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April 2013  | Special Passover Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 29

Where Have All The Home Towns Gone?

    If you're from a small rural town in America you may have noticed it's no longer what it once was.

    If anything, it's probably doing very poorly compared to once upon a time.

    Why is that?

    It isn't simply because of an aging and rapidly disappearing older generation.

    Neither is it merely because the younger generations have decided to move away to experience the excitement of the big city by comparison.

The Nearly Unknown Cause...

    No, there is a far more fundamental reason that not one person in 1,000,000 can put their finger on, which explains the thinning population and sparse main streets of many a small town across America.

    It has nothing to do with the information age, which if anything -- due to the prevalent availability of Internet service seemingly everywhere today -- should be making living and working in rural America easier than ever (as it has for many a still developing third world nation).

    The actual cause is more related to the growing problem with the cheapening of America, which is swiftly devolving from an emphasis on quality to the bargain basement freebie seeker bottom feeders of today.

    While sizes of containers seem to stay the same, and contents steadily shrink, or change to conceal a raise in price or lowering of quantity, or ingredients devolve into ever cheaper quality materials, the root cause of it all is being largely ignored.

    The stark and pure truth of the matter is that for far too long each succeeding generation has consumed more and more of the inheritance -- including freedom and liberty -- of the generations to follow, by borrowing upon their future earnings and rights to live without encumbrance or oppression.

    They have done this solely through the means of monetary policies that have ignored basic fiscal responsibilities, in a war-monger economy where aggressions are paid for by both the victims of foreign wars, intrigues and conflicts, and the health, lives and prosperity of the presumed "victors" as well.

Blind Patriotism

    Each war that has been fought has borrowed heavily upon the future generations of both sides of each conflict to repay the costs thereof, at usurious interest, to the bankers who finance both sides of such wars and thereby profit from the misery, suffering and perpetual conflicts of their fellow humanity.

    Aided and abetted by courts of lawless decisions of carnal men and women, divorced entirely from their sole justification for proclaiming their decisions to be justice, these lawless rebels against the Creator's merciful Law and Commandments -- which provides for the rights and sanctity of even the poor to their meager belongings, property and freedoms -- these enemies of humanity are profiteering by degrading money into worthless trinkets of base metals, unredeemable paper, plastic, and now digital dust backed only by the guns of flaw enfarcers.

    Values thereby become flexible and relative, dependent entirely upon the whims of the unelected, international bankers whose loyalties are to no nation or any national laws, traditions, predominant religious beliefs, or political ideals.

    Blind patriotism is, to such thieves, merely a means to cozen and corrupt morals and dogma into grotesque parodies of their root source or basic foundations.

Corrupted Values

    Businesses, to survive, have fallen into the trap of failing to alert their loyal customers to the reasons why they can no longer afford the same amount or quality for the same alleged value of their currency, which is steadily and stealthily degraded and cheapened with every inflation of the total amounts circulated, to be paid for with the loss of yet more future liberty and prosperity of your and my posterity.

    Instead, attempting to conceal the decrease in value of inflated currency, businesses have found creative but fraudulent ways and means to pass the apparent increasing costs of raw materials to their own work force -- whose wages can never keep pace with the increasingly frequent and ever larger decreases in buying power -- and to their customers, by degrading the quality of materials used or decreasing the amount sold for the "same" price, through deceptive packaging changes.

    Those products or services that cannot readily increase their costs to reflect the new lows in currency "valuation" suffer from attrition, as fewer and fewer customers can afford them, eventually resulting in the removal of many former luxuries, and finally necessities and basic services from the marketplace, thereby impoverishing society as a whole.

    This includes the quality of education and thereby the future ability of each new generation to be productive, prosperous or free!

    As the population flees the increasingly impoverished rural areas for the urban crime-ridden maws of large cities, where the worst abuses of criminal classes on both sides of the conflict -- mainly within the government itself and the resulting gangs whose violence seeks to match and override the brutalities and injustices of their opposing forces -- society thereby becomes an easier target both for terrorism from its own "protectors" or their enemies, or for aggressive acts and terrors of war from without.

    As the religious mores and morals of home towns are eroded by pervasive, increasingly perverse "entertainments" reaching into the once inviolate sanctity of homes and communities, their once stalwart protection against outside interference and oppressive, harmful governmental dictates imposed from once subservient national and state actors and agents -- now behaving increasingly with dictatorial intent and purpose -- once protective and nurturing home towns are becoming less viable and more fragile with each passing day.

Missing Backbone Threatens Your Security!

    Eventually, as the enemies of freedom and liberty well know, who have attacked and conquered the government, and the institutions of education, media, religion, and the economy with the apparent purpose of eventual conquest and oppression of we the people, society will reach a tipping point.

    When that happens, the world as you have known it will then topple into the chasm of insolvency, conquest, and perhaps even annihilation of lives, including every freedom, liberty and rights once enjoyed by past generations, not diligent enough to teach each succeeding generation how to preserve, protect and defend these most precious blessings and their sole birthright inheritance!

    Where have all the home towns gone?

    Off to war, every one.

    Without a clue or inkling who their true enemies actually are, to be destroyed and decimated piecemeal over the passing decades by their unseen, unacknowledged, sneaky and stealthy attackers.

    Of those who are left behind, an increasing number are indulging belligerent, combative, dictatorial tendencies, who see society increasingly as a vehicle for their oppressive tendencies to engage in prejudicial, abusive or prison warden attitudes toward others in their community over whom they have an unjust influence.

    Home towns everywhere are thereby impoverished of their most precious resources of all...the once-free citizens, strong protective families and their progeny, who are the backbone of any truly viable, just and secure society.

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