otherwise declared to be illegal by the laws of the state or nation -- they can indulge in without penalty, restriction or forfeiture.

    This ignores and neglects, or overlooks, the fact that there are ina-lien-able Laws that are above, superior to, and controlling over all human laws or attempts at jurisprudence.

Undermining The Law

    By contrivances or wrangling over the meaning of words lawyers and judges have made light of all but man’s laws, or flaws (false or faux laws), attempting to sweep these superior but neglected Laws under the dusty carpet of forgotten history.

    In so doing the legal profession, which prides itself on legal precedents contained in endless volumes of man-made law books, has taken away the one source of Lawful precedent contained in the books of ancient scriptures, that alone are the foundation and bedrock of all just Laws and true justice!

    Bibles, once a primary volume and fixture in every court, have been surreptitiously removed and replaced with nothing, other than the judge’s supposed erudition and legal acumen.

    Judges, however, can be senile in more ways than age alone accounts for, in forgetting and ignoring this primary reference, while imposing their own often unique but flawed, corrupt or misguided attempts at interpreting (or misinterpreting) man’s laws without the guiding beacon light of scriptural truth and the Creator’s Laws, to reveal the only sane and sound path to righteous judgment.

Mistaken Liberty

    Many think that “freedom” encompasses any religion or religious doctrine they choose, while forbidding any imposition or restriction on this supposed right.

    This would be like believing it is “wrong” to execute someone guilty of murder, which is the same thing as aiding and abetting the act of taking an innocent man or woman’s life, by housing and feeding the murderer for life; albeit in a cage or prison cell, while affording them other luxuries such as entertainment, recreation and the like, free of charge.

    On the other hand, man’s laws often declare “illegal” and penalize things that are perfectly normal or natural, such as the growing of certain plants, or even individual actions that are otherwise lawful, while denying basic rights to men or women illegally incarcerated and held against their will.

    Most think this never happens in the reputed “land of the free,” while being entirely ignorant of the many ways it is taking place hidden from view, within the jails and prisons of the most imprisoned populace per capita on earth!

Living Experiences

    This author has not only been falsely convicted, arrested and incarcerated for non-crimes, but also abused daily, tortured, denied basic rights afforded to other prisoners, and faced with a stonewall of co-conspirators in their corrupt attempts to conceal their own lawless criminal acts, by those working within the so-called “justice” system; from judges, prosecuting attorneys, court reporters and clerks, to sheriffs, jailers, prison wardens, guards and trustees.

    Scriptural Law declares that we must “care for your neighbor as [you care for] yourself” (Leviticus 19:18), or “ everything, do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (“Matthew” 7:12, Luke 6:31; NIV).

    This forbids such things as denying a defendant the right to call and have witnesses for his defense heard, on the basis that they refuse to swear or affirm an oath, in obedience to the scriptural command forbidding this (“Matthew” 5:33-37; “James” 5:12).

    It includes a prohibition against falsifying or withholding exculpatory evidence, denying a record on appeal, the means to engage in legal correspondence (reading glasses, pens, paper, envelopes and stamps), conduct legal research, and denial of equal access to the courts.

    Also forbidden are denial of edible, sufficient, or any food for long periods of time, personal hygiene (showers, toothbrush or powder, cotton swabs, etc.), or any outside recreation nearly an entire year, while held in solitary confinement, including cells in which the temperature is either freezing cold, or inhumanely and dangerously hot, or forced to endure freezing temperatures in the middle of the night, on unheated buses or outside in prison yards, with inadequate clothing and no coat, hat or other protection, although elderly, even while sick, ill and feverish.

    Equally unLawful is using noxious pepper spray as an offensive weapon to punish an allowable, mandated activity, and afterward denying all medical attention, or even a shower for more than 24 hours, resulting in dangerous hives, continuous pain, and threat to life and limb as a result.

    All these situations, and far more, have actually been the personal experiences of this author, a minister for over thirty years, unlawfully convicted -- or merely accused, but never indicted -- while held prisoner in the jails and prisons of the state of Texas on numerous occasions over the past decade and a half, without ever having broken a single law or ordinance to date!

Inhumane Injustices

    At the same time having witnessed countless violations of constitutional, national and state laws by a cabal of conspirators within the judicial and penal system itself -- from judges unqualified to hold hearings, to corruption of court exhibits by prosecuting attorneys or the court reporter, to court clerks violating the first amendment’s protected rights to freedom of the press and free speech, to sheriffs and deputy sheriffs committing grand theft by stealing personal property, committing perjury under oath, and perjuring themselves in sworn statements on official court documents -- none of whom have ever been cited, prosecuted or punished for their blatant and continuing crimes.

    So it is, today, that those in charge of a corrupt justice and penal system (scheme) think themselves to be above the law, and ordinary poor and honest citizens to be beneath their contempt.

    Yet they have not escaped just retribution entirely, nor will such ensconced criminals within the bodies of government long continue unpunished for their abuses, crimes and conspiracies.

The Source Of True Freedoms

    It is the Creator of heaven and earth who holds fundamental rights, of those who are obedient to His Commandments, Statutes and Judgments, ina-lien-able.

    Not freedom to indulge in some pagan, idolatrous form of worship, whether it be someone who bows down to idols, or a lawyer or judge who treats pieces of paper called corporate charters as if they are “persons,” and superior to real people.

    This also includes those who fall down before, and worship, the idol of corporate fictions called the “state,” “united states,” or any other governmental or quasi-government institution, like the “united nations.”

    None of these constructs of this modern world will survive much longer, because they and their legislators, chief executives, judiciary. armies and police state enforcers will soon be defeated by a vengeful returning Savior, whose Judgments alone are true, righteous and just.

When Justice Finally Prevails...

    Those whose rights to life, liberty and property have been stolen under false pretenses in this age will be made whole, and restored to the blessings they should have been allowed to enjoy inviolate.

    While all the hypocrites who have alienated these rights, property and lives -- of those protected and safe-vouched via the restoration of all things and the resurrection from the dead, by their Sovereign Messiah and the Creator Himself -- will finally be punished and relieved of all that they have taken without Lawful right, stolen and purloined, using man’s flaws, while hiding behind the cloak of “jurisprudence” and supposed “legality.”

    The adversary, whom the adversarial legal system secretly worships and follows, will then at last be a-liened of all his control and influence in this world, awaiting his own final sentence and judgment, when all that has ever been wrong with creation, as a result of his lies and deceptions, is finally set right, once and for good.

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