The Pure Truth Restored

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April 2013  | Special Passover Issue  | Vol. 9, No. 29

Who Taught Corporations To Speak?

    If a corporation is a person, what does that make you?

    Are you also a person?

    If so, you're probably lying locked away in some dusty, dirty file cabinet somewhere, or worse yet are mere digits of digital dust on some computer hard drive.

    If a "person" can be created by incorporation, it can also be destroyed or "killed" by neglect, ignorance or hostile takeover.

    What does this say about people who think they are also persons equal to corporations under the law (or perhaps not exactly equal, since most are a whole lot poorer)?

Paper/Plastic or Real?

    Do dead corporations really need huge gravestone monuments, tombs or mausoleums (buildings called "corporate headquarters"), with their names carved on the outside and inside in marble or granite, scraping the sky?

    If so why can't you afford to do the same?

    If a "person" is actually a piece of paper called "articles of incorporation" (a contract) under the law, what kind of person do you think that makes you, in a court's eyes?

    Are you a piece of paper, or some other form of document?

    Don't be too fast to answer, since you undoubtedly carry several forms of paper laminated with plastic (or nowadays, entirely plastic) documents you call "identification" around with you.

    Think about this: Does ID identify you as a "person," or do you identify with a legal fiction called "person" through the use of such identification?

Corporate Court Speak

    If the courts of a corporation called a state can only deal with other similar corporations, it makes some sort of twisted "sense" or illogical "logic" for them to demand to know "your" name (that ALL CAPITAL LETTERS corporation-like spelling on "your" identification documents), doesn't it?

    If you fail to identify this as a misnomer, by agreeing that is "your" name, aren't you actually agreeing to stand as surety to pay for any debts or other obligations imposed upon the corporate fiction you have thereby agreed to represent? (Or paid some liar -- Texas speak for lawyer -- to represent on "your" behalf.)

    Why not let the dead corporate fiction speak for itself instead?

    You see, corporations cannot really speak. The courts merely pretend they can by allowing living people like you and me to speak for them, thereby empowering the courts to enforce the contracts assumed through the creation of various documents of "incorporation" as a "person" (i.e. birth certificate, social security card, driver's license, state ID, etc.), usually without your consent before you reached the age of majority (as opposed to minority, one assumes).

    Why not?

    After all, if the public as a whole doesn't object to this farce, you can bet the courts won't, so long as they make out like bandits every working day, doing their business all over the public!

    How can your identity be stolen, for instance, unless it isn't really you in the first place? Otherwise the actual crime would be kidnapping, wouldn't it?

Incarcerating Criminal Corporations?

    If corporations can't be sent to prison for their many crimes against humanity, how is it that people like you and I often end up there for victimless "crimes" that damage or injure nobody or their property, invented by the corporate state chiefly for revenue extraction (such as "driving" without license, registration, plates or insurance)?

    It was legislators and their partners in crime, judges and liars (lawyers) who "taught" corporations how to "speak," using the corporate "news media" as their vehicle.

    So you can only tell a corporation to "shut up" by turning off that miscommunication device (TV, computer, cell phone, etc.), and by refusing to attend political rallies, where perpetual candidates ply you with more lies, wrapped inside of deceptions, confusion, idiot incompetence, and/or greedy ambitions, covered with a blanket of corporate fictions called "committees," "leagues," "unions" and "foundations."

    People actually act as lobbyists on behalf of such political deceptions (no wonder politics is such a dirty business)!

What Corporations Really Are...

    Isn't it strange that politicians are always "digging up the dirt" on their opponents, but they somehow never dig deep enough to expose the dead corporate fictions underlying the entire charade we call "society" today?

    Are people mere objects, to treat contemptuously, scornfully and to ridicule, abuse, and neglect, like the courts, the military and militarized police farces of today routinely do?

    If not, why not stop asking corporations to "speak" and tell them to roll over and "play" dead instead?

    That's what corporations can do best, since that's all they really are, after all; a mere idiotic (as opposed to intellectual or intelligent) construct of the human mind.

    Corporations are men and women acting in concert, posing behind the charade, mask or "identification" of a name, logo, brand, or idea; often escaping individual accountability for egregiously lawless conduct, through the distinctly carnal idea known as "limited liability" (whatever the gullible public and the conniving courts will permit or allow).

    Corporations are in fact nothing but the idols of a modern false religion called "the State" -- believed by idolatrous people to be some sort of "omnipotent being" -- which exists only in their warped, political imaginations, yet in reality cannot actually move, act or speak!

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